Obama Blitz Roundup: 'Meanness' on Right, Pelosi's Warning, Only ABC R

September 20th, 2009 5:57 PM
In the series of network interviews recorded Friday at the White House for airing on the ABC, CBS, CNN and NBC Sunday morning interview shows, all highlighted Jimmy Carter's charge that racism is fueling the anti-Obamacare protests – with CNN's John King and NBC's David Gregory following up with Nancy Pelosi's claim the heated rhetoric may incite violence – and CBS's Bob Schieffer asserted the “…

Sunday Obamathon Turns Into Media Critique; Says Press is Perpetuating

September 20th, 2009 5:37 PM
They say you shouldn't bite the hand that feeds you. But the 44th President of the United States doesn't seem to be worried about that. President Barack Obama, still with no fear of being overexposed, made the rounds on five Sunday morning talk shows on Sept. 20 to make another attempt at winning the hearts and minds over on his vague health care proposal. According to Obama, alleging he wasn't…

Obama's 'Extraordinary Media Blitz' Begins Friday Night with Focus on

September 18th, 2009 9:21 PM
Television network journalists on Friday night marveled at President Barack Obama's planned “media blitz” for health care reform even as they, the enablers, reveled in it as they made the very “blitz” and clips from the interviews (conducted Friday afternoon for airing on Sunday morning) their top story of the day. Based on those excerpts, the Sunday hosts were most interested in getting Obama's…

CNN's Polling Before and After Obama Speech Skewed Democratic

September 10th, 2009 12:58 PM
Update (NB Staff): MRC/NB's Brent Bozell reacts to CNN poll (posted below page break).CNN/Opinion Research Corporation’s poll on President Obama’s health care speech to Congress on Wednesday significantly oversampled Democrats. The pollsters interviewed 427 Americans before and after their speech- only 18% were Republicans, while 45% were Democrats. Due to this skewing, CNN didn’t really play up…

CNN's Sanchez Misrepresents John McCain's Words on Hispanic Outreach

August 3rd, 2009 6:29 PM
On Monday’s Newsroom program, CNN anchor Rick Sanchez misrepresented Senator John McCain’s words from an interview with his colleague John King on Sunday about the GOP’s outreach with Latinos. He described the Arizona Republican as recommending that “the Republican Party needs to find competent Hispanics who can fit into the party,” when McCain never used the word “competent.”Sanchez had CNN…

CNNer and FNCer Agree: Obama Wrong to Say 'Cambridge Police Acted Stup

July 24th, 2009 10:33 AM
Here's something you don't see every day: a prominent anchor from CNN offering the same opinion as a prominent anchor from Fox News.Such seems even less likely when the subject involves President Obama, but that's exactly what happened on Thursday's Steve Malzberg Show on WOR radio.The conservative host spoke separately to FNC's Bret Baier and CNN's John King about the following remarks Obama…

Colin Powell Again Goes After Rush Limbaugh

July 5th, 2009 5:19 PM
Former Secretary of State Colin Powell apparently can't do a television interview anymore without going after conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh.Unfortunately, Sunday wasn't any different.Appearing with John King on CNN's "State of the Union," Powell couldn't resist referring to Limbaugh in a question about Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor (video embedded below the fold with partial…

CNN's King: Williams Asking Obama to Plug Tonight Show 'Way Over the L

June 5th, 2009 1:53 PM
On Tuesday evening, the new host of the "Tonight" show, Conan O'Brien, got a great plug from President Obama all made possible by "Nightly News" anchor Brian Williams (video embedded right).On Thursday, CNN's John King told WOR radio's Steve Malzberg that Williams asking the President to do such a promo wasn't from his school of journalism and was "way over the line." What follows is a partial…

CNN's John King: Sykes' Rush Slam 'Probably a Tad Over the Taste Line

May 11th, 2009 12:16 PM
On CNN’s Sunday Morning program, anchor John King revealed that he thought comedian Wanda Sykes’ barb at Rush Limbaugh at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner was in poor taste: “You know, I don’t give personal opinions that often, but I give you one here. I think that one was probably a tad over the taste line, and you could sense that around the room. Even Democrats, who are no fan [sic] of…

AP: CNN Planning Obama 100th Day Special Prime Time Coverage

April 19th, 2009 4:39 PM
Conservative radio commentator Rush Limbaugh says the mainstream media attitude on President Barack Obama is that he is too big to fail. What CNN has planned for the night of April 29 is one of several signs that could be the case. According to an April 19 report from the Associated Press, CNN has a big night of coverage planned for Obama's 100th day in office that will deviate from its normally…

On CNN, Obama Advisor Hits Cheney: Not a 'Statesman' (Skips Gore's Att

April 6th, 2009 4:36 AM
Video Below FoldIt is always interesting to see the Democratic pot calling the Republican kettle black and here we have only the latest example of that with Obama's top advisor attacking former Vice President Dick Cheney for his outspoken position on the failures of the Obama administration's early efforts in office. But, as advisor David Axelrod was attacking Cheney, there doesn't seem to be any…

CNN Segment Blames 'Stingy Voters' for Rejecting Tax Hike for Mass Tra

March 30th, 2009 1:16 PM
Should the voters in St. Louis feel guilty? If you're a CNN viewer, you would assume so.  A segment that aired on CNN's March 29 "State of the Union" looked at some of the cutbacks that will go in effect on March 30 to the St. Louis bus and light rail systems. "Metro faces a more than $50 million budget gap, two dozen bus routes are being eliminated, others shortened or put on less frequent…

CNN's King Asks Dick Cheney 'Did You Leave [Obama] a Mess

March 15th, 2009 6:50 PM
The highly-anticipated interview of former Vice President Dick Cheney by CNN's John King aired Sunday morning, and as most would expect, it began quite contentiously with the "State of the Union" host asking:Just about every day I assume you're reading the newspapers now that you're out of office, the president says, well, we have got a lot to do but it's not my fault, I inherited a mess. Did you…

CNN Contributor: 'Listening to Obama Give a Speech is Like Sex

March 1st, 2009 7:30 PM
Did you think listening to President Obama give his address before Congress on Tuesday evening was "like sex?"Republican strategist and CNN contributor Alex Castellanos did, or at least that's what he admitted to John King on Sunday's "State of the Union" a friend said:I think, as a friend told me once, that -- listening to Barack Obama give a speech is like sex. The worse there ever was, was…