
ALL WRONG: TV News Spins Left-Wing Biden as a 'Centrist,' 'Moderate'

August 10th, 2020 8:26 AM

TV journalists have insisted throughout the 2020 election cycle that Democratic Presidential hopeful Joe Biden represents the “moderate,” “centrist” wing of his party, with some even worrying that his agenda might be too far to the right for his party’s progressive base to stomach. Yet not even Biden himself agrees with that lame spin, having promised his administration would be among the “…


Embarrassing: CNN Tries to Defend Joe Biden's Latest Racial Gaffe

August 6th, 2020 3:11 PM

Joe Biden keeps inserting his foot into his mouth when talking about black voters, yet the media consistently rationalizes or covers up their candidate’s mistakes. 

Biden's latest racial gaffe happened during a pre-taped interview from last week for the National Association of Black Journalists and National Association of Hispanic Journalists Convention. On CNN Newsroom


Gergen: Lewis Funeral Proves Obama Is 'Eloquent' vs. 'Dystopian' Trump

August 1st, 2020 5:28 PM

Media praise of former President Obama's eulogy at John Lewis' funeral continued on Friday's CNN Newsroom as senior political analyst David Gergen contrasted the upcoming election as between Obama's purported pro-American elegance with Trump's alleged "dystopian" view of the world. 


CNN’s King’s Dabbles in Doublespeak to Hide Antifa Violence

July 28th, 2020 4:12 PM

CNN continued to showcase how much they hate Americans knowing the truth on Tuesday, by objecting to Republicans showing footage of the media downplaying left-wing anarchy in Portland to open the House Judiciary Committee hearing today. 


Deranged: CNN Makes John Lewis’s D.C. Memorial All About Hating Trump

July 27th, 2020 5:26 PM

Like we saw with the 2018 passings of John McCain and former President George H.W. Bush, CNN’s poisonous operation refused to simply honor the late Congressman John Lewis (D-GA) and his legacy. Instead, CNN personalities fixated Monday on Lewis through the lens of bashing President Trump. Even though he would have been attacked if he had done so, they also harped on the President declining to…


Cuomo's Sycophants at CNN Beg Him to Give Red States COVID 'Advice'

July 24th, 2020 9:05 PM

CNN continues to eagerly rewrite history and inflate Governor Andrew Cuomo's ego over his horrible handling of the coronavirus pandemic in his state of New York. On Friday afternoon, the Democrat governor was treated to yet another CNN cleanup, this time from anchor John King on CNN Newsroom.

John King and David Axelrod

CNN Fanboys Fawn Over Obama Propping Up Biden Campaign

July 23rd, 2020 6:09 PM

On Wednesday’s CNN Newsroom, host John King brought on former Obama administration senior advisor turned CNN host David Axelrod to celebrate President Obama’s attempt to boost Joe Biden’s campaign. The Democratic hacks praised Obama’s involvement and Axelrod blasted President Trump in comparison to his former boss.


Woke News Network: CNN's King Gushes over Redskins Name Change

July 14th, 2020 10:40 AM

On Monday morning’s CNN Newsroom, host John King brought on former NFL wide receiver Donté Stallworth to gush over the Washington Redskins announcing that they will be changing their name. King, in sync with the far left, signaled his woke virtue throughout the segment and declared that Monday was an “important day.”

Van Jones

Daily Beast Hammers CNN’s Jones from Left: Working With Trump?

June 30th, 2020 10:42 AM

One of the people with the lengthiest records as an anchor and an analyst for the CNN cable channel is Van Jones, who has hosted several programs focused on politics and environmental issues over the past several years. However, that reputation may soon change as the liberal black commentator has been developing connections with conservative officials in the Trump Administration and working…


Dana Bash: Talking About America's Heritage Is a Racist Dog Whistle!

June 17th, 2020 9:59 PM

On Wednesday's CNN Newsroom, Dana Bash expanded the definition of racism to include talking about the nation's heritage, claiming that phrase to be a well-known dog whistle.


CNN's King: 'Trump Sometimes Sounds Like a Wallace or Nixon'

June 16th, 2020 3:36 PM

On Tuesday's CNN Newsroom, host John King discussed with Princeton Professor Julian Zelizer how President Trump and current protest movements fit into the idea that politics is like a pendulum. According to King, President Trump could be compared to the former segregationist George Wallace, who himself was once a beneficiary of the pendulum effect, "This president sometimes sounds …


CNN Spent Over 90 Minutes Hyping Now-Retracted Coronavirus Study

June 4th, 2020 9:50 PM

When Jeffrey Zucker’s CNN settles on a narrative, they flood the zone with employees singing from the same sheet music seeing as how they have a President to hate. Such was the case on May 22 when CNN shows spent 90 minutes and 54 seconds heralding a now-debunked study that originally claimed taking hydroxychloroquine while battling COVID-19 could be fatal. Over on MSNBC, the total clocked out…


King Assigns Blame: '100,000 Is a Devastating Piece of Trump Legacy'

May 29th, 2020 11:22 AM
John King became the latest media personality on Thursday to claim that the deaths from COVID-19, which now exceed 100,000, will be "a devastating piece of the Trump legacy." Making things worse, the CNN Newsroom host utilized a video montage to claim that President Trump's inconsistencies make it even worse and that Trump is hurt by his own lack of empathy.

CNN Averaged 4 Minutes Per Day on Biden's Gaffe, Then Stopped Covering

May 25th, 2020 1:37 PM
As Fox News noted on Friday, it took CNN 12 hours to cover Biden’s latest gaffe: asserting on a radio show Friday morning that if you aren’t a Biden supporter, “You ain’t black.” That disinterest continued into the weeked; after spending average of less than four minutes per day on the controversy, CNN stopped covering it entirely as of noon EST on Monday, May 25.