MSNBC Panel Agrees: Republicans 'Don't Care About' Individuals Struggl

June 12th, 2013 9:16 AM
The pundits over at MSNBC have it all figured out: Republicans don’t care about the millions struggling in the Obama economy. At least that was what a left-wing panel on Sunday’s The Ed Show decided, with Salon’s Joan Walsh declaring that Republicans “don’t care” about people who have lost their jobs. Walsh’s ridiculous comments came after guest host Joy Reid preposterously worried that the…

Jonathan Alter: If Romney Had Won, 'Things Would Be So Much Worse

June 10th, 2013 3:49 PM
Appearing as a guest on Friday's PoliticsNation show, MSNBC political analyst Jonathan Alter -- formerly of Newsweek -- asserted that, if Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan had won the 2012 presidential election, "things would be so much worse," as he took relief in President Obama's ability to veto Republican-supported legislation. He also echoed the liberal rhetoric of labeling Republican efforts to…

On PBS, Jonathan Alter Lauds ‘Centrist’ Obama Who Has ‘Defended

June 7th, 2013 9:45 PM
Jonathan Alter showed up on PBS’s Charlie Rose Wednesday to promote the new book in which he celebrates Barack Obama’s 2012 reelection. The Bloomberg columnist doesn’t seem to understand the irony of his book’s title – The Center Holds. He really does believe President Obama is a centrist, and he attempted to explain the title from the comfort of Rose’s dark studio: “So the reason I call the…

Fox News Boss Ailes Blasts ‘Patently, Provably False’ Stories in J

June 7th, 2013 8:08 AM
It’s hard to pity someone as smarmy and self-righteous as Jonathan Alter. Still, with all the bad luck that the left-wing pundit has faced lately, it almost makes you want to consider it. Well, ok, not really. May has been a tough month for the MSNBC contributor. First, an anecdote from his latest book was proven beyond doubt to be an outright fabrication. Yesterday, he was revealed by radio…

Imus Tells Alter ‘Shove it,’ Calls Fineman ‘Sniveling Little Wea

June 6th, 2013 5:56 PM
Fox Business’s Don Imus had a delicious trifecta Thursday trashing three perilously liberal journalists in less than 90 seconds. After telling Jonathan Alter to “shove” his request to come on the program and hawk his new book, Imus called Howard Fineman a “sniveling little weasel” and Jon Meacham a “phony bastard” (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Hawking His Pro-Obama Book on NBC's 'Today,' Jonathan Alter Applauds P

May 31st, 2013 12:23 PM
Appearing on Friday's NBC Today to push his new 448-page love letter to President Obama about the 2012 election – laughably titled, The Center Holds – left-wing Bloomberg columnist Jonathan Alter gushed: "I think this is, you know, partly just to place this in the history of this country. It was an extraordinarily important election....And I think there's also a personal lesson from Barack… Greenlights New Satire of Republicans by Liberal Cartoonist

May 30th, 2013 8:36 AM
Even when TV shows are green-lighted in new and daring online forums, they still have a liberal bias! Emily Yahr of The Washington Post reports Amazon Studios has approved two new comedies, and one of them is “Alpha House,” a satire of a rental house of four oafish Republican senators "living like frat brothers" by liberal “Doonesbury” cartoonist Garry Trudeau. The headliner is John Goodman.…

Liberal Journalists Alter, Shear Rip White House Over AP Scandal

May 22nd, 2013 5:18 PM
Conservative talk radio host Hugh Hewitt featured two liberal journalists on his nightly program this week, and both joined the chorus of media outrage at the Obama administration over the Justice Department’s recent AP probe. Bloomberg View’s Jonathan Alter called Eric Holder’s explanation of the probe “pathetic” and suggested that President Obama should “apologize to journalists” over the…

Jonathan Alter: Sequestration Could Kill People

May 9th, 2013 5:22 PM
The media hyperventilation over minor budget cuts as a result of sequestration knows no bounds. On the Martin Bashir show Thursday, MSNBC political strategist Jonathan Alter actually said that people might die as a result (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Leftist Fox Hater Jonathan Alter Busted Peddling Fable of Geraldo Rive

May 7th, 2013 5:31 PM
To normal people, the Fox News Channel is just one cable TV channel among hundreds or thousands on their set-top boxes. To a very tiny minority of Americans, though, FNC is the very apotheosis of evil in America, even “worse than Al Qaeda” as the deranged Keith Olbermann once put it back when he was employed. For these people, Fox News is something to be not only feared and loathed, it’s also…

Fox News Producer Confronts Celebrities at Correspondents’ Dinner Ab

May 2nd, 2013 11:44 AM
What better place is there, really, to corner news executives about media bias than the White House Correspondents Association Dinner? That's what Fox News producer Jesse Watters of The O'Reilly Factor had in mind when he headed out with camera and microphone to the "nerd prom" this past Saturday. Even though there's copious amounts of adult beverages at the WHCA dinner, it seems in vino…

MSNBC's Hayes: 'Tax People a Lot More' and 'Expand Social Security

April 11th, 2013 5:39 PM
On Wednesday's All In with Chris Hayes on MSNBC, host Hayes demonstrated his far left views on big government as he called for raising taxes and increasing Social Security benefits even beyond projected spending increases while guest and liberal MSNBC analyst Jonathan Alter was taking a more moderate position that Democrats should agree to restrain unsustainable growth in spending on the…

Former Newsweek Editor: Robert Gibbs Sent Me 'Abusive Email' In '08 Fo

February 28th, 2013 4:58 PM
It appears with each passing day another member of the media is coming out to share unpleasant treatment at the hands of Barack Obama and Company. On Thursday, in an appearance on NewsMaxTV's Steve Malzberg Show, former Newsweek senior editor Jonathan Alter said that in 2008, Robert Gibbs sent him an "abusive email" as a result of an article he wrote about Obama and disinvited him to a dinner…

Ex-Newsweek's Alter: Whole Foods CEO Is 'Throwing' His Employees 'to t

January 18th, 2013 5:38 AM
On Thursday's The Ed Show, MSNBC analyst Jonathan Alter -- formerly of Newsweek -- chastised Whole Foods CEO John Mackey for using the word "fascism" criticizing Obamacare, suggesting that he is less "enlightened" than liberal CEOs like Warren Buffett for not realizing that "The only reason that they have been able to be so successful is because they're operating in a country, this country,…