
With Impeachment Shiny Object, Media Admit Mueller Was a Flop

September 28th, 2019 10:15 AM

Move over Robert Mueller, the liberal media have found a new love. With House Democrats announcing an impeachment inquiry against President Trump over his phone call with the president of Ukraine, the media promptly dropped the Special Counsel’s inconclusive Russia investigation in favor of the latest promise of Trump’s political downfall. Reporters even went so far as to admit Mueller’s two-…


Scarborough Tweeted Epstein Theory, Now Condemns Trump for Same

August 12th, 2019 11:40 AM
This could be the biggest display of chutzpah since the guy convicted of offing his parents pleaded for mercy on the basis of being an orphan. MSNBC's Morning Joe co-host Joe Scarborough had the gall Monday morning to condemn President Trump over an Epstein conspiracy theory, despite having floated a bizarre one himself. Shortly after the news of Epstein's death became public on Saturday morning…

MSNBC Panel: Pelosi 'Knows Exactly Where to...Plunge the Knife'

May 26th, 2019 3:43 PM
Not surprisingly, the panel on Deadline: White House Thursday delighted in reporting on former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s harsh words for President Trump as reported by The Washington Post. Of course, President Trump did not hesitate to punch back at Tillerson; calling him “dumb as a rock.” According to host Nicolle Wallace, “he (Trump) called someone else ‘dumb as a rock,’ he called…

Scarborough on Red Sox WH Visit: Wish One White Player Wouldn't Go

May 9th, 2019 10:36 AM
Joe Scarborough proclaimed his opinion on the situation regarding the White House visit of the Boston Red Sox, celebrating their 2018 World Series victory.  All the players of color, with the exception of one Cuban-American, have announced that they are not going. All of the white players are going. Scarborough says that under the circumstances, he wouldn't go, and he wishes that one white team…

Matthews Spends Hour Hitting Dems from the Left on Impeachment

April 24th, 2019 5:07 PM
On Tuesday night, MSNBC host Chris Matthews spent the duration of Hardball going after his fellow lefties from their own even more fanatical flank, pushing impeachment because America has “a President who broke his oath” who’s illegitimate on similar footing with disputed home run king Barry Bonds due to his reported use of steroids.

Morning Joe Yawns at de Blasio's Plan to Ban Steel, Glass Skyscrapers

April 22nd, 2019 3:03 PM
The journalists on Monday's Morning Joe offered very little push back to New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio as he appeared to push his city's own version of the Green New Deal (GND). Co-host Joe Scarborough began asking "What are you doing" and how would New York's effort "provides a road map for Democrats and independents and some progressive or forward thinking Republicans nationwide?"

Morning Joe Compares Trump's Rise To Rise Of Jim Crow

April 8th, 2019 11:34 AM
A new documentary about Reconstruction is set to begin airing on PBS tomorrow night and Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. was on MSNBC's Morning Joe to talk about it. What started as an interesting conversation about the history of post-war America during the Reconstruction Era quickly degenerated into a segment that compared President Trump and the conservative members of the Supreme Court…

MSNBC: Trump Tweets Are Sign of 'Crisis Level' 'Psychological Duress'

March 18th, 2019 9:35 PM
MSNBC’s Deadline: White House is known as being a hub for those willing to do or say anything to slime President Trump. On Monday’s edition of the show, they proved that to be true yet again when they dedicated the first segment to the suggestion that the President’s weekend tweetstorm was somehow an outward symptom of some sort of “crisis level” “psychological duress” brought on from a mental “…

MSNBC's Deutsch Slams 'Slimeball' Trump

February 14th, 2019 6:48 PM
MSNBC’s Donny Deutsch sure managed to pack an awful lot of anti-Trump venom into a thirty-second soliloquy. Appearing on Deadline: White House Wednesday, Deutsch asserted that “history will really frown on the Republicans” before describing President Trump as a “slimeball.”  Deutsch’s rant came as part of a larger conversation about the House Democrats’ new obsession with money laundering when it…

MSNBC's Katy Tur Compares Trump to a Four-Year-Old

January 26th, 2019 2:51 PM
During Friday afternoon’s MSNBC Live, host Katy Tur compared President Trump to a four-year-old. Here was Tur laying out her analogy: “We generally sometimes talk about the President in saying that the best way to get him not to do something, or to do something, is to tell him not to do something. That’s how you talk...that’s what happens with your four-year-old.” Behaving like a faithful MSNBC…

AP White House Reporter Claims Migrant Caravan Never Reached US Border

January 4th, 2019 6:29 PM
On Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC Live with Katy Tur, Associated Press White House reporter Jonathan Lemire claimed that the sizeable migrant caravan that set out from Honduras in October 2018 never arrived at the U.S.-Mexico border. Lemire’s statement contradicted literally every mainstream press organization’s reporting about the caravan, which was widely documented as having reached America’s…

‘Hardball’ Holds Lefty Pep Rally; Matthews Compares America to Ford

October 9th, 2018 11:12 PM
For the first 11 minutes of Tuesday night’s Hardball on MSNBC, the clownish Chris Matthews and his panel held a glorified get out the vote (GOTV) rally for Democrats. But began with Matthews gloating about his midterm forecast from April ended with the crude suggestion that America has been victimized by Trump like Dr. Christine Blasey Ford alleged she was by Brett Kavanaugh.

‘Hardball’: WH Gossip Books Are Like the Gospels, Trump Lacks Empathy

September 12th, 2018 5:28 PM
MSNBC’s Hardball was in rare form on Tuesday, featuring host Chris Matthews and his various guests perpetually stepping in it. It started with Matthews comparing anti-Trump books to the synoptic Gospels and it snowballed from there, ranging from Matthews touting John Kerry’s new book as being so monumental, panelists the President lacking empathy for hurricane 9/11 victims, and ending with…

Wallace Urges Republicans to Begin 25th Amendment Hearings

September 6th, 2018 9:43 PM
Reacting Wednesday to the anonymous New York Times op-ed written by a Trump administration official on MSNBC's Deadline: White House, host Nicolle Wallace seized on the op-ed's mention of the 25th Amendment to call on Congressional Republicans to begin hearings on removing Trump to do their part in carrying out the 25th Amendment