NY Times Fiercely Defends Tlaib Again, Hits GOP Critics

May 14th, 2019 12:07 PM
New York Times reporter Sheryl Gay Stolberg handled the latest disturbing anti-Israel outburst from a controversial Democratic freshmen representative...by rushing to Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s defense in Tuesday’s edition under a headline that reduced the controversy to a partisan squabble: “A ‘Calming Feeling,’ a Furor and a  New Front in the War Over Anti-Semitism.” Tlaib made a bizarre and…

NYT Laments Omar’s Anti-Semitism...Distracting From Dem Legislation

March 7th, 2019 1:29 PM
New York Times reporters Glenn Thrush and Sheryl Gay Stolberg kept up with the ongoing (and for Democrats, seemingly never-ending) saga over the constant spew of anti-Semitic statements emanating from controversial new Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar. The suspiciously regretful-sounding “Democrats Let Their Message Escape Them” appeared on the front of Thursday’s edition. Indeed, the reporters…

NYT's Weisman, Blind to Left Anti-Semitism, Hits Trump, 'Bully' Israel

January 7th, 2019 10:00 AM
New York Times deputy Washington editor Jonathan Weisman made the Sunday Review with the dramatically titled “American Jews and Israeli Jews Break Up.” Weisman is author of the book (((Semitism))) Being Jewish in America in the Age of Trump, which blames Trump and the alt-right for a rise in U.S. anti-Semitism. But he is unwilling to acknowledge anti-Semitism on the left, as Ben Shapiro found in…

Horrified NYT Fears Trump Will Define Transgenders ‘Out of Existence’

October 23rd, 2018 7:35 AM
A scoop in the lead slot of Monday’s New York Times was horrified that the Trump administration may resume following scientific procedure by defining sex in biological terms based on one’s genitalia at birth -- or, as the Times insisted, defining transgenders “out of existence”: “Trump May Limit How Government Defines One’s Sex – Gender Listed At Birth – Threat to the Protections of Those Who…

NYT’s Weisman Sees Anti-Semitism Solely on Right

March 18th, 2018 8:17 PM
The plea from New York Times reporter Jonathan Weisman appeared in the Sunday Review: “Missing in the Fight Against Anti-Semitism.” The online headline: “Anti-Semitism Is Rising. Why Aren’t American Jews Speaking Up?” But Weisman focused solely and dubiously on controversial rightists and missed several recent examples of Democrats lining up with Louis Farrakhan. Weisman himself has a tangled…

NYT's Weisman: Don't Report ISIS Claiming Credit for 'Small' Attacks

June 10th, 2017 10:13 AM
The idea that reporting the facts about terror attacks encourages more terrorism — an idea ridiculously advanced by the likes of former Secretary of State John Kerry during the Obama administration — has apparently gained some traction in the establishment press. On Tuesday, bothered by a "FOX NEWS ALERT" (in, oh my gosh, all caps) that "ISIS claims responsibility" for the hostage siege in…

Hypocrite NYT Hits Trump for Nazi Comparison; Did Same Thing to Trump

January 12th, 2017 2:10 PM
When Donald Trump mentioned Nazi Germany in reference to a lurid document floating around U.S. intelligence agencies, the New York Times was shocked and appalled -- and deeply hypocritical, given the eagerness of the paper's reporters, editors, and columnists to make those same comparisons against Donald Trump.

NYT Debate Bloggers Aggrieved at GOP 'Whining' About Media Bias

October 29th, 2015 10:25 PM
New York Times political reporters Nicholas Confessore, Alan Rappaport, and Maggie Haberman live blogged the third GOP debate, and while the NYT didn't have a problem with the slanted questions from CNBC, they were quite perturbed over the counterattacks from the candidates, a pile-on jump-started by a lengthy and detailed off-the-cuff condemnation by Ted Cruz: "...candidates whine about media…

NYT Sunday: 'Dread' as Right Wing Hungers for 'Strident Conservative'

September 27th, 2015 5:08 PM
After the shock resignation of John Boehner, should you fear and dread the rise of a revitalized right wing in Congress? Sunday's New York Times front page featured a "news analysis" on the surprise retirement announcement of House Speaker John Boehner. The takeaway from Jonathan Weisman and Michael Shear's label-heavy story was encapsulated in the headline: "The Post-Boehner Congress and…

Offensive NYTimes Chart Flags Democratic Lawmakers as 'Jewish?' or Not

September 10th, 2015 10:33 PM
Like a Monty Python skit gone tragic, the New York Times actually ran a chart labeling Democratic lawmakers against Obama's controversial nuclear deal with Iran as "Jewish?" or not (the "Jewish?" part was removed online after outcry). The four chart headings read: "Democrats against the deal – Jewish? – District and estimated Jewish population – Vote with party." Under "Democrats against the deal…

NYT Indulges in Gratuitous Labeling of 'Jewish' Opponents of Iran Deal

August 26th, 2015 9:05 AM
New York Times reporter Jonathan Weisman on Tuesday made gratuitous (dare we use the lazy liberal term "problematic"?) references to the Jewish religion of some Democratic congressional opponents of the Obama administration's controversial nuclear deal with Iran. Weisman's usual slant was accompanied by explicit religious identification of a particular group, a practice a liberal paper like the…

NY Times Gives Massive Anti-Iran Protest In Times Square One Paragraph

July 24th, 2015 10:22 AM
The New York Times has repeatedly demonstrated that protesters they like are far more newsworthy than protesters they don’t like. The number of protesters doesn’t really matter at all. Five years ago, they reported a whole story on four (count them on one hand) illegal-alien protesters for amnesty. A few months later, they repeated it with a whole story on five protesters.  But on Wednesday,…

'Inequality'-Obsessed NYT Makes News Story Sound Like Liberal Protest

February 2nd, 2015 8:03 PM
Two Jonathan Weisman reports from Monday on Obama's big-spending new budget underlined the New York Times' ongoing liberal obsession with "income inequality," with Weisman's report loaded with language that could have come straight from a liberal protester: "the rich are getting much richer."

NY Times Continues Partisan Hackery on Benghazi: GOP Only 'Trying to D

August 29th, 2014 9:03 AM
The New York Times invariably casts any GOP inquiry into the intelligence failures that led to the death of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya, as a purely partisan venture. The pattern was noted last year by the paper's own Public Editor Margaret Sullivan, who wrote before hearings in May 2013, "The Times has had a tendency to both play down the subject, which has significant news value, and to…