ABC Hypes Occupy Protest 'Within Sight of the White House'; They Aren

December 5th, 2011 4:08 PM
According to Good Morning America's Josh Elliott on Monday, the Occupy "protests within sight of the White House turned violent over the weekend." Actually, the protests occurred at McPherson Square, two blocks from the White House and not in "sight" of it. (See a map here.) Perhaps Mr. Elliott, who grew up in California and went to high school in Los Angeles, can be forgiven for such an…

Networks Ignore Violence at 'Peaceful' Occupy L.A., Play Up 'Party' Vi

November 28th, 2011 5:39 PM
The Big Three network morning shows on Monday all reported on the possible showdown between Occupy L.A. protesters and the LAPD. NBC's Today and CBS's Early Show highlighted that the left-leaning demonstrators held a "block party" as they defied law enforcement. All three media outlets also played up the supposedly "peaceful" nature of the protest, while ignoring other media reports of violence…

ABC Parrots White House Spin for Booing of Michelle Obama: 'Not Clear

November 21st, 2011 12:53 PM
Good Morning America's Josh Elliott on Monday repeated White House talking points in regard to the booing of Michelle Obama at a NASCAR event on Sunday. News reader Elliott played a clip of the booing and then parroted, "The White House says it was a chaotic event. It was not clear, perhaps, what the boos were specifically for." The Today show didn't cover the event at all. On the Early Show…

Networks Jokingly Highlight 'Unhate' Campaign Featuring Pope in Gay Ki

November 17th, 2011 4:34 PM
The network morning shows on Thursday took a mostly light-hearted look at clothing company Benetton's ad campaign featuring the Pope kissing a Muslim cleric. The ads, which have now been pulled under legal pressure, were summarized by Good Morning America's Josh Elliott. He parroted, "It was part of Benetton 's Unhate campaign, challenging people to have the courage not to hate." Elliott…

Networks Cheer 'Big Victory' for Unions in Ohio, Ignore Rejection of O

November 9th, 2011 2:54 PM
On Wednesday, all three network morning shows found time to tout the defeat of an Ohio law curbing union power in Tuesday's election, while ignoring passage of another ballot initiative that made the ObamaCare heath insurance mandate illegal in the state. On NBC's Today, news anchor Natalie Morales declared: "In Ohio, voters rejected a new law that would limit the collective bargaining…

CBS, NBC Ignore Embarrassing Gaffe: Obama Caught Mocking Israel's Prim

November 8th, 2011 4:06 PM
The CBS and NBC morning shows on Tuesday both ignored an embarrassing gaffe committed by Barack Obama: Being caught on an open mic, mocking Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Only ABC's Good Morning America covered it with a single news brief. News anchor Josh Elliott explained, "At last week's G20 summit, the BBC reports that President Sarkozy was overheard calling Israeli Prime…

Big Three Nets Omit Corzine's Party ID as Feds Investigate His Firm

November 1st, 2011 6:48 PM
On Tuesday, the morning shows of the Big Three networks omitted the party affiliation of Jon Corzine as they reported on the federal investigation into his brokerage firm, something that even the liberal New York Times gave in their coverage of the story. ABC's Good Morning America also failed to include Corzine's name during their news brief on the investigation. News anchor Josh Elliott…

Networks Spin Violent 'Occupy' Protesters as 'Pushing Back,' Minimize

October 26th, 2011 12:08 PM
According to the network morning shows, violent Occupy Wall Street protesters are fighting back against government officials who are trying to rein them in. Early Show's Erica Hill highlighted "this growing crackdown on the anti-Wall Street protests around the country." She added, "In Oakland, California, the protesters are pushing back." The "pushing back" came in the form of throwing rocks…

ABC News Promotes 'Cool Lady' Michelle Obama on ABC Home-Rehab Show

September 26th, 2011 7:32 AM
ABC News did not get around to the story that Michelle Obama wore a $42,000 set of bracelets to a Democratic fundraiser. But they certainly helped the Obama campaign by touting her appearance on Sunday night's season debut of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. The Obama campaign used the appearance to promote the First Lady's work on behalf of military families (and let's not recall how her…

No Critics Allowed: Big Three Nets Trumpet 'Historic' End to 'Don't As

September 20th, 2011 2:53 PM
The Big Three networks unequivocally celebrated the end of the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy as a "historic moment" on their Tuesday morning programs. CBS's "Early Show" turned to a discharged Air Force major who pushed for further recognition of same-sex couples by the military. NBC's "Today" brought on a homosexual playwright to promote his one-man movie on the policy. ABC's "GMA…

ABC’s Jobs Solution: ‘Spend and Build,’ a ‘Stimulus Program as

September 3rd, 2011 11:54 AM
In the midst of the failure of President Obama’s $800 billion or more “stimulus spending” program, ABC on Friday night asserted the solution to the devastating report, of zero jobs created in August, is...more stimulus spending. Since “the debt, say most economists, is only a long-term concern and the U.S. can borrow money right now at practically no interest,” reporter Jim Avila contended the…

ABC, NBC Highlight Study Claiming Infant Mortality Worse in U.S

September 1st, 2011 6:55 AM
On Wednesday evening, the NBC Nightly News devoted a segment to a recent study involving the World Health Organization asserting that infant mortality in the United States has fallen behind 40 other countries, including Cuba. NBC's Today show and ABC's Good Morning America also mentioned the study briefly earlier the same day. NBC's Snyderman on Nightly News even seemed to hint that…

Networks Omit Blagojevich's Democratic Affiliation After Conviction

June 28th, 2011 5:42 PM
ABC, CBS, and NBC all failed to mention former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich's affiliation with the Democratic Party on their Monday evening news broadcasts and the Tuesday morning shows. Blagojevich was convicted by a jury on Monday on 17 out of 20 charges, mainly related to the attempt to sell the Senate seat of President Obama. Only CBS's Early Show noted his party with a "D" on-screen…

Networks Tout 'Extra Spectacular' Gay Pride Parades and 'Victory Laps

June 27th, 2011 3:44 PM
The network morning shows on Monday hyped the "extra spectacular" gay pride parades in the wake of New York's newly passed same sex marriage legislation. Both ABC and NBC highlighted the "hero's welcome" Governor Andrew Cuomo received after signing the bill. At the same time, they ignored dissenters. On Monday's Today, news anchor Natalie Morales touted, "Gay pride parades around the country…