Joshua Johnson

Media Desperately Spin Inflation: ‘Silver Lining!’ Economy ‘Strong!'
TV news pundits have been hard at work over the past 24 hours, attempting to spin Thursday's sky-high inflation report as something other than a disaster for Democrats.

Video: TV Journalists Thrilled by Biden’s ‘Very Very Patriotic’ Speech
President Biden’s Thursday night speech was a big hit on the pro-Democrat TV networks. CNN, MSNBC, and NBC News Now all carried the event and heaped effusive praise on their favorite president’s rhetoric.

Lone GOPer on NBC Panel Calls Out Lib LIES Against GOP Election Laws
In the closing minutes of Sunday’s Meet the Press, NBC political director Chuck Todd led a panel of mostly liberal media types in a discussion accusing the Republican Party of a nationwide effort to strip Biden voters, more specifically minorities, of their right to vote. Luckily, Danielle Pletka, senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute stood in the breach and called out…

Not Sending Their Best: Watch This Painfully Awkward NBC News Segment
NBC News Now must be having trouble booking quality guests with Thanksgiving around the corner, because it’s a bloodbath over there today. In an especially difficult-to-watch segment during the 2pm ET hour, host Joshua Johnson’s guests included a Politico writer so nervous she could barely complete a sentence, and a professor who was there to opine on an event he didn’t even know was…

Here’s the WORST Moments from MSNBC’s America-Hating Rushmore Coverage
MSNBC debased itself Friday night with a vile display of hatred for America, the Constitution (except the freedom of the press), the Declaration of Independence, the Founding Fathers, and positive celebrations of both where the country has been and where we hope to go. Led by The Beat host Ari Melber, it was a despicable 103 minutes of venom, filled with calls to go beyond Confederate…

‘Not Up to Us': New MSNBC Anchor Begs Colleagues Not to Whip Dem Votes

NY Times Turning 1619 Slavery Project Into a Book

NPR Talk Show Host: Many Dems Wish for Mitch McConnell to Die

On NPR, NY Times Team LOL at View They Help Dems with Slavery Project
On Thursday's edition of the NPR morning talk show 1A, host Joshua Johnson devoted the first hour to promoting the "1619 Project" at The New York Times, which seeks to "reframe" American history as dominated to this very day by slavery. In a town hall meeting transcript that leaked, Times executive editor Dean Baquet explicitly announced that the project was meant to help the public…

NPR Host: Instill Fear, Say Climate Change Will Cause Human Extinction

NPR Talk Host Uses Covington Kids to Claim Wall is About 'Xenophobia'

Free Beacon Mocks NPR Hour on Talking to 'Dangerous Idiots' on Climate

Deluded Todd: Media Bias a ‘Campaign Creation’ ‘Not Based’ in ‘Fact'