Joyce Rosenberg

AP Claims Christmas 'Spending' Up 8 Pct. — On Number of Transactions
December 28th, 2015 5:27 PM
As I noted in a pre-Christmas post, "The desperation is palpable at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, over how the Christmas shopping season is going."
Desperation has clearly descended into outright deception at the wire service, where an unbylined story claims that spending is up 8 percent, but that the source involved "does not include spending by dollar amounts." As will…

WRONG: As Xmas Shopping Disappoints, AP Claims 'Cheap Is the New Chic'
December 23rd, 2015 7:02 PM
The desperation is palpable at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, over how the Christmas shopping season is going.
Having appearently learned something contrary to the "consumers will catch up with their spending" we've been hearing from the National Retail Federation and others so far, AP Business Writer Joyce M. Rosenberg shifted gears and decided that consumers are spending…

Four AP Reporters Make Excuses, All Unacceptable, for Weak March Jobs
April 6th, 2013 11:30 PM
After telling the world on Thursday that "Gone are the fears that the economy could fall into another recession," it seems that the Associated Press's Christopher Rugaber needed some help explaining away Friday's weak jobs report from the government's Bureau of Labor Statistics.
The AP had four reporters on Friday evening's coverage, all seemingly in search of a viable excuse for another "…