Juan Williams Channels Chris Matthews, Grills Pawlenty on Evolution in

May 6th, 2011 5:24 PM
During Thursday night's Republican presidential debate in South Carolina, Fox News contributor Juan Williams moved away from the pressing issues of national security and the economy to ask former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty: "Do you equate the teaching of creationism with the teaching of evolution, as the basis for what should be taught in our nation's schools?" Perhaps Williams had…

Journalists Denounce Ryan for Not Raising Taxes: ‘Rich Get Off Like

April 11th, 2011 9:15 AM
A round-up from over the weekend of journalists denouncing Republican Congressman Paul Ryan for not including a big tax hike in his deficit-reduction plan and discrediting the Tea Party’s pressure on House Speaker John Boehner as a “far right” impediment to good government. “He doesn't deal with the revenue side at all,” despaired Newsweek veteran Evan Thomas on Inside Washington, arguing: “…

Juan Williams Offers Simple Solution to Deficit: ‘We Just Have to Ta

April 4th, 2011 8:52 AM
In an argument which would make his ex-NPR colleagues proud, Juan Williams took to Fox News Sunday to push for tax hikes to reduce the deficit. Scolding Brit Hume, an exasperated Williams contended: “You’re going on as if, ‘you know what, we don't know in America how to help our own deficit problems.’ We do. We just have to tax people.” Moments before, in assessing Republican Congressman…

Juan Williams to O'Reilly: If You Called Koran 'Hate-Filled' Like Mahe

March 15th, 2011 9:53 AM
After Bill Maher called the Koran "a hate-filled book" on HBO's "Real Time" Friday, NewsBusters asked if he would be attacked by the media for doing so. With no outrage having ensued, the folks at Fox News on Monday questioned why Maher's comments went ignored by the Muslim defenders in the press, with Juan Williams telling Bill O'Reilly that if he had said anything like that, "They would…

Juan Williams Calls Disgraced NPR Exec Racist, Bigoted, Sexist and Ant

March 9th, 2011 10:29 AM
In the wake of a stunning video revealing the truly deplorable opinions of one of its executives, NPR has accepted the resignation of President Vivian Schiller while putting Ron Schiller (no relation) on administrative leave. Fox News's Juan Williams, who was disgracefully fired by the radio network last year for having the nerve to voice his opinion, lashed out at NPR Tuesday evening on the…

Sean Hannity and Juan Williams Discuss Liberal Blogger Calling Herman

February 18th, 2011 9:57 AM
As NewsBusters previously reported, a left-wing blogger last Saturday racially attacked Herman Cain calling him a "monkey" and a "minstrel." On Thursday, Fox News's Sean Hannity and Juan Williams had a fabulous discussion about the prevalence of bigotry towards all black conservatives from supposedly open-minded, colorblind liberals (absolutely must-see videos follow in two parts with…

Rewriting Ronald Reagan: Reagan and National Defense

February 3rd, 2011 5:43 PM
Ronald Reagan may have won the Cold War by forcing the Soviet Union to realize that it could not compete financially or technologically with a revitalized United States. But to the American media, the Reagan defense buildup seemed like a plot designed to deny government aid to poor and hungry people. It was seemingly the only spending that caused the budget deficit, even bankrupted the country…

NPR Anchor Denounces Juan Williams Firing as 'Incredibly Sloppy, Messy

January 7th, 2011 12:08 PM
NPR media reporter David Folkenflik reported on NPR’s internal review of the Juan Williams firing and the coinciding resignation of senior vice president Ellen Weiss on both Thursday’s night’s All Things Considered and Friday’s Morning Edition. Both stories were strictly limited to soundbites from NPR officials and in each story, one soundbite from Williams reacting on Fox News. Perhaps due…

On Fox & Friends, MRC's Bozell Blasts NPR As Part of 'Intolerant Left

January 7th, 2011 11:07 AM
Appearing on FNC's Fox & Friends on Friday, NewsBusters publisher and Media Research Center president Brent Bozell reacted to the resignation of National Public Radio executive Ellen Weiss and credited the incoming Republican Congress: "NPR is hearing footsteps, their hearing the footsteps of Republicans, who are saying...what in the world are we doing spending hundreds of millions of…

NPR Announces Internal Review of Juan Williams Firing, Forces Out VP W

January 6th, 2011 3:50 PM
On Thursday, the NPR Board of Directors announced it has concluded an internal review of the firing of senior analyst Juan Williams for comments on the Fox News Channel. In what a spokesman called “two distinct pieces of news,” the internal review came with the resignation of Ellen Weiss, NPR’s senior vice president for news, the one who fired Williams over the phone. Weiss, whose husband Rabbi…

On Fox, Juan Williams Calls GOP Presidential Field ‘Weak’ and Insi

December 27th, 2010 12:51 AM
“This is such a weak field,” Fox News analyst Juan Williams, recently ousted from NPR for not fully toting the far-left line, declared during a Fox News Sunday discussion of potential 2012 Republican presidential candidates, prompting an appalled Bill Kristol to mock: “Yeah, President Obama had done so much when he ran for President. I mean, all of these guys are better qualified than Barack…

Krauthammer on Clinton Quoting Him: 'My Career is Done - Maybe NPR Wil

December 12th, 2010 12:01 AM
During his impromptu press conference in the White House briefing room Friday, former President Bill Clinton favorably referred to comments Charles Krauthammer made at the Washington Post earlier in the day. On Fox News's "Hannity" that evening, Krauthammer joked, "When you get praise from President Clinton and you are from my side of the aisle that means that my career is done, I mean, I'm…

Al Sharpton to Meet With FCC to Get 'Racist' Rush Limbaugh Off the Air

December 7th, 2010 11:22 AM
Al Sharpton on Monday said that he's going to be meeting with representatives of the FCC next week about revoking conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh's license. On a special 9PM edition of the "Ed Show," the Reverend didn't mince words (video follows with transcript and commentary):

O'Reilly Warns Children Not To Watch MSNBC Election Night: There Could

November 2nd, 2010 1:53 PM
Bill O'Reilly on Monday jokingly warned children not to watch MSNBC on election night due to the possibility Republican victories will make some of the on-air employees commit suicide. Juan Williams joined in saying, "Harikari" (video follows with transcript and commentary, h/t Mediaite):