PBS Glossed Over Pro-Life March, But Hyped 'Biggest Climate Rally in U

February 19th, 2013 10:39 PM
On January 25, the PBS NewsHour gave the annual “March for Life” a perfunctory 56-word news brief. But on Monday night, the leftist protests against the proposed Keystone XL pipeline from Canada drew a full story about nine times that long. Anchor Judy Woodruff somehow ignored the large crowds of Earth Day 1970, Earth Day 1990 (stood there myself), and Earth Day 2000 to echo the Left: “…

Angry PBS Anchor Judy Woodruff on Hagel Delay: 'Does Someone Pay the P

February 17th, 2013 4:51 PM
PBS NewsHour anchor Judy Woodruff had a rough night on Friday, putting her outrage at Republicans ahead of the facts. In her "Shields and Brooks" segment with liberal Mark Shields and former Bush speechwriter Michael Gerson (subbing for David Brooks), she guessed "The Republicans, I gather, we're told, it is unprecedented, blocking the nomination -- or the confirmation so far of the man…

PBS NewsHour Finally Interviews Norquist On Fiscal Cliff; Anchor Woodr

December 13th, 2012 3:30 PM
Finally, Grover Norquist was the featured guest on the PBS NewsHour’s segment on the fiscal cliff.  After previous editions of the program featured softball interviews with Paul Krugman and Max Richtman -- two members of the far left who oppose entitlement reform -- as well as moderate conservative Republican Senator Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), the NewsHour saw it fit to give time to the anti-tax…

NewsHour Pundits Both Denounce 'Black Helicopter' Republicans on UN Tr

December 10th, 2012 1:02 PM
As Colonel Kurtz said at the end of Apocalypse Now: “the horror, the horror.”  That sentiment encapsulated New York Times Republican David Brooks and syndicated columnist Mark Shields’ reactions to the rejection of the UN treaty on the rights of the disabled in the Senate last week.  Brooks called it “embarrassment for the country” – while Shields called it “a profile in cowardice.”  Regardless…

PBS NewsHour Fails To Press Left-Wing Activist on Entitlement Inaccura

December 7th, 2012 6:47 PM
The PBS NewsHour has yet to invite a strong conservative on the program to talk about the fiscal cliff.  Tuesday night they had New York Times columnist, left-wing economist, and Obama cheerleader Paul Krugman to detail his view.  Wednesday night they had moderately-conservative Sen. Bob Corker ( R-Tenn), but last night was the most interesting. PBS invited the Norquist of the left, Max…

On PBS and NPR, Liberals Agree With David Brooks: They'll Jump Off Fis

November 12th, 2012 4:30 PM
Last Friday, in his first post-election remarks on PBS and NPR, New York Times columnist David Brooks downplayed his usual bash- conservatives  narrative, and actually castigated liberals for wanting to go over the looming fiscal cliff.  He said that liberals are more organized, they’ve won the election, and will get most of what they yearn for if we do go over the waterfall: increased revenue…

PBS NewsHour Omits Obama's Support for Blasphemy Law

September 26th, 2012 6:46 PM
During the September 25 broadcast of the PBS Newshour, anchor Gwen Ifill invited Council on Foreign Relations President Richard Haass and former U.S. Ambassador Nicholas Burns to discuss President Barack Obama’s foreign policy and his recent address to the UN. Reporter Judy Woodruff also had a segment on the president speech. Yet none of the segments dealing with the address mentioned the fact…

On PBS, Bob Woodward Demands Romney Apologize to Americans for Unpresi

September 19th, 2012 12:13 PM
Bob Woodward continued his lecture circuit on how he’s the source of “the best obtainable version of the truth” in politics by demanding  Republican nominee Mitt Romney to apologize for his “off the cuff” remarks captured in a leaked video at a private fundraiser in Florida. During his typically soporific interview with Judy Woodruff on the PBS Newshour, which will air later this week –…

PBS Attacked for Allowing Global Warming Skeptic to Speak

September 19th, 2012 9:41 AM
If you had any doubts about the level of zealotry involved in today's global warming movement, they likely will be erased by the goings on at PBS the past few days. Since allowing well-known climate realist Anthony Watts on NewsHour Monday to voice his views on this controversial issue, PBS has been under attack for doing so (videos follows with transcripts and commentary).

PBS Pushes Shoddy Study Blaming Motorcycle Deaths on Removal of Helmet

June 21st, 2012 8:32 AM
A story that aired on PBS NewsHour Monday showcases the innate pro-bigger-government bias of that program, embedded in a discussion of mandatory motorcycle helmet laws and an increase in motorcycle accident fatalities. Host Gwen Ifill introduced the segment as a look at "the correlation between motorcycle casualties and helmet laws," featuring a Judy Woodruff interview with Rick Schmidt, who…

PBS NewsHour Arrives on Eric Holder Story: Why Are Republicans 'Coming

June 14th, 2012 4:58 PM
After failing for the entire calendar year of 2012 to cover the Fast and Furious scandal, the PBS NewsHour suddenly showed up on the beat Tuesday night -- not to question Holder, but to wonder why Holder was being punished by Republicans. Online, the segment title was "Why Eric Holder Is a 'Lightning Rod to Conservatives'." Why on Earth does "lightning rod" have to be in quotes? Because it's…

Networks Bury Obama's 'Polish Death Camp' Gaffe, But ABC and NBC Find

May 31st, 2012 11:17 PM
President Obama infuriated the leaders of Poland on Tuesday while honoring Jan Karski with the Medal of Freedom. He said Karski smuggled into a “Polish death camp” to see the Holocaust. (Um, no, that’s a Nazi death camp located in Poland). Despite the international incident, ABC, CBS, and NBC aired nothing on the gaffe. But shamelessly, ABC’s Good Morning America and NBC’s Today both found “…

PBS Hypes Liberal 'Congress Watchers' Who Hit GOP as Extreme, With No

May 4th, 2012 8:48 AM
Just like NPR, the PBS NewsHour on Thursday night invited on liberals Thomas Mann and Norman Ornstein to pound away at the "extremism" of the Republican Party (Tea Party Edition). Propose defunding public broadcasting, and this is how the Empire strikes back. Thomas Mann unleashed on the GOP: "They are ideologically extreme, contemptuous of centuries worth of policy, economics and social;…

'There's No Such Thing as a Free Budget Cut

June 5th, 2011 6:29 AM
An old reliable libertarian maxim was “There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch,” which stood in stark contrast to socialists always boasting of “free” health care or day care or other public benefits. On the PBS NewsHour Friday night, that maxim was turned upside down.