
Really? PBS Blames Scalise Shooting on...Newt Gingrich's 90s Rhetoric

June 17th, 2017 11:38 AM
Here's why people hate the liberal tilt of public broadcasting. Both PBS and NPR buried the Scalise shooting in their "week in review" segments. When the PBS NewsHour arrived there, anchor Judy Woodruff couldn't even mention the shooter was a Bernie Sanders campaign volunteer, couldn't mention his favorite TV shows, and couldn't ponder if anyone on the Left could have provoked him with their…

PBS Wrongly Shows Image of Breitbart Religion Article as Fake News

June 8th, 2017 4:00 PM
On Tuesday, the PBS NewsHour featured a report on teaching public school students to spot fake news on the internet. One of the articles that PBS gave as an example was a Breitbart article about religious freedom in the military.

Sen. Mike Lee Zings PBS Anchor for Liberal Tilt on Paris Questions

June 2nd, 2017 3:51 PM
On Thursday night’s PBS NewsHour, Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) called out anchor Judy Woodruff for using a much different style of questioning than she used for Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown of California. 

PBS Gives 19 Seconds to Kathy Griffin Stunt, NPR Offered A Minute

June 1st, 2017 6:41 PM
Geoffrey Dickens noted Charlie Rose interviewed Al Franken for most of his hour on Wednesday and never brought up Kathy Griffin. The same thing happened on the PBS NewsHour. And a search of National Public Radio transcripts comes up empty for Kathy Griffin stories.​ So much for public broadcasting standing against the coarsening of public discourse. (UPDATED: NPR media correspondent tweeted that…

On PBS, Brooks Pines for Trump 'Apocalypse' to Inspire Bipartisanship

April 7th, 2017 10:52 PM
On Friday's regular "Shields and Brooks" segment on PBS Newshour, New York Times columnist David Brooks -- the supposedly more right-leaning half of the pairing -- oddly seemed to wish for some sort of "apocalypse" to beset the Donald Trump administration as he theorized and predicted that some scandal or "grievous blow" to the White House might inspire more bipartisanship in the aftermath. After…

Bozell & Graham Column: Susan Rice Is Still Lying

April 4th, 2017 11:57 PM
Eli Lake at Bloomberg News reported on April 3 that President Trump’s lawyers discovered it was Obama’s former national security adviser Susan Rice who “requested the identities of U.S. persons in raw intelligence reports on dozens of occasions that connect to the Donald Trump transition and campaign.”  Susan Rice, at the center of another scandal? Yes, and she’s lying about it on TV again. On…

On PBS, Shields Jokes 'No Point in Watching' After He and Brooks Agree

March 18th, 2017 6:17 PM
On Friday's PBS NewsHour, the show's regular "Shields and Brooks" segment unintentionally summed up the major problem conservatives have with the show -- that there is no actual conservative panel member giving a contrasting point of view against liberal columnist Mark Shields as he and New York Times columnist David Brooks often show little disagreement when discussing the week's political news…

Woodruff Wrongly Claims No Terror Attacks from Restricted Countres

February 9th, 2017 4:10 PM
In a pre-recorded interview in which PBS NewsHour host Judy Woodruff pressed Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan over whether President Donald Trump's travel ban for some Muslim countries is a good idea, at one point she incorrectly claimed that there had not been any "terrorist incidents" by people from the seven countries on the list. Woodruff: "But there haven't been terrorist incidents…

PBS's Mark Shields Scolds Trump for Daring to Mock Chuck Schumer

January 7th, 2017 9:13 AM
On Friday's week-in-review segment on the PBS NewsHour, everyone was disparaging Donald Trump -- anchor Judy Woodruff, liberal analyst Mark Shields, and pseudo-conservative David Brooks. They mocked Trump as childish for calling Sen. Charles Schumer the "head clown" of the Democrats. Shields weirdly lectured: "Chuck Schumer is a proud and able and dedicated and skillful leader, and you don’t want…

On PBS, Shields Slams Trump Tweets as 'Cyberbullying' of Unions, Media

December 11th, 2016 3:01 PM
The polite liberal bubble – where they are constantly upset about the incivility of Donald Trump but see themselves as the Essence of Reasonableness as they wail about impending dicatorship – is still full of hot air about Trump tweets. On Friday’s PBS NewsHour, anchor Judy Woodruff asked her regular columnist panel about his failure to stop tweeting. New York Times columnist David Brooks said…

PBS Snob: Uneducated Trump Voters Just 'Going With Their Gene Pool'

November 6th, 2016 7:01 AM
A snobby PBS analyst said less educated Trump voters were "just going with their gene pool." Sadly, if not surprisingly, the analyst was the "right-leaning" pundit on the PBS NewsHour, New York Times columnist David Brooks. Stupid white males are voting for stupid white males. Now if Brooks had said a version of this in 2008 -- that blacks were just voting for their "gene pool" -- he would have…

PBS Touts ‘Interconnection’ Between Climate Change, Hurricane Matthew

October 6th, 2016 8:55 PM
On the heels of my Drudge Report-linked post about NBC’s Ron Allen informing MSNBC on Wednesday that the Paris climate change deal “is designed to stop” weather events like Hurricane Matthew, Thursday’s PBS NewsHour joined ranks of the absurdity as Judy Woodruff and guest Gavin Schmidt from NASA pondered the “interconnection” between the two.

PBS Anchor Bummed: Both Pundits Agree Looting in Charlotte Helps Trump

September 25th, 2016 7:08 AM
On Friday’s PBS NewsHour, anchor Judy Woodruff thought the police shootings were the top news story of the week, but she wasn’t pleased when both liberal Mark Shields and pseudo-conservative David Brooks reluctantly agreed that looting and disorder were going to help Donald Trump politically. Looting? Woodruff hadn’t really wanted to get that specific. She suggested that wasn’t typical of Black…

PBS NewsHour Cuts Anti-Hillary Portions of Jill Stein Interview

August 27th, 2016 7:18 AM
On Tuesday, PBS's Judy Woodruff did a live interview with Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein which was carried on Facebook. The entire interview, plus questions asked by viewers, is present at the network's Facebook page. That interview without the Facebook questions was also broadcast on PBS's NewsHour — but not quite all of it. For some reason, key portions of Stein's answer to…