CBS: Bush Administration has ‘Ruined’ Halloween & Christmas

October 31st, 2007 1:21 PM
On both Tuesday’s "Evening News" and Wednesday’s "Early Show" CBS gave prominent coverage to Nancy Pelosi’s call for the resignation of the head of the Consumer Product Safety Commission, Nancy Nord. In an interview with Nord on Wednesday’s "Early Show" co-host Julie Chen asked: American parents are upset, they're frightened, they feel like their Halloween and their Christmas is now ruined. They…

CBS ‘Early Show’: Clinton Sex Addiction vs. ‘Political Rock Star

October 29th, 2007 1:41 PM
A segment on Monday’s CBS "Early Show" by co-host Julie Chen about accusations by the late President Ford of Bill Clinton being a "sex addict," was in sharp contrast to an interview last week with author Sally Bedell Smith, when co-host Harry Smith referred to the Clintons as a "still-young couple" and "political rock stars." Smith teased the Monday segment on Clinton’s sex addiction by saying, "…

CBS ‘Early Show’: ‘Dispirited’ Christian Right May Bring ‘Re

October 19th, 2007 5:59 PM
On Friday’s "Early Show," co-host Julie Chen and reporter Chip Reid analyzed the Values Voters Conference in Washington this weekend and how conservative Evangelicals "are deeply frustrated because they can't find a Republican candidate they can coalesce around," according to Reid. He went on to exclaim that "There's one Republican candidate, though, who really has some Evangelicals dispirited.…

CBS News Disreputably Promotes Left-Wing Smear of O'Reilly

September 27th, 2007 5:27 AM
The morning after CNN and MSNBC began salivating over a potential “Imus moment” pushed by a far-left group to suppress Bill O'Reilly over a supposedly racist remark, CBS and NBC on Wednesday advanced the liberal group's cause with multi-part segments on the topic. But while NBC's Today at least provided some balance and proper labeling, CBS's Early Show, with “In Hot Water” and “O'Race Factor” on…

CBS's Julie Chen Endorses Leonardo DiCaprio's Alarmist Film

August 13th, 2007 3:50 PM

CBS Edits Hillary Clinton Quote to Sound Less Divisive, Skips 'Right-W

August 8th, 2007 4:03 PM