
MSNBC: ‘Opportunities’ for Hillary With GOP in ‘Complete Chaos’

August 11th, 2015 3:42 PM
On MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports on Tuesday, The Washington Post’s Karen Tumulty saw a big advantage for Hillary Clinton in the midst of the Republican primary campaign: “But the fact is this complete chaos on the Republican side is presenting a lot of opportunities for Hillary Clinton, not only to, again, paint them as extremists, but also to actually put some policy points on the board, which…

NBC Harps on Jeb Bush's 'Pretty Bad Week;' 'Apparent Snub' from Rove

May 15th, 2015 9:39 PM
Friday's NBC Nightly News picked up where Today left off earlier in the day by hyping former Florida Governor Jeb Bush's "long week," after his Monday remark that he would have authorized an invasion of Iraq if he had been president in 2003. Lester Holt echoed Savannah Guthrie in underling that Bush has "struggled since then to put daylight between him and his brother's legacy on Iraq." He also…

Charlie Rose, PBS Guests: GOP Reaction to Obama ‘Extreme,' ’Ludicrous'

November 21st, 2014 12:44 PM
In a segment on his PBS show Thursday night, Charlie Rose and his guests discussed President Obama’s executive order on illegal immigration and described the responses from those in the Republican Party as “a bit extreme” and “ludicrous” while also harping on the conundrum that Republican leadership now supposedly faces in dealing with conservatives now that the executive amnesty is announced.…

ABC Skips, WashPost Downplays Majority Defines Obama a 'Failure'

September 15th, 2014 8:17 AM
When a Washington Post-ABC News poll ends up finding the "Best News for Republicans," the Post tries to find other findings to highlight in their headlines. "Majority of Americans find Obama presidency a failure" wasn't going to be bolded on the front page. They went with "Support widens for air strikes" instead. ABC News, their polling partner, never found it.

WashPost Reporter Implies Obama Was 'Asleep at the Switch' on Border C

July 26th, 2014 7:57 PM
NPR talk show host Diane Rehm was probably panicking a bit on Friday as the liberal reporters roundtable seemed to agree that President Obama was “asleep at the switch” on the border-children crisis. Washington Post reporter Karen Tumulty underlined last Sunday’s Washington Post story (skipped by the networks) that Team Obama had plenty of warning that the crisis was coming:

WashPost Hails Libertarian Spoiler on Page One: 'Folksy and Erudite, F

July 7th, 2014 8:44 AM
Instapundit cracked wise this morning: “How can a Libertarian get favorable treatment in The Washington Post? Be in a position to deliver a Senate seat to the Dems.” In a front-page article on Monday, Post reporters Reid Wilson and Karen Tumulty cited the precedent of last year’s gubernatorial race in Virginia – where Democrat Terry McAuliffe won with a 2.6 percent margin of victory while “…

Other Top Journalists Tell Jake Tapper That Hillary's 2008 Campaign Pl

April 4th, 2014 9:37 AM
On Friday morning, CNN host Jake Tapper tweeted “On Hillary Clinton's assertion of media double standard, strongest complaints by her campaign in 2008 were against pro-Obama male journos”. MRC's Dan Gainor alerted me that the responses from other national journalists about Hillary Clinton’s treatment of the press in the ‘08 cycle were surprising. Perhaps this should be a segment on Tapper's…

WashPost Front-page Lecture: GOP Must Save Itself from 'Self-Destructi

October 18th, 2013 8:40 AM
The Washington Post’s Karen Tumulty is trying to help the Republicans on the front page of Friday’s paper. It's not labeled "Analysis," but "Politics Debrief." The alliance between the “agreeable” GOP and the media is getting more transparent. “What will it take to save the Republicans from the self-destructive impulses of the tea party movement? That the government shutdown was a political…

NBC's Mitchell Denounces Pro-Life Legislation, Hopes for 'Blow-Back' A

July 10th, 2013 9:43 AM
Leading a panel discussion on her Tuesday 1 p.m. ET hour show on MSNBC, host Andrea Mitchell ranted against Republican efforts to enact pro-life legislation at the state level: "Texas isn't the only state where Roe v. Wade is being challenged....We've seen in Ohio, John Kasich and company sneaked it in to a budget bill....Wisconsin, there's an injunction against enforcement of what the…

WashPost Hypes Texas Abortion Filibuster, Ignores Polling Showing Amer

June 27th, 2013 12:14 PM
Following Texas Democratic state senator Wendy Davis's successful attempt on Tuesday to block legislation that would ban abortions in the Lone Star State past 20 weeks as well as put in place other safety measures for abortion clinics, the liberal media have lionize the lawmaker, labeling her a “star.” Take, for example, today's 24-paragraph front-page puff piece by the Washington Post’s Karen…

Mark Sanford Wins, Washington Post 'He's Toast' Bias Loses

May 8th, 2013 8:53 AM
The Washington Post reported Mark Sanford’s “easy victory” in a special-election vote for Congress to replace now-Sen. Tim Scott. This had to be disappointing for columnist Dana Milbank, who predicted just last Thursday that “South Carolinians, asked to cross the line with Sanford on Tuesday, are likely to tell him to take a hike.” The Post tried to paint Sanford as a goner. The only time…