
CNN's Cuomo Claims Illegals Commit Less Crime Than Legal Immigrants

November 5th, 2018 1:08 AM
On a special Sunday edition of Cuomo Prime Time, as CNN hosts Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon fretted over President Donald Trump sending troops to the southern border, and the possiblity that armed militias will also go into the area, to ward off the caravan of illegal immigrants, Cuomo actually suggested against all evidence that illegal immigrants are less inclined to commit crimes than legal…

CNN: Haley Departure Might Be Connected to Kavanaugh Confirmation

October 11th, 2018 10:06 AM
During Tuesday’s edition of At This Hour With Kate Bolduan, the eponymous host and her panel reacted to the impending departure of United States Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, who announced that she would step down from her post at the end of this year. While Haley stressed that she has decided to step down out of respect for term limits, citing her six-year tenure as Governor of…

CNN Panel Decries President Trump Apologizing to Justice Kavanaugh

October 8th, 2018 9:48 PM
Mere moments after President Trump concluded the ceremonial swearing-in of Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh Monday night, a mostly liberal panel on CNN’s Erin Burnett OutFront tore into him for daring to apologize to the Justice on behalf of the nation. One particular loony commentator even dismissed Kavanaugh’s career-long effort to promote female law clerks as cynincal pandering, given recent…

CNN Gives Forum to Stephen Miller's Childhood Rabbi to Trash Him

September 12th, 2018 9:20 AM
A few weeks after giving White House advisor Stephen Miller's uncle whom he hardly knows a forum -- not once but twice -- to attack him on immigration, the liberal news network did the same with a rabbi who has not been his spiritual leader since he was a child.

CNN Repeats Myth That Illegals Commit Less Crime Than Citizens

September 5th, 2018 9:49 PM
In the aftermath of the Des Moines Register running an op ed by Rob Tibbetts calling for politicians to cease referring to his daughter, Mollie Tibbetts, in the immigration debate, two CNN personalities have repeated the questionable claims that illegal immigrants have a lower rate of committing crimes than native-born U.S. citizens. Additionally, the networks conflated opposition to illegal…

CNN Expresses Sorrow for Strzok as Conservative ‘Punching Bag’

August 13th, 2018 12:42 PM

Showing their bias for anyone and anything anti-Trump, CNN’s At This Hour showed nothing but warm sympathy on Monday morning for Peter Strzok upon news he was fired by the FBI, repeatedly expressing hope that “he was treated fairly” and fretting that he was “a favorite punching bag” for President Trump and conservative media.


CNN Boasts About People 'Not at All Proud' to Be American

July 3rd, 2018 11:14 PM
On the eve of America’s Birthday, CNN played up a Gallup poll that suggested only 47 percent of Americans were “extremely proud” to be an American during Tuesday's edition of OutFront. To get their own unofficial tally on the mood of the country, the network found it amusing to send out reporter Jeanne Moos to interview New Yorkers about their level of patriotism. Of course, they highlighted the…

CNN's Boykin: 'Donald Trump Exists to Divide Us'

June 3rd, 2018 9:57 AM
During Thursday’s edition of CNN’s At This Hour with Kate Bolduan, CNN commentator Keith Boykin went on a rant against President Trump, saying “Donald Trump exists to divide us. Everything he does is divisive.” Boykin also effectively blamed President Trump for comedian Samantha Bee’s decision to refer to his daughter Ivanka as a “c***”: “I think the larger point here that is missing is the…

Media Repeat Claims Palestinian Baby Died from Israeli Tear Gas

May 19th, 2018 10:53 PM
In the past week, several networks have repeated questionable claims that an eight-month-old Palestinian baby was killed by Israeli tear gas in the Gaza Strip. And MSNBC's Ayman Mohyeldin even went so far as to twice repeat a discredited story that a paraplegic in a wheel chair was killed by Israeli snipers without noting that the IDF already disputed the story in March.

CNNi Links Barton to Moore; Rye Attacks Whites for Denouncing Conyers

November 30th, 2017 5:07 PM
Near the end of Wednesday’s State of America on CNN International, the show published a head-scratching graphic that placed Republican Congressman Joe Barton (Tex.) alongside other political figures who, unlike Barton, have been accused of sexual misconduct. To make matters worse, CNN political commentator Angela Rye ripped into “white, liberal women” for supposedly forcing House Minority Leader…

FLASHBACK: CNN Didn’t See GOP Winning in 2009 As Referendum on Obama

November 8th, 2017 3:47 PM
As journalists rejoice over Republican defeats in New Jersey and Virginia, hyping them as a referendum on President Trump, we at the MRC dove into our archives to remind them that just 8 years ago they said the exact opposite when the exact same situation happened to President Obama. The comparison couldn’t get more apples-to-apples: in both 2009 and 2017, the governorships of Virginia and New…

CNN Segment Insinuates Russian Facebook Ads Tipped Voters in Election

October 31st, 2017 3:47 PM
On the Tuesday edition of CNN’s At This Hour, Reliable Sources host Brian Stelter questioned the intelligence of the American people, insinuating that the Russian Facebook ads brainwashed people into voting for Donald Trump and propel him into the White House.

WATCH CNN Argue Against Transparency in Clinton/Uranium Scandal

October 27th, 2017 4:02 PM
After initially avoiding the Clinton/Russia/Uranium scandal for a week, on Friday, CNN finally started devoting significant coverage to the story – but only as a way of attacking Donald Trump. Every hour on the hour, the supposed news network slammed the President for encouraging the Justice Department to lift a gag order on an FBI informant who wanted to testify before Congress about the highly-…

CNN’s Kate Bolduan Says ‘I Don’t Have a View!’ in Clash With GOP Guest

September 13th, 2017 6:58 PM
The concept that journalists are neutral when it comes to covering the news and issues the country  faces today is nothing short of laughable as poll after poll reveals that the “mainstream media” is not trusted by most people across the country. Apparently, CNN's At This Hour host Kate Bolduan hasn’t heard that news since she stated during an interview with Republican Congressman Dave Brat of…