CNN's Toobin Suggests Overclassifying Info Causing Hillary 'Suffering'

January 20th, 2016 7:52 PM
Appearing on Wednesday's At This Hour with Berman and Bolduan on CNN to discuss the latest revelations that some of the email on former Secretary of State's server was considered highly classified, CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin ended up downplaying her culpability in her behavior as he asserted that she was "suffering from" the tendency of government agencies to "overclassify" information.

Liberal Historian: Obama Gun Control Push a 'Yes We Can' Moment

January 7th, 2016 8:56 PM
Moments before the start of Thursday evenings CNN town hall forum on guns, liberal presidential historian Douglas Brinkley forecast that President Obama would take the proverbial stage seeking to be a "minister" to grieving families who lost loved ones to "gun violence." For the term-limited president, it is a "yes, we can moment" as he winds down his president, Brinkley offered.

CNN Sets Table for Obama by Hailing 'Historic' Gun Control 'Townhall'

January 7th, 2016 8:48 PM
In the days leading up to President Obama’s Guns In America townhall on CNN Thursday night, the network bent over backwards to hail the President’s side on gun control and belittle those in favor of the Second Amendment. The hour leading into the event at George Mason University was no different as Erin Burnett OutFront and fill-in host Kate Bolduan hailed the upcoming event as “historic event”…

CNN's Foreman Frets Guns to Be Obama's 'Great Unfinished Business'

January 6th, 2016 8:13 PM
On Tuesday's Erin Burnett OutFront, CNN correspondent Tom Foreman ran a piece sympathetic to President Barack Obama's failure to achieve his "passion" to enact new gun control against the opposition of the "gun lobby" in the aftermath of each public mass shooting during his presidency. Foreman concluded his report by lamenting that "the matter of gun violence could well remain the great…

CNN, MSNBC Rush to Excuse Cruz Cartoon; 'Dangerous' Girls Were in Ad

December 23rd, 2015 4:16 PM
After the Wednesday editions of CBS This Morning and NBC’s Today attempted to excuse the Washington Post cartoon depicting Ted Cruz’s daughters as moneys, various hosts and guests throughout the day on CNN and MSNBC followed suit by chiding the “weird” and “controversial” Cruz for sending out fundraising e-mails related to the smear and “not reacting kindly” to cartoonist Ann Telnaes’s latest…

CNN: Lindsey Graham Debate Performances 'Widely Seen as Winners'

December 21st, 2015 3:08 PM
Appearing as a guest on CNN's Legal View with Ashleigh Banfield to report on South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham's departure from the GOP presidential race, CNN's Kate Bolduan oddly claimed that the low-polling candidate's debate performances were "really widely, you know, seen as winners," inspiring agreement from host Banfield.

CNN Hypes 'Groundbreaking' Euthanasia Law; Turns Only to Advocates

October 6th, 2015 6:15 PM
CNN wasn't interested in balance on Tuesday, as three straight programs brought on pro-euthanasia activists to tout California's new "End of Life Option Act," which was signed into law on Monday. All three also left out opponents of the legislation. CNN Newsroom featured a man whose wife was the subject of a HBO documentary titled How to Die in Oregon. On At This Hour, Kate Bolduan hyped the "…

Geller Colleague Slams CNN For ‘Targeting’ Her And Not Radical Islam

June 4th, 2015 5:22 PM
After an interview of Pam Geller on New Day on Thursday, CNN’s At This Hour followed up with a testy interview of Geller’s colleague Robert Spencer, who ripped the media for their unwillingness to confront radical Islam: "They are trying to say you have to do what we say, you have to not do what we want, and do what we want, and if you do not, we will kill you. And the mainstream media, including…

CNN Wonders If Muhammad Cartoon Group is 'Looking for More Violence'

May 5th, 2015 3:50 PM
On Tuesday's At This Hour, CNN's John Berman wondered if American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), which organized the Muhammad cartoon conference that was attacked by two Islamists on Sunday, was only provoking more terrorist violence by planning to hold similar events in the future. Berman asked AFDI vice president Robert Spencer, "By holding more events, then, I suppose you could continue to…

CNN Touts 'Hate Group' Claim Against Group Targeted in Texas Attack

May 4th, 2015 5:31 PM
On Monday's New Day, CNN's Alisyn Camerota played up how the leftist Southern Poverty Law Center labeled the group targeted by two suspected Islamists in Texas a "hate group." Camerota underlined that "other people say" that Pamela Geller's American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) is "even a hate group, and that they're vehemently anti-Islam....They talk about Islam, and they talk about it with…

Toobin Rips Arkansas Governor's 'Double-Speak' on Religious Liberty

April 1st, 2015 3:30 PM
Liberal CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin attacked Governor Asa Hutchinson on Wednesday's At This Hour, after the Arkansas Republican asked the state legislature to bring a proposed Religious Freedom Restoration Act closer to the original 1993 federal law: "This was political double-talk....The idea that you can compromise and find some language that allows people to not do business with gay…

Former CNN Journalist: Williams' Lie Not as Bad as Bush 'Telling Lies'

February 11th, 2015 3:46 PM
On Wednesday's CNN Newsroom, Mark Feldstein channeled Michael Moore's take on the Brian Williams scandal. The former CNN journalist acknowledged that Williams likely wouldn't recover the "traditional credibility that he had as a news anchor," but later fell into the same Bush bashing as Moore: "Is it as bad a scandal as telling lies about the Iraq War to get us into it, as the Bush administration…

CNN Hounds McCain: 'Help the Administration Succeed' with New Strategy

September 11th, 2014 7:07 PM
On Thursday's New Day, CNN's Kate Bolduan hounded Senator John McCain to back President Obama's new strategy to combat the Islamist terrorist group ISIS and help him gain congressional support: "We talk about how you are a critic of the administration. But now that there is a strategy, Senator – now that there is going to be are you going to help the administration succeed now in…

MRC Study: After Hyping Christie’s ‘Bridgegate,’ CNN Buries Andr

August 15th, 2014 9:47 AM
It has been over three weeks since The New York Times published a front-page investigation unmasking the actions of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) shuttering an anti-corruption commission. In reaction, the U.S. Attorney has now begun investigating Cuomo’s administration for possible “witness tampering and obstruction of justice,” according to The New York Post. Despite these serious…