Chris Matthews Show Celebrates Obama Having More Facebook Friends Than

March 6th, 2011 2:42 PM
President Obama apparently has 18.5 million Facebook friends which not surprisingly is far more than former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney. When the Huffington Post's Howard Fineman told his liberal colleagues on the syndicated "Chris Matthews Show" what a potential advantage this gives the current White House resident, there was much rejoicing (…

'Sarah Palin's Alaska' Rumored to Get Second Season on TLC

December 21st, 2010 9:28 PM
The BBC's Katty Kay might think Sarah Palin's reality show is a flop, but The Learning Channel is rumored to be talking to the former governor to get her to do a second season. The gossip website Popeater reported Tuesday:

‘Chris Matthews Show’ Attacks Sarah Palin: ‘So How’s That Twee

December 19th, 2010 2:45 PM
Chris Matthews on the syndicated program bearing his name devoted an entire segment this weekend to attacking Sarah Palin. To assist him in the attacks, the host of "The Chris Matthews Show" brought on Howard Fineman of the Huffington Post, the BBC's Katty Kay, Joe Klein of Time magazine, and NBC's Norah O'Donnell (video follows with transcript and commentary):

FCC Commissioner Calls For Greater Regulation of News Media

December 2nd, 2010 4:30 PM
In a Wednesday interview on BBC World News America, liberal FCC Commissioner Michael Copps told correspondent Katty Kay: "I think American media has a bad case of substance abuse right now....we are going to be pretty close to denying our citizens the essential news and information that they need to have in order to make intelligent decisions about the future direction of their country." As…

BBC’s Kay Suggests Tea Partiers Put Beating Obama Ahead of ‘Countr

November 21st, 2010 11:30 AM
 Appearing as a panel member on Sunday’s syndicated Chris Matthews Show, the BBC’s Katty Kay suggested that Tea Partiers are willing to go against the "country’s interest" rather than to "deal" with President Obama. Kay: " And if there is going to be a wing of the Republican Party that says, do not on any issue, on any case, even on its merits, compromise with the President, it’s gonna be the…

BBC’s Katty Kay: Cheney ‘Hoodwinked the American Public’ into Be

November 8th, 2010 8:48 AM
 On Sunday’s syndicated Chris Matthews Show, panel member Katty Kay of the BBC claimed that Vice President Dick Cheney had convinced 70 percent of Americans to believe that Saddam Hussein was behind the 9/11 attacks, and that he "hoodwinked the American public." Kay’s accusation came as host Matthews had turned the discussion to the topic of how President Obama might have handled the response…

Dan Rather Smacks Down Entire Matthews Panel Over Media Hyping Koran B

September 12th, 2010 11:34 PM
Dan Rather this weekend smacked down the entire panel of the syndicated "Chris Matthews Show" over the press hyping Pastor Terry Jones's threats to burn Korans on the ninth anniversary of 9/11."Media in general bear some responsibility here by running so hard with this story so early and putting such comments as you just said not only on the air, but high on the air, giving it play," Rather said.…

Chris Matthews Panel Sees Name ‘Barack Hussein Obama’ as ‘Net Pl

September 12th, 2010 11:33 AM
On Sunday’s syndicated Chris Matthews Show, after host Matthews asked if electing a President whose middle name was "Hussein" had "opened a door to better relations with the Arab and Islamic world. Or has it opened a door to more xenophobic American negativity?" the panel mostly agreed that Obama’s election was more of a "net plus" for America’s relations with the world's Muslim population. The…

National Reviewer Schools Chris Matthews and Joe Klein on Beck, Limbau

August 29th, 2010 11:36 PM
Chris Matthews this weekend actually invited a real conservative on to the syndicated program bearing his name, and what transpired was a thing of beauty.National Review's Reihan Salam did such a fabulous job of educating Matthews and his guests - especially Time's Joe Klein - that I imagine him quickly becoming a NewsBusters favorite.The initial topic of discussion was Glenn Beck's "Restoring…

Joe Klein & Matthews Link Anti-Muslim ‘Attitude’ to ‘Deranged Mu

August 29th, 2010 12:25 PM
On Sunday’s syndicated Chris Matthews show, during a discussion of a poll reporting that a majority of self-described Republicans expressed a negative view of Islam, as Time magazine’s Joe Klein recounted incidents of recent violence in America by Muslim extremists, host Matthews asked if "this [anti-Muslim] attitude against them" was to blame for "stirring them up," leading Klein to agree that…

Five Out of Five Lib Journalists Agree: Obama's Big Government Push He

June 28th, 2010 3:54 PM
On the syndicated Chris Matthews show over the weekend, Chris Matthews praised Barack Obama for earning another "big feather" in his cap for getting his Wall Street reform bill passed and then went on to ask his panel if all of the other overbearing, big government laws signed in his term would lead to victory for the Democratic Party in the fall. Just before closing his show Matthews posed the…

Chris Matthews: 'Is Sarah Palin The Most Important Republican In The C

June 27th, 2010 4:22 PM
A truly extraordinary thing happened on this weekend's "The Chris Matthews Show": the host asked his panel if former Alaska governor Sarah is the most important Republican in the country right now.What made this even more surprising was how his guests -- CNN's Gloria Borger, Politico's John Harris, the BBC's Katty Kay, and former "CBS Evening News" host Dan Rather -- seemed to feel she was.Most…

Katty's Complaint: Crash 'Not Long Enough' To Turn People Off Capital

May 17th, 2010 9:33 AM
Give that lady a Peabody!  The Peabody folks claim they give their awards for "outstanding" journalism and "excellence."  So just how clueless do you have to be to qualify? Take Katty Kay, the BBC's chief US correspondent, in New York today to pick up her prize.  On Morning Joe, Kay got off a double-barreled dose of classic MSM-think:1. She defended Elena Kagan's opposition to military…

Andrew Sullivan Agrees With Klein's Sedition Comments; Says Beck, Limb

April 25th, 2010 3:54 PM
The Atlantic's Andrew Sullivan said this weekend he agrees with Time's Joe Klein about Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin being almost seditious in their opinions of the Obama administration while also claiming that the Republican Party IS Fox News. "I'm more with Joe than I am with the Fox News Republican National Committee coalition machine, sort of this great machine spewing out an alternative reality…