Nothing To See Here: MSNBC Buries Poll, Trumpets Early Voting Numbers

March 8th, 2018 6:03 PM

For the week of March 5, MSNBC’s coverage put the liberal media’s biased gatekeeping practices on full display. After feverishly reporting on favorable Democratic early voting numbers during the first half of the week, many of the same shows fell silent on Thursday concerning a new Axios poll which suggested Republicans might be better situated for the upcoming midterms than many had…


Meet the Press Panel Laments the Lack of Progress on Gun Control

March 4th, 2018 3:33 PM
Towards the end of Sunday’s Meet the Press, moderator Chuck Todd led the largely liberal panel on a sorrowful whine session to bemoan how no hastily-crafted-poorly-understood-and-ultimately-useless gun control measures had been enacted nationally yet.

Tur Claims Gov. Scott Refused to Speak With Students; Was at a Funeral

February 21st, 2018 9:06 PM
MSNBC’s Katy Tur has a glaring habit of letting her anti-Republican hatred run wild while confronting and slamming GOPers on issues she knows little about. The same was true when she hosted the 2:00 p.m. hour of MSNBC Live on Wednesday when the network’s cameras were in Florida Governor Rick Scott’s office documenting anti-gun protestors screaming at the receptionists while he wasn’t there.

MSNBC Dubs Student Anti-Gun Protests a 'Civil Rights Campaign'

February 21st, 2018 4:46 PM
As members of the news media, the anchors at MSNBC would have you believe that they are but dispassionate observers in all things political. Whether they themselves believe this self-styled characterization is unclear, but their coverage of the anti-gun student protests in Florida has been especially replete with just such disingenuous posturing.

MSNBC Paints NRA Funding as Negating 'Thoughts & Prayers' By GOPers

February 16th, 2018 10:03 PM
On Thursday, several MSNBC anchors at various times of day were fixated on how NRA spending had benefited a number of prominent Republican political figures who had tweeted out sentiments regarding "thoughts and prayers" after the Florida shootings. After MSNBC host Stephanie Ruhle first raised the issue Thursday morning and spent almost three minutes listing and showing images of nine…

Katy Tur Still Doesn't Know What 'Semiautomatic' Means

February 15th, 2018 5:55 PM
Every time the term ‘semiautomatic weapon’ hits the mainstream, it’s almost certain that at least one pundit will put their foot in their mouth while attempting to advocate for gun control legislation. Thanks to Katy Tur, that trend has continued.

Media Push Debunked Myth That Trump Urged Execution of Innocent Teens

February 15th, 2018 1:41 PM
After President Donald Trump last week called for "due process" for former White House aide Rob Porter after accusations that he abused both his ex-wives, the dominant liberal media responded by again resurrecting discredited claims that Trump lobbied for the execution of the Central Park Five who were accused of raping a jogger in 1989. In fact, according to a transcript recently posted in Nexis…

CNN, MSNBC Push Myth Trump Urged Death Penalty for Innocent Blacks

February 10th, 2018 2:04 PM
On Friday night, during coverage of the resignation of White House aide Rob Porter over spousal abuse charges, CNN's Anderson Cooper, MSNBC's Katy Tur and MSNBC's Jonathan Alter were not content to just complain that President Donald Trump sounded too sympathetic to Porter, but they even had to inject suggestions of racism into the discussion by bringing up debunked claims that Trump used an ad…

Nicolle Wallace: Trump Doesn't Care About 'Threats to The Nation'

February 9th, 2018 4:50 PM
An article in Friday’s Washington Post about President Trump’s unorthodox intelligence briefings has become spin fodder for MSNBC talking heads, who would have their viewers believe that the President is utterly disinterested in matters of national security.

NBC Ignores, MSNBC Barely Touches NFL Player Killed by Illegal

February 8th, 2018 11:56 PM
After news broke that Indianapolis Colts player Edwin Jackson was killed by a twice deported illegal immigrant who was driving drunk, it was not shocking that the far-left news network MSNBC would be reluctant to give much attention to the story since it might bolster President Donald Trump's push for greater border security and deportation of illegals. As it turns out, an examination of all…

After Belittling $1,000 Bonuses, Katy Tur Tries Changing the Subject

February 8th, 2018 11:51 AM
On Monday, shortly after President Trump asked two employees at a suburban Cincinnati manufacturer to describe their plans for the $1,000 bonuses they had received, MSNBC's Katy Tur ridiculed them on Twitter. Tur considered $1,000 a pittance, and contended that the bonus money wouldn't genuinely help the employees involved achieve their stated goals. On Wednesday, Tur responded poorly to the…

MSNBC's Katy Tur Sneers at Employees' Plans for Bonus, Tax-Cut Money

February 6th, 2018 3:56 PM
During his speech Monday in Blue Ash, Ohio, a Cincinnati suburb, President Donald Trump invited two Sheffer Corporation employees to share their plans for the extra money they are receiving because of December's tax law. Minutes later, demonstrating how utterly out of touch she is with working families, MSNBC's Katy Tur posted two error-filled, condescending tweets mocking their plans.

After Memo's Release, AP, Others Push 'Free Beacon Funded Steele' Lie

February 3rd, 2018 8:22 PM
Shortly after the Nunes memo's Friday release, five reporters — three at the Associated Press and one each at MSNBC and CNN, pushed the long-discredited claim that, in the AP's words, "(Christopher) Steele’s opposition research effort was initially funded by the conservative Washington Free Beacon."

L.A. Film Critic Praises MSNBC’s ‘Growing Feminism,’ Ignores Fox News

February 2nd, 2018 3:14 PM
Women in the media are more likely to garner praise depending on what channel they work for, one film critic’s story seems to suggest. On Thursday, Los Angeles magazine published a story on “How Women Have Helped MSNBC Tip the Cable-News Ratings Scales.” Film critic Steve Erickson praised the women of MSNBC and the “growing feminism” at the network. But as he applauded the network for surpassing…