
MSNBC: ‘When Will There Be Enough Investigations Into the Clintons?'

November 14th, 2017 4:55 PM
During breaks in MSNBC’s live coverage of Attorney General Jeff Sessions testifying before Congress on Tuesday, anchors Andrea Mitchell and Katy Tur were both aghast that congressional Republicans urged the nation’s top law enforcement official to launch an investigation into numerous scandals swirling around Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Katy Tur, Nick Kristof: Trump May Kill Millions to Boost Poll Numbers

November 7th, 2017 5:25 PM
On Tuesday’s MSNBC Live, host Katy Tur and New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof turned what was supposed to be a hard news segment on the North Korean nuclear crisis into a conspiratorial mess when they seriously posited that President Trump might launch a nuclear war that would kill millions of Koreans just to boost his domestic poll numbers.

MSNBC’s Katy Tur Claims Background Checks Not Used in All States

November 7th, 2017 12:40 AM
It’s not often that an MSNBC host gets critical with a Democratic lawmaker, but they do when the lawmaker supports the Second Amendment and their district just had a mass shooting. That exact scenario played out during MTP Daily on Monday when host Katy Tur, back after a long vacation, got irritated with Texas Democratic Congressman Henry Cuellar. In their argument, Tur claimed background checks…

Tur Interviews Dem Candidate, Skips Toxic Ad Spinning GOP as Killers

November 3rd, 2017 5:23 PM
MSNBC journalist Katy Tur on Friday skipped the opportunity to press Virginia’s Democratic governor about his connection to an appalling ad that linked his Republican opponent to mowing down Muslim and Hispanic children. Though Tur offered some tough questions, they were of a horse race variety, worrying that Ralph Northam might blow the election. 

Katy Tur Suggests Repealing 2nd Amendment Should Be End Goal

October 6th, 2017 4:02 PM
During the Friday afternoon 1 PM Eastern hour of MSNBC Live, anchor Katy Tur led a gun control discussion with Democrat Congressman David Cicilline (R.I.) and Congresswoman Jack Rosen (Nev.). Despite gun control being the pet topic of the Democrat party, Tur kept pushing the politicians from the left, trying to get them to agree that what Democrats really needed to do, was figure out a way to…

Tur: Trump ‘Buried’ Media’s Policy Coverage With His Own Scandals

September 26th, 2017 3:14 PM
Deflecting blame has become an art form by not just failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, but also the left-wing media. MSNBC host, and former campaign reporter, Katy Tur spent time on Monday’s The Daily Show doing exactly that, laying cover for the media’s lack of attention on serious policy differences between the candidates during 2016. Instead, Tur said it was Trump’s fault that the…

MSNBC: Kimmel ‘Helped’ Kill GOP Health Care Plan ‘In a Remarkable Way’

September 22nd, 2017 4:18 PM
Amid MSNBC celebrating Arizona Senator John McCain refusing to support the latest Republican effort to repeal ObamaCare on Friday, anchor Katy Tur led her panel of fellow liberal journalists in hailing ABC late-night host Jimmy Kimmel for his role in killing the GOP health care legislation.

Katy Tur: I Don't Vote Because...I Want to Appear Neutral (on MSNBC?)

September 17th, 2017 1:07 PM
MSNBC host Katy Tur is granting interviews to promote her book Unbelievable on being a political correspondent on the Trump campaign, and that included an hour-long softball session on NPR's Fresh Air with Terry Gross. Tur claimed she doesn't vote because "I don't have a horse in the race." Earth to Miss Tur: When you host a daily program on MSNBC and received adulatory hour-long interviews on…

NBC Reporter Wanted to Throw Up After Trump Won

September 13th, 2017 3:32 PM
“The room goes wavy. My stomach churns. I can feel the bile in the back of my throat.” That reaction to Donald Trump winning the 2016 election didn’t come from Hillary Clinton’s new memoir, it came from the pages of NBC correspondent and MSNBC anchor Katy Tur’s book about covering the campaign.

John Podhoretz Brings the Truth on Voter Fraud to Liberal Panel

September 13th, 2017 12:26 AM
The Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity was in New Hampshire on Tuesday to look into the state’s same-day voting system. And in the wake of their inquiries, the liberals of MSNBC were up in arms with claims of voter suppression and denials of voter fraud existing at all. But Commentary magazine Editor John Podhoretz laid out the facts regarding the reality of voter fraud during…

MSNBC Frets 'Voter Suppression,' Red States Hurt the 'Marginalized'

September 12th, 2017 1:28 PM
On Monday's MTP Daily, on MSNBC, during a panel discussion of the challenges Democrats have to overcome to win elections, Democratic strategist Zerlina Maxwell received no pushback when she complained about "voter suppression" hurting Democrats, and even asserted that Democrats disproportionately moved to states like California because red states have policies that are "harmful to marginalized…

Lauer and Tur Share Trauma of Trump Attacking the Media

September 12th, 2017 11:59 AM
Promoting her new book about covering Donald Trump during the 2016 campaign, on Tuesday’s NBC Today, correspondent Katy Tur told co-host Matt Lauer that the then-presidential candidate’s public criticism of her reporting was “jarring” and “scary.” Lauer shared her fear as he recalled the “intense feeling” he got at Trump rallies when the Republican nominee would attack the liberal media. 

MSNBC's Sam Champion Stumped By Katy Tur While Touting Global Warming

September 9th, 2017 2:44 PM
On Friday's MTP Daily, as MSNBC weather contributor and former ABC News meteorologist Sam Champion talked up his belief that global warming is exacerbating hurricane activity, substitute host Katy Tur managed to throw him off with a predicable question that the liberal weather forecaster nevertheless had difficulty mustering up a response to. Champion was stumped for an answer when Tur wondered…

Rubin Slams GOP as 'Party of Charlottesville,' 'Deserves Extinction'

September 4th, 2017 10:50 PM
On Monday, Jennifer Rubin was at it again as the allegedly right-leaning Washington Post columnist and regular MSNBC guest was trashing fellow conservatives both on MSNBC and on her "Right Turn" blog at In a Monday morning blog post -- titled "Ending DACA Would Be Trump's Most Evil Act" -- Rubin excoriated the Republican party as the party of "white grievance" and as the "…