
Tur on Mueller Report: ‘This Vindicates the President on Collusion’

March 24th, 2019 3:57 PM
Buckle up, folks. Because the meltdowns we’re about to see concerning the principal conclusions of the Mueller Report via a letter from Attorney General Bill Barr will rival or top those seen on election night 2016. Upon being read portions of the Barr letter, MSNBC host and one-time Trump campaign correspondent Katy Tur was forced to painstaking admit that Mueller’s findings have “vindicate[d]…

MSNBC’s Tur Brags: My Elementary School Featured Climate Activists!

March 16th, 2019 2:30 PM
MSNBC hosts on Friday enthusiastically touted the demands of high school-aged global warming protesters, cheering their call for the passage of the Green New deal and “a halt to any and all fossil fuel infrastructure projects.” This all seemed normal for host Katy Tur as she recounted her own childhood indoctrination. 

MSNBC Rages at 'Cages' for Kids at the Border, 'Lying' DHS Secretary

March 10th, 2019 8:31 AM
In the aftermath of DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen's congressional testimony on the separation of illegal immigrant families on Wednesday, MSNBC personalities raged about "cages" for kids. Correspondent Jacob Soboroff declared that he was "angry" about her testimony and accused her of "lying" while host Katy Tur admitted that she had never heard before that some illegal immigrant parents chose to…

Tur: 'Why Are Democrats So Hesitant to Start Impeachment Proceedings?'

March 2nd, 2019 2:28 PM

Guest hosting The 11th Hour With Brian Williams Friday night, MSNBC’s Katy Tur piled on the already enormous amount of coverage given to Michael Cohen’s testimony on Capitol Hill and joined many of her colleagues in invoking Watergate comparisons and fantasizing about President Trump’s impeachment.  Tur complained that the Democrats had not enthusiastically jumped on the impeachment bandwagon…


CNN, MSNBC Give Liberals Forum to Push Gun Control Myths

March 1st, 2019 10:00 PM
In the aftermath of the House of Representatives passing two Democratic-supported gun control bills that expand background check requirements to private purchases and transfers, and lengthens the allowed background check period, CNN and MSNBC have been celebrating by having liberal guests come on their shows and going along with their gun control myths without any conservative guests to counter…

Media Unanimous: Cohen is John Dean, and This Is Watergate

February 28th, 2019 5:37 PM
Justifying the gargantuan amount of Cohen coverage they provided yesterday, media talking heads continuously claimed that former Trump attorney Michael Cohen was a contemporary version of Nixon lawyer John Dean, and that his testimony constituted the Watergate hearing of our time.

MSNBC: No ‘Both Sides’ on Climate Change, It’s Science!

February 26th, 2019 4:27 PM
After concluding her Monday afternoon show by devoting a segment to climate change fearmongering, MSNBC anchor Katy Tur handed off programming to colleague Ali Velshi and apologized for eating into his hour. Velshi assured her no apology was necessary as Tur ranted: “There’s not a ‘both sides’ when you’re talking about the climate science.”

MSNBC's Tur Hypes Global Warming Alarmist Book, 'Need to Scare People'

February 26th, 2019 6:15 AM
On Monday's MSNBC Live with Katy Tur, host Tur devoted the last six minutes of her show to the book, The Uninhabitable Earth, by David Wallace-Wells of New York Magazine. The MSNBC host suggested that there has developed a "need to scare people" on the issue and make them "hair-on-fire alarmed" as she gave the global warming alarmist an unchallenged forum to promote his views.

MSNBC's Katy Tur: George Washington a 'Native Son of New York'

February 19th, 2019 9:08 AM
If ever there were a famous Virginian, it is George Washington. Born and raised in Virginia, Mount Vernon was of course his historic home. Yet somehow, a confused Tur has claimed that Washington was a "native son of New York." The unbelievable gaffe occurred today on MSNBC, as Tur handed off her MTP Daily hour to Ari Melber and his The Beat.

Chuck Todd and Liberal Panelists Champion Radical ‘Green New Deal’

February 10th, 2019 1:34 PM
NBC’s Meet the Press and moderator Chuck Todd have taken a radical stance on climate change and they’re proud of it. Late last year Todd boasted about banning “climate deniers” from his show. On Sunday, he and his fellow liberal journalists tried to boost the dangerously radical Green New Deal while avoiding the craziness it proposes.

Katy Tur Gets SCHOOLED After Claiming ‘No Middle Class' in America

January 31st, 2019 10:56 AM
Upset with prospective 2020 presidential candidates Howard Schultz and Michael Bloomberg blasting Senator Elizabeth Warren’s far-left proposal for a “wealth tax” on people’s assets, on Wednesday afternoon, MSNBC anchor Katy Tur complained that the billionaires “have more wealth and everybody else combined” with “almost no middle class any longer” in the U.S. At that point, Commentary Magazine…

Hypocrites CNN, MSNBC Complain About No Briefings....Then Skip It

January 28th, 2019 5:31 PM
On Monday, the White House held its first press briefing in 41 days, a stat passed around the press about how it was the longest span between briefings since cameras were brought in during the Clinton administration. Despite this kvetching, CNN and MSNBC chose not to air a single second of the briefing live, which included an announcement of new Venezuela sanctions plus questions for White House…

MSNBC's Katy Tur Compares Trump to a Four-Year-Old

January 26th, 2019 2:51 PM
During Friday afternoon’s MSNBC Live, host Katy Tur compared President Trump to a four-year-old. Here was Tur laying out her analogy: “We generally sometimes talk about the President in saying that the best way to get him not to do something, or to do something, is to tell him not to do something. That’s how you talk...that’s what happens with your four-year-old.” Behaving like a faithful MSNBC…

MSNBC Declares ‘Ginormous Win’ for Pelosi, Trump’s ‘Formidable Foe'

January 26th, 2019 11:44 AM
Minutes before President Trump announced a deal to end the partial government shutdown Friday afternoon, the anchors and correspondents on MSNBC were beside themselves with glee over the development, cheering it as a “ginormous win” for Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.