NBC Touts 'Cries of Shame' and 'Obama's Outrage' Over Gun Control Defe

April 18th, 2013 4:31 PM
Following gun background check legislation being voted down in the Senate on Wednesday, anchor Brian Williams led off NBC Nightly News that evening by proclaiming: "There are cries of 'shame' from victims of gun violence watching from the Senate gallery and the President reacts with anger." Williams later touted how Obama "called it 'a pretty shameful day for Washington'" when ranting about the…

NBC: With 'Provocative Move' to Oppose Gun Restrictions, GOP 'Sensing

April 10th, 2013 12:45 PM
On the eve of a proposed deal on a limited expansion of background checks for guy buyers, Tuesday's NBC Nightly News went after Republicans for opposing gun restrictions, with Capitol Hill correspondent Kelly O'Donnell proclaiming: "In a provocative move, more than a dozen Republicans are threatening to use Senate rules to block a vote on new gun restrictions....Sensing public disdain, a rift…

Scarborough On Harry Reid Quoting Him On Senate Floor: There Goes My R

April 10th, 2013 7:47 AM
With his penchant for ripping Republicans rather than Democrats, Joe Scarborough likely long ago ruined his chances of winning a Republican primary.  But the Morning Joe host today jokingly acknowledged how particularly tough it would now be, after Harry Reid yesterday approvingly quoted him on the Senate floor. Ever since Newtown, Scarborough has been waging a daily campaign for gun control…

Lapdog ABC: Trip to Cuba By Obama Donors Beyonce and Jay-Z Is 'Much Ad

April 9th, 2013 5:10 PM
Lapdog journalist Josh Elliott on Tuesday offered no skepticism about a controversial trip Beyonce and Jay-Z took to Cuba. The Good Morning America news reader insisted that there was nothing troubling about the fact that the music power couple, who raised over $4 million dollars for Barack Obama's reelection, received special permission to visit the communist country of Cuba. (American…

NBC Ignored Joe Biden's Smear of Indian Americans, But Hypes GOP Congr

March 29th, 2013 12:18 PM
In 2006, Joe Biden, then a powerful U.S. senator and future vice president, smeared Indian Americans as mostly working at the convenience store 7-11. At the time, NBC (and the other networks) completely ignored the story. This week, when obscure Republican Congressman Don Young referred to Hispanic migrant workers as "wetbacks," NBC's Today show devoted a full segment to the story. Reporter…

Martin Bashir Makes a Fool of Himself Surprisingly With NBCer Kelly O

February 14th, 2013 5:57 PM
MSNBC's Martin Bashir made a bit of a fool of himself Thursday surprisingly with the assistance of NBC News's Kelly O'Donnell. When Bashir claimed the just-ended failed cloture vote on Chuck Hagel for Defense Secretary was "an example of the fractures in the Republican Party because at the beginning of the day we didn't think that Harry Reid would get any Republican votes," O'Donnell…

ABC Ignores New Benghazi Revelations Showing Disengaged Obama

February 8th, 2013 12:11 PM
While the NBC and CBS morning shows on Friday both covered troubling Thursday testimony from outgoing Defense Secretary Leon Panetta that revealed President Obama's lack of engagement during the Benghazi terrorist attack, ABC's Good Morning America completely ignored the story. In addition, none of the networks mentioned the testimony on their Thursday evening newscasts. Friday's CBS This…

NBC Touts Menendez Dismissing Prostitute Scandal as 'False Attack' Fro

February 5th, 2013 12:48 PM
On Tuesday's Today, while teasing NBC's third full report on the unfolding scandal surrounding New Jersey Democratic Senator Robert Menendez, co-host Matt Lauer proclaimed: "...we're hearing from [him] this morning for the first time about claims that he was with prostitutes during some overseas trips. Coming up, his emotional response to what he says is a false attack." In the segment that…

NBC Hypes Sarah Palin's 'Breakup' With 'Conservative Home at Fox News

January 28th, 2013 1:32 PM
Monday's NBC Today was quick to seize on Sarah Palin ending her tenure as a contributor for Fox News, with correspondent Kelly O'Donnell announcing: "Sarah Palin has people guessing again this morning...After a breakup that seemed unlikely between the former governor and her conservative home at Fox News." O'Donnell remarked that Palin had "carved out an unusual space, at the intersection of…

NBC and CBS Eagerly Promote New Assault Weapons Ban

January 25th, 2013 3:27 PM
On their evening and morning news shows on Thursday and Friday, NBC and CBS were quick to tout Democratic efforts to reimpose an assault weapons ban, with NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams proclaiming the move to be "the latest step in the ongoing response to the Newtown, Connecticut school shootings." On CBS Evening News, correspondent Nancy Cordes described the scene as the…

According to NBC, Awkward Biden Photo-Ops = 'Charm Being Poured On

January 4th, 2013 4:25 PM
At the top of Friday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer gushed over Vice President Biden doing a series of photo-ops while swearing in newly elected senators on Thursday: "Joe Biden welcomes lawmakers and their families to Washington like only he can." In a later report, correspondent Kelly O'Donnell glossed over several awkward moments caused by Biden: "There was certainly a lot of charm being…

NBC: 'Rebellious Conservatives' Turned Against Boehner in 'Rocky' Reel

January 4th, 2013 12:44 PM
Despite John Boehner receiving overwhelming support from the Republican caucus to be reelected as Speaker of the House, NBC Capitol Hill correspondent Kelly O'Donnell hyped dissension in the ranks on Friday's NBC Today: "After a turbulent few weeks of setbacks that had cast doubt on his power and influence, a dozen rebellious conservatives turned against him, but Boehner had enough votes."…

Media Mash: Bozell, Hannity Note How Media Loved Left-wing 111th Congr

January 4th, 2013 11:25 AM
The way the news media fawned over the Democratic 111th Congress -- which passed the wildly unpopular ObamaCare -- while smearing the Republican House in the 112th is like a bad Saturday Night Live skit, NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell told Sean Hannity on the January 3 edition of his eponymous Fox News Channel program. "Look, what they're saying is, when the Democrats were in charge with…

NBC: House GOP 'Ignored' Sandy Suffering; 'Another Body Blow' to Storm

January 3rd, 2013 5:31 PM
In a pair of back-to-back stories leading off Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, House Republicans were painted as villains for briefly delaying a vote on Hurricane Sandy relief. First, Capitol Hill correspondent Kelly O'Donnell declared: "Stunned Democrats and Republicans could not believe that their hometown suffering could be ignored." In the next report, correspondent Anne Thompson decried…