
MSNBC: Trump’s Remarks ‘Didn’t Do Enough,’ ‘Lowest Possible Bar’

August 14th, 2017 3:54 PM
Moments after President Trump condemned white supremacists by name during a White House address on Monday about the violence in Charlottesville, a panel of MSNBC reporters and pundits immediately proclaimed that the President “didn’t do enough” and should not get credit for meeting the “lowest possible bar.”  

Nets Swoon; GOP ‘Feeling the Wrath’ of Liberal Town Hall Protesters

February 10th, 2017 9:55 PM
Friday’s “big three” network evening newscasts showed no remorse when it came to Republican members of Congress being shouted down and blasted by angry, liberal protesters, gushing over how the GOP is “feeling the wrath” of “demonstrators flooding” their events. Of course, this was in contrast to how the media perceived Tea Party groups challenged members of Congress beginning in 2009 as the…

MSNBC: Clinton Campaign ‘Working the Refs’ Ahead of Debates

September 22nd, 2016 1:03 PM
Filling in for host Andrea Mitchell during MSNBC’s 12 p.m. ET hour on Thursday, Peter Alexander worried that Donald Trump only had a “low bar” to surpass in the upcoming debates: “Do they [the Clinton campaign] have real concerns...that the bar has been set so low for Donald Trump, in effect, that clearing that bar of acceptability is not much of a challenge? How do they combat that in some way?”

ABC, MSNBC Denounce Christie as ‘Inciting’ a ‘Mob,’ ‘Banana Republic’

July 19th, 2016 11:41 PM
The journalists at ABC and MSNBC on Tuesday could not contain their rage over Chris Christie’s hard-hitting Republican National Convention speech, denouncing it as “inciting” a “mob.” Noting that delegates chanted “lock her [Hillary Clinton] up," ABC’s Terry Moran fretted to the New Jersey governor, “Do you think that is a good thing for American politics when political disagreements result in a…

Amidst Orlando, Williams Jokes About Hunting GOP 'With a Flashlight'

June 12th, 2016 10:25 PM
While he apologized roughly six minutes later, MSNBC breaking news anchor and disgraced ex-NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams jokingly asked former Republican Senator Mel Martinez of Florida during an interview about the Orlando terror attack if he could find his party in the 2016 election “with a flashlight.”

CBS, NBC Tout SPLC, Declare Gun Control at ‘Forefront’ of 2016 Race

June 12th, 2016 8:39 PM

Each of the network evening newscasts devoted the duration of their air time to the terrorist attack on a gay nightclub in Orlando and, unfortunately, the networks immediately rushed to the issue of gun control and did only the bare minimum to highlight Omar Mateen’s radical Islamic beliefs. 


Chuck Todd: ‘Timing’ of Iran Situation ‘Couldn’t Be Worse’ for Obama

January 12th, 2016 10:11 PM
NBC News political director and Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd lamented in the final moments before President Obama’s final State of the Union Tuesday night that the “timing” of Iran’s seizure of 10 Sailors from the U.S. Navy “couldn't be worse for the President” as he went onto tout the Iran nuclear deal in his address.

MSNBC: Hillary Supporter Wanting to ‘Strangle’ Fiorina ‘Sort of Funny'

November 10th, 2015 4:37 PM
Attempting to excuse Hillary Clinton laughing at one of her supporters wanting to “strangle” Carly Fiorina, NBC correspondent Kelly O’Donnell appeared on MSNBC’s 3 p.m. ET hour to offer up a defense of the harsh rhetoric: “He then told a very detailed story about having been an employee of HP and laid off and he had a lot of anger and upset about that...So he has a very direct personal…

NBC, ABC Cheer Katy Perry and Bill Clinton as Hillary’s ‘A-Team’

October 26th, 2015 1:25 PM
Following a Hillary Clinton campaign rally on Saturday that featured singer Katy Perry and former President Bill Clinton, NBC and ABC were beside themselves in gushing over the event. On Saturday’s NBC Nightly News, correspondent Kelly O’Donnell proclaimed: “Hillary Clinton's team is going all in on star power....husband Bill Clinton's first campaign stop here in Iowa....superstar hit maker [Katy…

MSNBC Spins Planned Parenthood Ending 'Reimbursement' of Baby Parts

October 13th, 2015 5:02 PM
On Tuesday's Live with Thomas Roberts, the MSNBC host relayed the recent decision by Planned Parenthood to no longer seek "reimbursement" for tissue from aborted fetuses. Roberts asked NBC’s Kelly O’Donnell if the move was simply to “calm critics out there and ease pressure off of Planned Parenthood?” O'Donnell pointed out that this has been a "summer of rhetoric" and that Planned Parenthood was…

Nets Hype ‘Spirited,’ ‘Unfazed’ PP Pres Surviving GOP 'Interrogation'

September 29th, 2015 9:58 PM
Hours after Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards testified Tuesday before the House Oversight Committee concerning the videos that have embroiled the abortion provider in scandal over the selling of aborted baby parts, the “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC rushed to the defense of the “unfazed” and “spirited” Richards as she “endured a five-hour interrogation” by the GOP.

NBC Hypes: 'Challenge From...Far Right' Led to Boehner's Resignation

September 25th, 2015 11:26 PM
Two journalists on Friday's NBC Nightly News played up how the supposed "far right" of the Republican Party pushed out Rep. John Boehner, who announced earlier in the day that he would be stepping down as Speaker of the House. Lester Holt underlined that Boehner is "resigning from Congress at the end of next month in the face of a challenge from members of the far right of his party, who believe…

Nets Bash Walker on Immigration, Having 'No Foreign Policy Experience'

July 13th, 2015 10:24 PM
On Monday night, the major broadcast networks were out in full force to go after Republican Governor Scott Walker (Wisc.) during 2016 presidential announcement for his stance on illegal immigration, “no foreign policy experience,” and comments about union protesters along with an urging by ABC’s David Muir to criticize fellow presidential candidate Donald Trump. Muir scored an interview with…

CBS: ‘Questions’ About Scott Walker’s ‘Readiness for Prime Time’

July 13th, 2015 10:38 AM
During it’s preview of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s presidential announcement on Monday, CBS This Morning made sure to cast doubt on whether or not the Republican was “ready” to assume the White House in 2016. The CBS reporter insisted that “awkward exchanges” like one with a British reporter “have raised questions about his readiness for prime time” and “[t]o guard against criticism that he…