Leila Fadel

NPR Hosts Debate -- Between Begala Democrats and Nutty AOC Democrats
NPR recently hosted a debate between two sides. No, it's not between Democrats and Republicans, but between liberal Democrats and really radical Democrats. On Tuesday's Morning Edition, the establishment Democrat was old Clinton spinner Paul Begala, and the radical was Waleed Shahid.

NPR on NABJ: Trump Talk Was 'Unsettling,' 'Kind of Nuts All the Time'
Taxpayer-funded National Public Radio did not enjoy former President Donald Trump’s performance at the National Association of Black Journalists. On All Things Considered, co-host Ailsa Chang interviewed Kadia Goba of Semafor.com, one of the three moderators from NABJ, who described the night as “unsettling” and “hostile.” NPR White House correspondent Franco Ordoñez later described…

NPR Offers Leila Fadel Coddle to Liz Cheney
Taxpayer-funded National Public Radio was aggressively competing to be the most interview spot for Liz Cheney on Monday's Morning Edition. Anchor Leila Fadel was every bit as promotional as say, Asma Khalid was with Kamala Harris a year ago. Cheney is now in the pantheon of Democrat heroes.

PBS/NPR Polling Push: The World Is Melting, Republicans to Blame
Two publicly funded media outlets, National Public Radio and the PBS NewsHour, sponsored a Marist poll to find out how Republicans feel about an issue the press has decided is urgent -- “climate change.” To their horror, it found Republicans would rather preserve living standards for humans rather than throw their money at somehow stopping the temperature from rising. NPR’s…

NPR: Alito's 'Strident' Opinion Used 'Abortionist,' 'Unborn Children'
On Wednesday's Morning Edition, your taxpayer-funded National Public Radio expressed alarm at Justice Samuel Alito's "quite strident" draft opinion on abortion. He used terms like "abortionist." A guest was upset with the term "unborn children."