NY Times Smears Fox, Others for 'Racist and Sexist Assaults' on Kamala

October 7th, 2020 1:56 PM

On the eve of the important vice-presidential debate between Vice President Mike Pence and Kamala Harris, the New York Times is once again fiercely defending Joe Biden’s left-wing choice for running mate by throwing around “racist and sexist” smears. Tuesday’s front-page story by Sydney Ember and Lisa Lerer, “Harris Prepares for Debate Night As Stakes and Expectations Rise,” allowed…

NY Times Smears Nicholas Sandmann, Trump With Racist Canards

August 26th, 2020 4:40 PM

Night Two of the Republican National Convention is in the books, and the New York Times' “On Politics” newsletter editor Giovanni Russonello found racism everywhere he looked, both in what was said and what was not said on stage. The “racist” drumbeat continued with Lisa Lerer and…

OH PLEASE: NY Times Wonders If Obama Can Forgive USA for Voting Trump?

August 20th, 2020 6:35 PM

The third night of the virtual Democratic National Convention was highlighted by a scathing speech by former president Barack Obama attacking his successor Donald Trump. White House correspondent Peter Baker’s lead story used Obama’s speech to both praise the former president and denigrate the current one, under the headline “Obama Sees Chance to Save a Legacy Under Siege." Baker commiserated…

The NY Times Celebrates (Some) Women, Just Not This One

August 19th, 2020 7:09 PM

Donald Trump registered quite the achievement: He managed to make the avowedly feminist New York Times criticize renowned suffragist Susan B. Anthony in “With Eye on Election, Trump Plans to Pardon Women’s Suffrage Icon,” after the president announced he would mark the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment, giving women the right to vote, by pardoning Anthony, who was arrested and…


Pre-Rally Brian Stelter: Trump 'Lied' About Tiny, Boring Biden Event

June 20th, 2020 9:43 PM

During live CNN coverage before Trump's Saturday night rally, CNN's Brian Stelter oddly said the president "lied" on Twitter about the "small crowd" at a Biden event...because almost no one was there. The New York Times had a whole story on how small and silent it was. But CNN was all about taunting the president over the disappointing attendance.

NYT's Lerer Admits ‘Red-Pill’ Ignorance, Lets Lorenz Rant About Nazis

May 21st, 2020 8:45 AM

It’s embarrassing enough for the New York Times’ Lisa Lerer, who covers "campaigns, elections and political power,” to publicly admit she has no idea what “red-pill” signifies. A reference was recently tweeted by technology entrepreneur Elon Musk, who is fighting California’s coronavirus restrictions on business, and Lerer was on it. She turned over the descriptive responsibilities to…

NYT No Longer Believes All Women: 'Doesn't Mean Every Woman Is Right'

May 5th, 2020 11:56 AM
The New York Times is belatedly waking up to Tara Reade’s accusation of sexual assault against likely Democratic nominee Joe Biden. Yet the paper is still flattering the Democratic Party with its concern over #MeToo issues, “vitally important to many members of his party.” The reporters dismissed Reade's story as "a single allegation of assault." And a front-page “news analysis” sympathized with…

NYTimes Sees Conservative 'Assault on Virus Orders,’ No Label on ACLU

May 2nd, 2020 1:00 PM
As some states take tentative steps towards resuming normal life, the New York Times on Thursday warned that Attorney General Bill Barr was getting into the debate on the side of fighting state restrictions on commerce and assembly. Reporters Lisa Lerer and Kenneth Vogel penned "Justice Dept. Signals Support for Fight Against Restrictions.” The text box set the hostile tone: “Conservative groups…

PBS NewsHour Finally Discusses Sexual-Assault Charge Against Biden

April 18th, 2020 6:37 AM

On Friday night, more than three weeks after Tara Reade shared her allegation that Joe Biden sexually assaulted her on Capitol Hill in 1993, the PBS NewsHour arrived on the story by interviewing reporter Lisa Lerer, one of the authors of the belated New York Times piece on Reade. Lerer couldn't spin quickly enough away from any comparison of the Biden allegations to the unsubstantiated rape…

NYT Biden Whitewash: No Misconduct ‘Beyond Hugs, Kisses and Touching'

April 13th, 2020 9:28 AM
The New York Times finally got around to a story (page 20-21) on sexual assault allegations made against Joe Biden by former staffer Tara Reade. The trappings were comprehensive, with many interviews about the alleged incident, but this particular #meToo tale got a cool reception, as reporters Lisa Lerer and Sydney Ember emphasized doubts, scrupulousness the paper manifestly failed to show…

NY Times’ Lerer Weeps Over ‘Two White Men,’ But Slimed Tulsi Gabbard

March 6th, 2020 5:55 PM
Sen. Elizabeth Warren has dropped out of the presidential race, and The New York Times (which bizarrely endorsed both Warren and Sen. Amy Klobuchar) is bitter. The headline to Friday’s front-page “news analysis” by Lisa Lerer blamed sexism: “A Two-Man Race? Women Aren’t Surprised.”

Wow: NYTimes Warns 'Teflon Candidate' Sanders Will Get More Scrutiny

February 23rd, 2020 6:18 PM
Though The New York Times is undeniably liberal in its reporting, it has been distinctly cool in coverage of the most left-wing Democratic candidate, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT). It was obvious back in 2016, when reporters tried to pester Sanders out of the race against Hillary Clinton. Is it principled ideology on the part of reporters, or partisan fear? Either way, the paper fired a shot…

NY Times Front: Women, Stripped of Rights, Still Won’t Vote For Women

January 19th, 2020 3:25 PM
On the front page of Saturday’s New York Times, reporter Lisa Lerer wondered why so many women were reluctant to vote for a woman (i.e. Elizabeth Warren) to run for president in “Taking Feminism to Heart, if Not to the Caucuses – Beating Trump Matters More Than Electing a Woman, to Some.” As is often the case, unfettered abortion rights was a priority: "Ms. Schlenker has seen how the current…

Bloomberg Does Not Rule Out Spending $1,000,000,000 to Beat Trump

January 14th, 2020 11:12 AM
Liberal billionaire and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg may have just one-upped fellow liberal billionaire Tom Steyer in anti-Trump spending by being willing to burn through an unheard-of amount of money to defeat President Donald Trump.