Liz Sidoti

2005: Press, SNL Ripped GOP Rep Who Criticized Fellow Member
February 10th, 2017 7:15 AM
What a difference a decade and a different political party make. In November 2005, Ohio GOP Congresswoman Jean Schmidt used the same "I'm just quoting someone else" technique to criticize a fellow Member which Massachusetts Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren employed earlier this week to criticize since-confirmed Donald Trump Attorney General nominee Jeff Sessions. Schmidt was vilified to the…

AP's Liz Sidoti, Despite Angst Over Obama's 'Credibility,' Still Has B
June 10th, 2013 9:06 PM
When last seen at NewsBusters in February, the Associated Press's Liz Sidoti was talking down to the public about its "collective obsession with the trivial" less than a week after AP reporter Ken Thomas wasted 500 words of print and bandwidth on how Florida Sen. Marco Rubio took a sip of water during a speech.
Now Sidoti, who is the AP's National Political Editor, is quite worried --…
AP's Sidoti Bemoans 'Collective Obsession With the Trivial' as Its Bus
February 18th, 2013 12:33 PM
Liz Sidoti's offering this morning at the Associated Press, which is clearly a serious competitor for Worst AP Item Ever, carries the "column" label. As such, I suppose we're expected to accept the idea that the "analysis" offered is hers alone.
But you would think that the self-described "essential global news network" would have enough business judgment to review a reporter's work to make…

AP Editor: We Still Consider Herman Cain A Second-Tier Candidate
October 10th, 2011 11:35 AM
Yeah, Herman Cain won the Florida straw poll, crushing Mitt Romney and Rick Perry. And OK, a CBS poll recently found him tied with Romney among likely Republican primary voters. Sure, he also scored a resounding victory in another straw poll this weekend. And Rasmussen just today released the finding that 56% of GOP voters like Cain's 9-9-9 plan.
So is that enough to make the Associated…

Poll-Cooking With AP: Obama Approval at 60% -- With 46-29 Dem-GOP Spli
May 11th, 2011 11:16 AM
The chefs in the kitchens at AP-GfK, a joint effort of the Associated Press and GfK Roper Public Affairs & Corporate Communications, have been working overtime cooking up a scrumptious dish for fans of Barack Obama and the Democratic Party.
After tasting the output this morning, the AP's Liz Sidoti and Jennifer Agiesta could hardly contain their glee (also saved here for future reference…

AP Stumbles Twice With Inaccurate Reporting About Cheney at CPAC
February 14th, 2011 3:02 PM
Words of wisdom from a Greek restaurant owner who employed me in my youth after I messed up an order for moussaka or souvlaki -- once OK, twice stupid!
Associated Press reporter Liz Sidoti might want to take this advice to heart.
In a CPAC roundup story written yesterday and picked up by The Huffington Post, Sidoti wrote this, initially referring to post-Tucson calls for civility --

AP's Liz 'Sore Loser' Sidoti: GOP Counted on 'Lagging Recovery' For Co
November 6th, 2010 9:54 PM
Darn. If only the midterm elections had been held after Friday's Employment Situation Report instead of before, the results might have been very different.
Apparently that's what the Associated Press's Liz Sidoti (pictured at the top right at this post's home page tease) wants us to believe, as she ended her borderline bitter take on the origins of Congressional Republicans' successful…
Amazing: AP Writers Obsess Over Negative Electoral Impact Of Upcoming
September 12th, 2010 12:29 AM
It seems reasonable from their coverage in anticipation of the Census Bureua's release of income and poverty statistics this week that Hope Yen and Liz Sidoti of the Associated Press have a roof over their heads and aren't particularly worried about where their next meal is coming from. If so, good for them; may those circumstances continue. What's remarkable, though, is how a government report…
AP's Sidoti Laments Dems' Prospects in Ohio, Is Convincing as HuffPo Z
September 5th, 2010 8:35 PM
In a post at National Review Online's Battle '10 blog last night, Mytheos Holt commented on a report seen at the Huffington Post: HuffPo Panics about GOP Sweep of Ohio Looks like the Huffington Post is buying into the “As Ohio goes, so goes the nation” meme this election cycle, based on a story out today. The HuffPo item is by Liz Sidoti. But Sidoti is a national politics writer for the…
Media Pile on Pro-Life Stupak, Whitewash Abortion in ObamaCare
March 16th, 2010 9:20 AM
As the House gears up for a final move on ObamaCare, the media are doing everything they can to pressure pro-lifers to accept federal funding for abortion while helping the Obama administration downplay what that means. Instead of respecting the conscience of a pro-life politician, news outlets have launched an all-out campaign to blame House Democrat Bart Stupak for thwarting ObamaCare. Of…
AP Bashes Sarah 'Short On Ideas' Palin With Horrible Photo
February 7th, 2010 10:41 AM
It was a metaphysical certitude the liberal media would bash Sarah Palin's marvelous keynote speech to the National Tea Party convention in Nashville, Tennessee, Saturday, but what the Associated Press did is inexcusable.First, it attached to its Sunday piece a tremendously unflattering photo of the former Alaska governor.Then, it ripped her with the very first sentence (emphasis added, h/t NB…
AP Bashes Obama: 'Can He Get Any Other Democrats Elected
January 30th, 2010 11:33 PM
If the folks at the Associated Press lose their loving feeling for Barack Obama, his presidency could be in a lot of trouble.Consider if you will an article the wire service published Thursday shockingly titled "Can Obama Get Any Other Democrats Elected?" "Barack Obama built a powerful campaign organization and got himself to the White House," Liz Sidoti's piece began. "Now, as head of the…
AP's Sidoti Pushes Inevitability of Gay Marriage, 'Ever More' Difficul
May 3rd, 2009 7:38 AM
AP reporter Liz Sidoti – who writes as if every article is an opinionated "news analysis" – touted on Saturday how softening opposition to "gay marriage" is an opportunity for Democrats. That’s true, but Sidoti went further, pushing the theory that a liberal win is inevitable, and maybe even that moderate Barack Obama will change his stance: "This is not a sea change. This is a tide that is…
AP Barf Alert: Obama Has No 'Rookie Jitters,' Is 'Extraordinarily at E
April 25th, 2009 4:16 AM
I am not a doctor, but I play one on the Internet. So, take the following as a prescription for what ails you. Now, if for some unexplainable reason you have been feeling queasy since November of last year, if you have felt like you want to throw up but just can't seem to get that bile to overflow, well I have a little something here that will surely cause that gag reflex to result in a healthy…