Lori Montgomery
NPR's Diane Rehm Show Stuffed With Reporters Decrying 'Obamacare Madne
October 15th, 2013 3:02 PM
You can trust National Public Radio to take the statist side in a shutdown. It happened again on The Diane Rehm Show on Monday, where “objective” reporters took turns slashing at “reality”-deprived Tea Party conservatives. Washington Post reporter Lori Montgomery said “the Obamacare push was a giant mistake.”
She even announced that “Obamacare madness” can be blamed for the shutdown:
WaPo: 'Scale of the (Sequestration) Cuts May Be Overstated
February 28th, 2013 9:04 AM
On Saturday, Washington Post reporters Lori Montgomery and Paul Kane fretted, with the help of several leftists they quoted, that sequestration might not cause enough pain. Given that the so-called "cuts" under discussion are really "reductions in projected spending growth," that is a legitimate fear if your perspective is that government shouldn't ever shrink under any circumstances.
Obama Misses Budget Deadline 3rd Year in Row, White House Refuses to S
February 5th, 2013 3:26 PM
Just three days after the inauguration, a White House official told The Hill's Erik Wasson that the Obama administration would be nine days late in presenting its budget blueprint, going to Congress on February 13 with the multi-volume spending plan instead of the February 4 deadline set by federal law. This marks the third year in a row that the president has missed the budgetary deadline.…

Media Cast Obama as Budget Cutter Amid Debt Ceiling Debate
July 19th, 2011 5:51 PM
Reporters have repeatedly portrayed Barack Obama as a deficit hawk committed to "slashing" spending, as MRC Research Director Rich Noyes documented in April ahead of the president's much-anticipated budget speech.
While the media touted Obama's budget blueprint, which contained puny cuts, as "deeply painful," CBO Director Doug Elmendorf told Congress the president's framework lacked…

Bozell Column: The Media's Budget Fantasy Land
February 15th, 2011 10:41 PM
Jaws dropped across the nation’s capital at the audacious annihilation of the truth on the front page of the February 15 Washington Post. The top headline read “Obama budget makes deep cuts, cautious trades.” It’s another day at the Post, where every day is an April Fool’s joke.
Reporter Lori Montgomery didn’t exactly say “deep cuts” in her first sentence. She explained that Obama’s budget…

WaPo Hails Obama Budget Blueprint, Slams GOP Plan as 'Drastic' and 'Pa
February 15th, 2011 12:27 PM
"Obama budget makes deep cuts, cautious trades," blared the February 15 print edition headline for Washington Post staffer Lori Montgomery's page A1 story on President Obama's 2012 budget plan. "[The] Focus [is]on education, energy and research," a subheadline approvingly added.
In the lead paragraph, Montgomery hailed Obama's spending blueprint as "full of surgical cuts and cautious trade-…
WaPo Touts 'High Marks for Stimulus' That White House Gave Itself; No
October 1st, 2010 7:43 AM
The second headline on washingtonpost.com Friday morning highlights "High marks for stimulus package." Oh, who gave it high marks? It explained underneath: "Massive program is coming in on time and under budget -- and with strikingly few claims of fraud or abuse -- according to a White House report."On page A15 of the paper, the headline is "Positive review of stimulus package." Underneath that…
WaPo Slips Liberal Dogma Into Report on Tax Cuts: GOP Trying to 'Depri
September 15th, 2010 2:09 PM
In general, there are two major sides to the tax cut debate. One believes that Americans are entitled to keep what they earn, but that they cede some money to the government with the understanding that funding is necessary to enable the state to safeguard citizens' rights - the state's most fundamental function.The opposing side holds, in short, that Americans are entitled to their wealth only to…
Dem Leader Hoyer: Middle Class Tax Cuts Aren't 'Sacrosanct'; WaPo Buri
June 22nd, 2010 1:18 PM
In a recent interview, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said that the Bush tax cuts that affect the middle class should not be considered "totally sacrosanct." The number two Democrat in the House of Representatives "acknowledg[ed] that it would be difficult to reduce long-term deficits without breaking President Obama's pledge to protect families earning less than $250,000 a year,"…
Washington Post Cheapens 'Code Red' Anti-ObamaCare Rally with 'Hundred
March 20th, 2010 8:13 PM
Is The Washington Post playing favorites with causes that inspire people to exercise their First Amendment rights and take to the streets to protest? When it comes to opposition to Democratic efforts to reform health care versus opposition to wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, it appears so. In a March 20 Washington Post story headlined "Obama delivers plea to 'help us fix this system,'" Ben Pershing…
WaPo Puts Slaughter Solution on Page One -- But Where Are the Good-Gov
March 16th, 2010 11:17 AM
Some credit should go to The Washington Post on Tuesday for putting Speaker Nancy Pelosi on the front page as she boldly associates the "Democratic" Party with the strange notion of passing bills without a vote. But reporters Lori Montgomery and Paul Kane present the only opponents of this scheme as Republicans. Where are the disdainful good-government gurus? The Post reported: The tactic --…
Washington Post Uses CBO to Criticize Obama Tax Cuts, Rather than Spen
March 8th, 2010 8:35 PM
The Washington Post must dislike tax cuts even more than it likes President Barack Obama. On March 6, staff writer Lori Montgomery warned that the national debt would climb by $9.7 trillion under Obama’s budget.Relying on the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) for data, Montgomery reported that the debt would be "higher than White House forecast" but not because of spending increases by Obama.…