Press Apparently Has Its Scalp Even As Ronny Jackson Smears Refuted

April 30th, 2018 8:56 AM
The American people don't trust the establishment press, as seen in a Pew Research poll result released Thursday showing that only 8 percent of Americans have "a great deal of confidence" that the media will "act in the best interests of the public." Here is one more example showing why this attitude is entirely justified: The Secret Service, after a thorough investigation in response to…

President Trump Unveils Winners of 2017 Fake News Awards

January 17th, 2018 11:15 PM

When President Trump announced them in early January, many in the liberal media thought that the Fake News Awards were a bluff and he wouldn’t go through with them. But after having previously been postponed, Trump unveiled the “winners” Wednesday night. Out of the top 10 instances of fake news, CNN was sloppy enough to win four awards with the top spot going to The New York Times. The awards…

Eight Times the Liberal Media Screwed Up on Trump-Russia in 2017

January 5th, 2018 9:30 AM
On Tuesday, President Trump tweeted he would be “announcing THE MOST DISHONEST & CORRUPT MEDIA AWARDS OF THE YEAR” on Monday “in various categories from the Fake News Media." There’s bias, but then there’s sheer incompetence. The biggest media obsession last year was the search for evidence of Trump’s supposed collusion with Russia, in the process, liberal reporters in 2017 repeatedly…

CNN Anticipates (Hopes?) Trump Firing Mueller

December 21st, 2017 3:06 PM
You better not fire Robert Mueller! Firing Mueller would cause a constitutional crises making it easier for impeachment to take place! ...So why haven't you fired Mueller yet? Watching the "outrage" over the possibility of a Robert Mueller firing in the mainstream media in general and on CNN in particular the past few days, one could be forgiven if the suspicion is aroused that the outrage is…

Oops: CNN Botches Date, Importance of Trump/WikiLeaks E-Mail [UPDATED]

December 8th, 2017 2:49 PM
With the publication of a Friday afternoon story on The Washington Post’s website, CNN was dealt another embarrassing blow to its credibility thanks to a significant error in the date of a September 2016 e-mail to then-candidate Trump, Donald Trump Jr., and others in their orbit about a WikiLeaks document dump. 

Never Satisfied: CNN Lambastes Trump for New Charlottesville Remarks

August 14th, 2017 3:14 PM
Seconds after President Trump’s Monday remarks finally calling out the KKK, neo-Nazis, and white supremacists by name, CNN hosts and panelists made clear that there was nothing Trump could have said that would have satisfied them, excoriating him for not going far enough and announcing “policy in terms of addressing this.”

CNN’s King Suggests Sessions’ Hearing Is ‘Obstruction of Justice'

June 11th, 2017 11:15 AM
When Washington, D.C. woke up Sunday morning, politicos were greeted with the news that Attorney General Jeff Sessions was going to testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee. It would be a change of plans since Sessions was scheduled for a public hearing in front of the Senate Budget Committee, where he was expected to be pelted with Russia questions. It’s the Intelligence Committee that…

Obsessed Reporters Hound McCain to Say Trump Won Illegitimately

January 5th, 2017 4:34 PM
Thursday afternoon on CNN, reporters from several networks surrounded Republican Senator John McCain and attempted to get him to call Donald Trump’s election illegitimate. McCain spoke to the reporters in the hallway immediately following a Senate hearing where Intelligence officials testified about the Russian hacking of the DNC this past Summer. Ever since Clinton lost the election, the media…

Nets Silent as NH Gov Unable to Call Hillary ‘Honest’

August 17th, 2016 12:42 PM
In a recent interview with CNN senior political correspondent Manu Raju, New Hampshire Governor and Democratic Senate candidate Maggie Hassan repeatedly dodged questions about whether Hillary Clinton was “honest” and refused to vouch for Clinton’s credibility. Despite the embarrassing exchange making news on cable, the broadcast networks of NBC, ABC, and CBS all ignored the story.

AP: Trump Is a Down-Ticket Problem — But Hillary's Dishonesty Isn't?

August 16th, 2016 11:48 AM
One of the press's favorite current themes is how Donald Trump's presence at the top of the Republican general-election ticket in the fall has the potential to hurt Republican candidates in Senate and congressional races. That may well be, but the Democrats appear to have a more serious and far more intractable problem which those in the establishment press, including Steve Peoples at the…

CNN Airs Nearly 200 X's More Coverage On Trump Controversies Than Iran

August 3rd, 2016 1:47 PM
CNN set aside nearly half of its air time on Wednesday's New Day to various recent controversies involving the Trump campaign — 1 hour, 24 minutes, and 18 seconds over three hours. By contrast, the program clearly didn't think much of the Wall Street Journal's Tuesday revelation that the Obama administration secretly airlifted $400 million in cash to Iran. John Berman gave a 27-second news brief…

CNN Suggests 'Racial Injustice' Behind Killings by Police

July 27th, 2016 4:11 PM
In a pre-recorded report aired three times during Wednesday's New Day, CNN correspondent Manu Raju seemed to assume that criminal suspects who died after confrontations with police were victims of "racial injustice" as he recalled members of the group Mothers of the Movement who appeared on stage at the Democratic National Convention on Tuesday. At 5:11 a.m. ET, after CNN co-host Alisyn Camerota…

CNN Touts Obama's Court Pick as 'Moderate,' Not 'Nakedly Political'

March 16th, 2016 5:11 PM
On Wednesday, CNN quickly ran to label President Obama's Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland, as a "moderate" and a "consensus candidate." Jake Tapper contended that "this seems like a fairly-establishment, moderate pick." Pamela Brown first responded by underlining that there's "no doubt about it;" but moments later, she revealed that Judge Garland "may carry on Obama's legacy when it comes…

On NPR, NYT Reporter Trash Talks for Hillary: 'Bernie Has Zero Chance'

November 13th, 2015 11:03 PM
On a journalists’ roundtable on Friday’s Diane Rehm Show on National Public Radio, as they discussed Saturday’s Democratic debate, New York Times reporter Gardiner Harris broke out the trash talk, that Bernie Sanders will never, ever win:   HARRIS: Bernie has zero chance here, Diane. I'm sorry. He may have a chance in Iowa and in New Hampshire, because he does well among white liberals. He does…