
Este pueblo mexicano, ¿copió el mensaje de mano dura de Trump?

April 23rd, 2017 5:08 PM
La necesidad de Univision de convertir a Donald Trump en el villano de toda noticia migratoria se está saliendo de control, como vemos en este reporte reciente desde un pueblo en el estado de Oaxaca, México, que ha cerrado sus puertas a los inmigrantes centroamericanos. Pero, ¿realmente tuvo Trumo algo que ver en esto, o habría algún otro factor en juego?

Surprise: Univision Actually Gets 'Allahu Akbar' Coverage Right

April 19th, 2017 11:28 PM
Raise your hand if you thought that Univision, of all outlets, would defy politically correct media convention and be the most factually accurate when it came to covering the utterances made by the shooter upon his arrest in Fresno, California. Shockingly, this is exactly what happened.

Univision Anchors Think Their Viewers Are Stupid

April 18th, 2017 11:12 PM
If there is another explanation for what was a stunning exchange between the anchors at the close of Noticiero Univision earlier this week, I'd like to hear it. On April 17, viewers saw an exchange between Jorge Ramos and María Elena Salinas so fundamentally devoid of situational self-awareness that there is no other rational takeaway than an institutional assumption of staggering viewer…

Did Mexican Town Co-Opt Trump's Tough Stance On Immigration?

April 17th, 2017 11:34 PM
Univision's need to inject the specter of Donald Trump into every immigration story is getting out of hand, as we see from a recent report from a small town in Oaxaca, Mexico, that has closed its doors to Central American immigrants. But did Trump really have anything to do with this, or was something else at play?  

Univision ocultó la inmigración de cobertura de asesinatos MS-13 en NY

April 17th, 2017 9:08 AM
La división de noticias de Univision es experta en reportar noticias que podrían ser de interés a su teleaudiencia nacional, mientras que a la misma vez ocultan elementos de la noticia que podrían ser dañinos al arco narrativo de la cadena o de sus intereses comerciales. El ejemplo más receinte de ese sesgo por omisión viene mediante la cobertura brindada a la racha de asesinatos cometidos por la…

Univision Hid Immigration From Coverage of MS-13 Murders in NY

April 14th, 2017 12:30 AM
Univision's news division is particularly adept at covering stories that could be of interest to its national audience, while at the same time burying any element of the story that could be damaging to the network's narrative arc or business interests. The most recent example of that bias by omission comes via Univision's coverage of MS-13's murder spree in Long Island, New York.

Cobertura 'Opción Nuclear' de Univision obvió a Miguel Estrada

April 11th, 2017 11:15 PM
La cobertura brindada por Univision a la confirmación de Neil Gorsuch al Tribunal Supremo de los Estados Unidos logró contarnos un gran cuento sobre la temible opción nuclear, mientras que a la vez logró omitir mención del bloqueo partidista demócrata contra Miguel Estrada en el 2001.

Univision's Nuclear Option Coverage Avoids Inconvenient Miguel Estrada

April 7th, 2017 4:54 PM
Univision's coverage of the confirmation of Neil Gorsuch to the United States Supreme Court managed to weave a grand tale about the fearsome nuclear option, while entirely omitting any mention of the partisan Democratic filibuster against Miguel Estrada. 

Surprise! Univision Reports Returning Deportees Finding Work in Mexico

March 29th, 2017 12:32 AM
Univision shockingly airs another story that goes against its broader narratives: this time, by reporting on recently deported Mexican nationals that are quickly going on to find meaningful employment in their native land. Here's one such happy returning deportee, as depicted on Noticiero Univision on Monday, March 27th:

Terrible Admisión: La política de Obama terminó en violación Rockville

March 22nd, 2017 10:29 AM
Tras varios días de silencio sepulcral, Univision finalmente informó sobre la horrenda violación de una niña menor de edad en una escuela secundaria de Rockville, en el estado de Maryland. Al hacerlo, sorprendentemente la cadena hizo -- aunque lo más seguro es que haya sido sin querer --, una admisión asombrosa que destruye tanto su narrativa acostumbrada como su agenda inmigratoria izquierdista.

Shocking Admission on Univision: Obama Policy Led To Rockville Rape

March 22nd, 2017 1:06 AM
After several days of silence, Univision finally got around to covering the horrific rape at Rockville (Maryland) High School. In so doing, the network aired a stunning admission that blows its liberal narrative and immigration agenda completely out of the water.

Univision maquilla legado de terror de Oscar Lopez Rivera

January 27th, 2017 5:10 PM
El reporte del Noticiero Univision sobre la conmutación de la sentencia de prisión del terrorista convicto de parte del expresidente Barack Obama es un ejemplo asombroso de noticia fabricada ("fake news").

Oscar Lopez Rivera's Legacy Of Terror Mostly Whitewashed By Univision

January 19th, 2017 11:52 AM
Univision's report on President Barack Obama's commutation of the prison sentence of convicted terrorist Oscar Rivera López is an astounding case study in fake news. The story, which went entirely unreported on the evening ABC, CBS and NBC newscasts, took top billing on Univision newscast. 

Resumen 2016: Univision el gran perdedor

November 30th, 2016 6:02 PM
Es de constancia en el récord que la prensa estáblishment nacional fue el gran perdedor de la recién concluída elección presidencial estadounidense, habiendo sido sorprendida por la elección de Donald J. Trump a la presidencia de los Estados Unidos. Sin embargo, la telecadena que más apostó y más perdió tambien parecer ser la menos que aprendió.