'Double Down': Huntsman Campaign Behind 2011 Smears of Herman Cain and

November 2nd, 2013 1:10 PM
Not surprisingly, the liberal media on Friday focused on leaked details from Mark Halperin and John Heilemann's new book "Double Down" that involved Barack Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Mitt Romney, and Chris Christie. Yet buried deep in Peter Hamby's review at the Washington Post was a paragraph claiming the campaign of former Utah governor Jon Huntsman was behind the 2011…

'Morning Joe' Can't Stand Gingrich, But Welcomes Radical Bomber Bill A

October 14th, 2013 11:01 PM
MSNBC’s Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski has applauded calling Newt Gingrich a “political pyromaniac,” and suggested Sarah Palin was to blame for the Gabby Giffords shooting. So it was a bit shocking to see her fawning over Pentagon bomber Bill Ayers on Monday morning. Ayers is selling a new memoir called "Public Enemy: Confessions of an American Dissident," but Mika threw softballs and…

Halperin: Obama's Shutdown Strategy Banks On The Press Blaming Republi

September 30th, 2013 7:54 AM
The list of things on which Barack Obama has been wrong goes on to the crack of doom.  But there's one thing on which the President is surely right. In devising his strategy for dealing with the shutdown, the prez can count on the MSM to blame Republicans. Mark Halperin bared the president's calculus on today's Morning Joe, saying the Obama admin has little incentive to negotiate because it…

Spitzer's Feeble Defense: Hey, Politicians Lie All The Time About All

July 9th, 2013 10:20 AM
As defenses go to the charge of having lied to the people of New York about illegal activities, Eliot Spitzer's was feeble at best. Hey, politicans lie all the time about all sorts of stuff, was the essence of Client #9-turned-Comptroller-candidate's response. Spitzer's lame defense [he literally said: "I think we all know that politicians dissemble all the time about negotiations, on…

Carl Bernstein Hypes Obama's 'Very Smart Move' to Take Employer Mandat

July 3rd, 2013 12:47 PM
On Tuesday night, the Obama administration announced it was delaying the implementation of a key provision of the president’s signature health care law – a so-called “employer mandate,” which requires businesses with more than 50 full-time employees to provide health insurance. The move to delay implementation until 2015 was criticized by Republican lawmakers, who claim the measure is proof…

MSNBC's Brzezinski, Halperin Gush over Potential Clinton Run: Hillary

June 20th, 2013 4:38 PM
Mika Brzezinski and the Morning Joe crew continued their obsession with Hillary Clinton’s non-existent presidential campaign on Wednesday. Brzezinski gushed that the former secretary of state “transcends” the Bush-Clinton dynasty concerns raised by Barbara Bush, while guest Mark Halperin claimed Hillary was “head and shoulders above” the rest of the field. The MSNBC panel invited Sen. Claire…

'Morning Joe' Panel Hypes 'Very, Very, Very Big News' of McCaskill's H

June 18th, 2013 1:56 PM
According to James Carville, all Democrats want to do is “get behind” Hillary Clinton for the 2016 elections. It’s definitely easier for them to do so when the media is throwing their full weight behind the former secretary of state. The liberal panelists on Tuesday’s Morning Joe hyped the “very, very, very big news” that Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) is endorsing former Secretary Clinton…

MSNBCers Fall Over Themselves Praising 'Amazing,' 'Historic' Obama For

May 25th, 2013 3:56 PM
If you have any lingering doubts about which way MSNBC "leans," you don't need to look any farther than the cable channel's coverage of President Obama's speech on Thursday regarding foreign relations and national security. At times, it seemed that each MSNBC host or contributor was trying to outdo the other with fawning cheers over the latest address from the Democratic occupant of the White…

Befuddled by Benghazi, Top Political Reporters Admit Irrelevancy to Un

May 12th, 2013 9:42 AM
My alternate headline for this item: “NBC’s Today Show on Benghazi: ‘There Are So Many Issues the Country Faces. This Is One of Them.’” That dismissive attitude came from ABC News veteran Mark Halperin, now MSNBC’s senior political analyst who also toils for Time magazine, putting the burden on Republican to make an issue of Obama administration dishonesty on Benghazi.  Failing to see any…

S.C. Dem Chairman Levels Racist Attack on Gov. Haley; 'Morning Joe' Be

May 6th, 2013 11:58 AM
It’s bad enough that MSNBC is extremely liberal, but when they acknowledge their biases but don’t attempt to correct them, it shows how incorrigible they are. Take Monday's Morning Joe, where the panelists discussed offensive comments made on Friday by outgoing South Carolina Democratic Party chairman Dick Harpootlian. During his speech, which Vice President Joe Biden was in attendance to…

Scarborough Accuses Former Republican Congressman Chris Cox Of 'Lying

April 18th, 2013 9:13 AM
Oh irony, oh hypocrisy!  Joe Scarborough opened today's Morning Joe by singing the praises of NBC's Pete Williams for not jumping onto the story that other news outlets were reporting yesterday that an arrest had been made in the Boston Marathon bombing.  Scarborough condemned journalists "far more interested in getting it first than getting it right." But mere minutes later, Scarborough…

Mika Imagines Portman's Same-Sex Marriage Support Cost Him Romney VP P

March 19th, 2013 9:53 AM
Did Rob Portman's support of same-sex marriage cost him selection as Mitt Romney's running mate?  Mika Brzezinski imagines so. Brzezinski made that suggestion on today's Morning Joe, but Joe Scarborough sarcastically said that the reason Romney didn't pick Portman was that he didn't want to win Ohio.  View the video after the jump.

Morning Joe Rips 'Old White Guy' Republicans For Going After 'Younger

November 20th, 2012 9:37 AM
From Joe Scarborough to John Heilemann, Katty Kay to Mark Halperin to Willie Geist, it was unanimous on today's Morning Joe.  Whatever the substance, whatever the policy, Republicans would be making a massive political mistake by opposing the possible nomination of Susan Rice as Secretary of State. Summed up Scarborough the MJ zeitgeist: "do a bunch of old white guys want to make their first…

Politico's Mike Allen: If Romney Loses He'll Blame Hurricane Sandy

November 1st, 2012 11:09 AM
The mainstream media are attempting to create a self-fulfilling prophecy that Hurricane Sandy has saved Barack Obama's re-election chances. On MSNBC's Morning Joe Thursday, Politico's Mike Allen said, "You're already hearing Republicans hint that if Mitt Romney loses, that he'll blame the storm" (video follows with transcript and commentary):