
Tavis Smiley Cheers Sanders for Pushing Hillary to the Left

June 21st, 2016 3:06 PM
On Tuesday, PBS host Tavis Smiley appeared on Morning Joe to enlighten viewers with his presidential election analysis. What did we learn? Apparently progressivism is a gift that keeps on giving. According to Smiley, Bernie Sanders should take a page out of Jesse Jackson’s playbook, without Jesse Jackson there would have been no Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton is a much better candidate thanks…

Meet the Press Praises Dems for Merging ‘Terrorism and Guns Together’

June 19th, 2016 3:05 PM
The big question the Meet the Press panel tackled on Sunday was, as moderator Chuck Todd put it, “Is the gun debate changed this week?” Todd believed it had, explaining how Democrats have read the GOP’s play book on getting legislation passed, “And Democrats, for the first time, decided to merge terrorism and guns together and run with it. And it did change the rhetoric of the Republicans.”

MSNBC's Scarborough Rips Couric's 'Hit Job' Against Gun Advocates

June 7th, 2016 3:36 PM
MSNBC's Morning Joe on Tuesday finally mentioned the controversy over the misleading edits in Katie Couric's recent documentary, Under the Gun. Joe Scarborough blasted the production as "one of the most stunning things I've ever seen...just a complete hit job on a group of Americans." The host prompted his panel for their take on the "purposely biased" documentary. The Washington Post's Eugene…

NBC Boosts 'Reinvigorated' Hillary Clinton's 'Roast' of Trump

June 3rd, 2016 10:42 PM
On Friday's NBC Nightly News, Andrea Mitchell touted how Donald Trump's repeated shots at the ethnic background of a federal judge "reinvigorated" Hillary Clinton's presidential bid. Mitchell hyped how "her campaign thinks she has finally cracked the code on how to make the attacks on Trump stick, after that takedown...billed as a foreign policy speech — at times, sounding more like a roast."

ABC, CBS Fail to Cover Investigation of Dem VA Governor; NBC Notices

May 24th, 2016 3:33 PM
After a network blackout on Monday night of news the FBI has been investigating Democratic Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe for possible illegal campaign donations, ABC and CBS kept the streak alive on Tuesday morning as Good Morning America and CBS This Morning made no mention of the probe. In contrast, NBC’s Today provided a full report from Justice correspondent Pete Williams.

MSNBC's Mika: Hillary Should 'Be Herself;' Ignore Media, Staffers

May 10th, 2016 4:24 PM
MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski gushed over Hillary Clinton on Tuesday's Morning Joe, and lamented how her campaign staff and the press are distracting her from showing her true self: "My gut is Hillary Clinton needs to be Hillary Clinton — the one that you meet one on one....She's going to have to just be herself — because herself has always been the best thing for her." Brzezinski later contended that…

Halperin: Unless 'Forced,' Media Won't Ask About Bill's Sex Scandals

May 9th, 2016 6:58 PM
Donald Trump has wasted no time in "going there": accusing Hillary Clinton of being an enabler of Bill's sexual misconduct with women. So will the MSM ask Hillary about her role in hushing up the scandals, intimidating the women, etc? No, according to Mark Halperin, not unless the MSM is "forced" to do so. Said Halperin on today's With All Due Respect, "I don't think a reporter will ask unless…

Halperin: 'Only Way A Republican' Wins Is If 'The Press Favors Them'

May 9th, 2016 1:35 PM
MSNBC's Mark Halperin trumpeted the apparent power of the media on Monday's Morning Joe during a discussion about Donald Trump attacking the morning show: "The only way a Republican can win for president, I believe, is if the press favors them in coverage." Halperin then oddly claimed that Trump "had a chance to have better press coverage than Hillary Clinton. He's missing that chance. He's…

NBC Touts Trump’s ‘Flexibility’ as He ‘Moved to the Left’

May 9th, 2016 12:49 PM
On Monday’s NBC Today, correspondent Peter Alexander framed Donald Trump’s adoption of various liberal policy positions as evidence of his “flexibility” as a candidate: “Trump showing plenty of flexibility on the issues, now open to a minimum wage increase after opposing it during the primaries. Shifting positions on taxes, too. His plan calls for cuts for everybody, which he contradicted last…

Nets: ‘Desperate’ Cruz & Kasich Alliance ‘Too Late' to Stop Trump

April 25th, 2016 12:43 PM
On Monday, all three network morning shows parroted Donald Trump’s campaign talking points by dismissing Ted Cruz and John Kasich teaming up to stop the GOP frontrunner as an act of “desperation” that came “too little, too late.” Appearing on NBC’s Today, Bloomberg Politics managing editor Mark Halperin proclaimed: “Donald Trump, to be stopped, they need to do something different....This is…

Scarborough's Love Letter to Hillary's Foreign Policy Leadership

April 25th, 2016 9:27 AM
Joe Scarborough was careful to state for the record that he was "not voting for Hillary Clinton." But everything else he said during a segment on today's Morning Joe was one long love letter to her foreign policy and leadership skills. Granted, Joe set the bar very low, comparing Hillary's prospective leadership to President Obama's fecklessness. Even so, it was striking to hear Scarborough…

WADR: Halperin Corrects Heilemann on Delegate Math History

April 21st, 2016 1:24 PM
Oops! It was quite an amusing moment yesterday on Bloomberg's With All Due Respect when Mark Halperin corrected his co-host, John Heilemann, on delegate math history. As you can see in the video below, Heilemann asserted that Donald Trump was not doing as well as he should be because at this point in the 2012 Republican primary, Mitt Romney already had enough delegates to lock up the nomination…

'End of Days' for Hillary Campaign?

April 7th, 2016 6:38 PM
"At the end of the day" has been voted the most irritating, hackneyed expression in the English language. If once in a while it slips into our speech, no big whoop. But in her interview on With All Due Respect today, when Hillary's political director, Amanda Renteria, used the expression twice in her very first answer, it caught this NewsBuster's attention. And so I found myself counting. Three…

Heilemann To Senor: 'Stop Lying' About Ryan Not Seeking Nomination

April 5th, 2016 7:14 PM
Was it good-natured ribbing by John Heilemann, or unvarnished venom? On today's With All Due Respect, Republican Dan Senor made the case--at length--as to why Paul Ryan would make a great candidate to oppose Hillary Clinton. But Senor then proceeded to claim that Ryan would not seek the nomination because the Speaker doesn't think it's "appropriate." Heilemann responded with a flurry of "lying"…