Phil Donahue: Learn About Glenn Beck At Daily Kos Website

April 29th, 2010 2:06 AM
Phil Donahue believes people should learn about Fox News's Glenn Beck by watching a video that was posted at the perilously liberal website Daily Kos.In a preview of an interview to be aired on the "Joy Behar Show" Friday, the host asked her guest, "What do you think of this upsurge of the Becks and the Limbaughs and Fox News?"Donahue curiously responded, "You know this kid Daily Kos?...He's got…

Huh? Olbermann Brings on Markos Moulitsas to Decry Ugly, Violent Rheto

April 4th, 2010 7:06 AM
Is there anything more ridiculous than putting on the architect of the dark and ghastly radical castle called the Daily Kos to denounce extremism and irresponsible rhetoric? And yet that's exactly what Keith Olbermann did on Tuesday night's Countdown -- he brought on Markos Moulitsas.He didn't ask about the Kos blogger who compared Virginia attorney general (then-candidate) Ken Cuccinelli to a…

On NBC's Set, Daily Kos Boss Told David Gregory to 'Quit' His Love for

February 28th, 2010 7:40 AM
How do liberals really think journalism can be improved? By shrinking the amount of time and space Republicans have in the media. Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas lamented on Friday that John McCain would continue his streak as a go-to spokesman on Sunday morning news shows. Citing fellow liberal blogger Steve Benen, he complains McCain’s appearance on Sunday’s Meet the Press marks the 20th…

Daily Kos Claims Mass. Senate Race Tied, RCP Average Is Brown

January 18th, 2010 9:46 PM
The folks at the uber-liberal website Daily Kos are showing their political bias this evening with a new poll claiming Tuesday's special Senate election in Massachusetts is all tied up.What makes this laughable is the Real Clear Politics average -- including the DK poll -- has Republican candidate Scott Brown leading Democrat Martha Coakley by 6.2 points.Here are the most recent poll numbers:

Double Standard: 'Fairly Big Split' Among Liberals on Health Care Down

December 22nd, 2009 8:45 AM
Remember how the vocal elements among the left-wing media were all too eager to exploit disagreements between prominent conservatives? There were comments Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele made about Rush Limbaugh earlier this year and the back-and-forth between former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich and former GOP vice-presidential nominee and Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.…

Schultz-Matthews Spat? Ed Invites Kos To Conk Chris

December 18th, 2009 7:11 PM
Bad blood brewing between Ed Schultz and Chris Matthews? Schultz today invited a guest on his show for the express purpose of taking shots at fellow MSNBCer Matthews!On yesterday's Hardball, Matthews criticized the netroots who are trashing the watered-down ObamaCare bill.  "I don't consider them Democrats," said Matthews, dismissing them as "troublemakers." Concluded Chris: "they get their…

To Kos, Taliban's Real Crime Is Being Un-PC

November 25th, 2009 9:49 PM
Want to understand the liberal mind?  Check out Daily Kos creator Markos Moulitsas on this evening's Schultz show . . Why does Kos say he hates the Taliban?  Because they aided and abetted Osama Bin Laden in the murder of thousands of Americans?  Nope.  That they are actively engaged in killing American troops in Afghanistan? Guess again.  No, the Taliban's real crime—the only complaint Kos…

Newsweek Top 10 List of Tactical Blunders Leads With Bill Maher Articl

November 23rd, 2009 10:23 AM
Newsweek’s 20/10 Project has a list of the Decade’s Worst Tactical Blunders. It might not be a shock that Newsweek decided three of the top four were made by Team Bush – and the fourth was John Kerry for letting Swift Boaters prevent him from taking that awful Bush out. What might be surprising are the authors of the little articles that accompany the list. The number one blunder was "Bush’s…

Tom Tancredo Storms Off 'Ed Show' After Markos Moulitsas Insult

November 7th, 2009 7:46 PM
The liberal blogosphere is cheering one of its heroes for insulting a former Republican member of Congress on national television who as a result walked off an MSNBC set in disgust.Appearing on Friday's "The Ed Show," Daily Kos owner Markos Moulitsas said to former Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo, "I did not get a deferment because I was too depressed to fight in a war that I supported in…

Oops! Daily Kos 'Unendorses' Scozzafava in NY-23 After Original Endors

October 30th, 2009 8:57 AM
Oops!Markos Moulitsas, founder of the Daily Kos, has discovered that his endorsement can be  political poison. Such was the case with his endorsement at the beginning of this month of the very liberal Republican candidate, Dede Scozzafava, in the New York 23rd CD special election: Club for Growth darling Doug Hoffman is running on the Conservative Party line, and has even garnered the endorsement…

Newsweek Ignores Scozzafava's ACORN Ties in NY-23 Story

October 22nd, 2009 2:52 PM
In an October 20 The Gaggle blog post, Newsweek's David A. Graham sought to explain to readers why the New York 23rd Congressional District special election on November 3 "is more important than" the New Jersey and Virginia gubernatorial races.Graham portrayed the race -- pitting liberal Republican Dede Scozzafava against Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman and Democratic candidate Bill…

A Daily Kos Civility Lesson

September 10th, 2009 5:17 PM
Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas on the Midday Open Thread, Thursday: "As bad as Rep. Joe Wilson's behavior was last night, look on the bright side -- at least he wasn't carrying a sign that said 'Obama = Hitler'. Or a loaded rifle."Also Markos on Thursday, lauding Joe Wilson’s Democrat opponent: "Overall, Rob Miller is close to hitting $400,000 from almost 11,000 patriots sick and tired of…

Daily Kos Editor Posts Picture Depicting Glenn Beck As Racism's Leader

September 9th, 2009 10:56 AM
Last month, an MSNBC anchor claimed socialist was the new N-word.On Tuesday, a contributing editor of the liberal website Daily Kos took this insanity a step further by creating and posting a picture depicting Tea Partiers as racists and Fox News's Glenn Beck as their leader.Why are Beck and so many Americans deserving of this dishonor?Because they are "fond of calling the Obama Administration a…

With Obama In Office Kossacks Not So Worried About War

August 18th, 2009 10:13 AM
When George W. Bush was in the White House, one of the leading anti-war voices in the nation was the ultra-liberal website Daily Kos.Now that Barack Obama is President, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are mysteriously no longer of such great concern to the Netroots.I guess the anti-war movement was much more about getting Bush out of office than getting our troops out of harm's way. Such was…