Marvin Kalb

LOL: Fake News Anchor Rather Bemoans ‘Sensationalism’ of '90s TV News
July 10th, 2017 7:10 PM
Sifting through Sunday night’s premiere of CNN’s The Nineties, the television episode included a segment on the news business and, aside from nothing about the media’s far-left bias that exploded in the 1990s, one ironic observation was that the film makers turned to Marvin Kalb and fake news master Dan Rather to lament the negatives of media expansion.
Ex-CBS Reporter Slams CBS's Jan Crawford on Fox for Saying Roberts Swa
July 3rd, 2012 2:00 PM
In the wake of revelations that Chief Justice John Roberts switched his vote on the constitutionality of ObamaCare, former CBS journalist and Fox News contributor Marvin Kalb appeared on Tuesday's Fox & Friends and flat-out rejected the notion that the media influenced the Roberts opinion or that media influence, especially from left-wing networks, has any adverse impact on national…

Kalb to NYT Executive Editor Keller: Why Do You Allow Left-Wing Views
February 4th, 2011 4:50 PM
New York Times Executive Editor Bill Keller was challenged Monday night on the paper’s commitment to objectivity, especially concerning opinionizing in front-page articles, in an appearance televised on C-Span, before an audience at George Washington University. About 26 minutes into the wide-ranging journalism discussion, moderator Marvin Kalb challenged Keller.
Kalb: “On the Times you…

NYT Top Editor Bill Keller Blasts Fox's 'Unhealthy' Impact on National
February 3rd, 2011 9:47 AM
Executive Editor Bill Keller and Washington bureau chief Dean Baquet were interviewed at the National Press Club Monday night by Marvin Kalb for “New York Times Behind the Scenes,” which aired on C-Span. As reported Monday night by Keach Hagey of Politico, when Kalb asked what Keller thought of media mogul Rupert Murdoch, who has launched a New York edition of the Wall Street Journal, Keller…
Kalb Suggests Wartime President Bush ‘Avoided Military Service,’ F
November 12th, 2008 8:24 AM
On Tuesday’s The O’Reilly Factor, FNC host Bill O’Reilly showed clips from the Kalb Report show in which moderator Marvin Kalb, a veteran of both CBS and NBC News, interviewed O’Reilly. During the interview, which was recorded on September 27, O’Reilly managed to embarrass Kalb as the liberal host seemed to criticize President Bush for ordering American troops into war after the President himself…
Amanpour Still Faults Media for Iraq War; Defends 'God’s Warriors' S
March 11th, 2008 10:24 AM
Long-time CNN foreign correspondent Christiane Amanpour still harbors some resentment toward the American media for the Iraq war. In September 2003, Amanpour spoke out publicly and said CNN was intimidated by the Bush administration and Fox News, which "put a climate of fear and self-censorship." Over four years later, Amanpour is still disappointed with the media leading up to the invasion of…
MRC/NB's Graham: Couric Comments on Iraq War a Sop to MoveOn
September 26th, 2007 5:49 PM
Katie Couric "really sounds like... a light-headed Hillary [Clinton] and it sounds like she's trying to claw back into the good graces of and maybe she's trying to rub the belly of the Buddha, Frank Rich, and everybody who attacked her for being some sort of Bush tool when she went to Iraq."That's how MRC director of media analysis and NewsBusters senior editor Tim Graham described…
62 Journalistic Sins or Why Marvin Kalb Is Wrong About the Internet
August 16th, 2007 4:40 PM
Randall Hoven at American Thinker has a catalog of over 60 instances of journalistic malfeasance and takes to task journalist Marvin Kalb's famous lament from 1998 that the Internet would usher in an era of damage to the media's ability to put forward "reliable, substantiated information." Below are 10 of the 62 Hoven cites: Offenses include lying and fabricating, doctoring photos, plagiarism,…