NYT Reporter Bored by Question of Obama's 9/11 Chatter and Whereabout

May 27th, 2013 12:09 PM
Radio host Hugh Hewitt's interviews with reporters can be fascinating. On Tuesday, he pressed New York Times reporter Michael Shear about the question of what President Obama was doing on the night of September 11, 2012 as the Benghazi consulate came under a vicious terrorist attack. Shear showed an obvious distaste for digging into this, saying "relevance is in the eye of the beholder" and "I'…

Hearing on IRS With Lerner Taking the Fifth? Newspapers Had No Front P

May 23rd, 2013 11:27 PM
Believe it or not, none of the largest national newspapers put an article on Wednesday’s IRS hearings on the front page. The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal had a picture of Lois Lerner, but sent the reader to an inside page for the story. The New York Times and USA Today offered no picture, either. USA Today has an excuse: it put Lerner taking the Fifth on Wednesday’s front page…

NYT's Shear Laments How Congress Grilled IRS Over Tea Party Handling

May 23rd, 2013 5:06 PM
In real life it's near impossible to find anyone who pities the IRS. That's what the New York Times is for. In a Business Day section front-pager for Thursday's paper, the Times's Michael Shear lamented that the CEO of Apple received relatively kind treatment from a Senate panel this week while IRS officials have been grilled. "One thing became clear this week on Capitol Hill: It is better…

Liberal Journalists Alter, Shear Rip White House Over AP Scandal

May 22nd, 2013 5:18 PM
Conservative talk radio host Hugh Hewitt featured two liberal journalists on his nightly program this week, and both joined the chorus of media outrage at the Obama administration over the Justice Department’s recent AP probe. Bloomberg View’s Jonathan Alter called Eric Holder’s explanation of the probe “pathetic” and suggested that President Obama should “apologize to journalists” over the…

NYT Neuters Obama's Cutie Comments on Kamala Harris, But WashPost Sugg

April 5th, 2013 12:27 PM
President Obama caused ruffles on a fundraising jaunt to San Francisco when he said in a speech at a fundraising house party that state Attorney General Kamala Harris (pictured) was "by far the best-looking attorney general in the country." The Washington Post made a full story out of it, using the throwaway line the same way the media has done so often against Republican politicians,…

NY Times Spreads Obama's Bad '40 Percent' Figure on Background Checks

April 3rd, 2013 4:34 PM
The New York Times's Michael Shear passed along the Obama administration's unsubstantiated claim that 40% of gun purchases take place without a background check, in Wednesday's "Background Checks Are Still Stumbling Block in Gun Law Overhaul." Since the existing background-check system began, in 1994, officials have screened more than 108 million people before they could buy a gun, according…

The New York Times Stands With Rand -- On Amnesty for Illegal Immigran

March 20th, 2013 1:37 PM
The New York Times stands with Rand – on a pro-Democratic issue, at least. Times reporters snidely dismissed Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul's standing filibuster against Obama's drone policy on the March 9 front page, but Wednesday's lead story by Ashley Parker and Michael Shear saw Rand's comments on possible amnesty for illegal immigrants as foreshadowing a conservative cave-in: "G.O.P.…

NYT on Rand Filibuster: Embraced by 'Liberal Activists and Right-Wing

March 11th, 2013 3:59 PM
New York Times reporters Scott Shane and Michael Shear found "right-wing conspiracy" mongering in the aftermath of the unusual 12-hour filibuster by Republican Sen. Rand Paul protesting the White House's failing to rule out the use of drone strikes on American soil or against U.S. citizens: "Visions of Drones Swarming the Skies Touch Bipartisan Nerve." That slightly dismissive headline on the…

New York Times Again Sees a Looming 'Era of Government Austerity' in a

February 25th, 2013 4:35 PM
Over the weekend the New York Times painted the $85 billion in budget cuts that will start kicking in Friday – known in Washington-speak as sequestration -- in dramatic terms, falsely heralding a new age of "government austerity" (since when?) and passing along stories of budget-cut fear-mongering from the state level. Saturday's lead from Michael Cooper painted a White House-friendly horror…

Two NYT Reporters Boast of Obama Leading Romney 'Into a Trap' on Libya

October 17th, 2012 4:39 PM
Wednesday's banner New York Times headline on the second presidential debate was studiously neutral: "Obama and Romney Mount Biting Attacks in Debate Rematch." Jim Rutenberg and Jeff Zeleny's underlying report played it straight, as did Peter Baker in his front-page "news analysis," under the punchy headline "Punch, Punch, Punch." But while the Obama cheerleading was muted in print, Times…

NYTimes: Hidden Mitt Video Calls Into Question if 'Romney Is, at Base

September 18th, 2012 2:45 PM
A secretly recorded video of Mitt Romney speaking at a fundraiser about the "47 percent of the country who are dependent on government," put out last night by the liberal magazine Mother Jones, calls into question whether Romney is "at base, an empathetic and caring man." That's according to the New York Times, which rushed the Monday night breaking news onto Tuesday morning's front page in a…

Predictable: NYTimes Fills News Gap With Overblown Stories on Discord

August 28th, 2012 5:21 PM
How painfully predictable: The New York Times filled the news gap caused by the cancellation of Monday's events with rumors of party discord. In fact, the Times first tried to gin up controversy at the 2012 Republican National Convention long ago. Here's a May 13, 2010 report from Damien Cave on how toxic beaches in Tampa might ruin the Republican convention, then over two years away: The…

New York Times Again Wraps Todd Akin Around Paul Ryan and GOP's Pro-Li

August 23rd, 2012 2:20 PM
Is the New York Times trying to change the subject from the bad economy to social issues, for Obama's sake? On Thursday Michael Shear (pictured) and Jonathan Weisman did their best to tie controversial comments by Republican Senate candidate Todd Akin to Mitt Romney's running mate Paul Ryan: "Romney Strategists Say They’ll Stay the Course Amid Focus on Abortion." Mitt Romney’s campaign…

Has Tea Party 'Expanded' or 'Lost Momentum'? Depends on When You Read

August 14th, 2012 11:31 AM
Is the Tea Party on the decline or not? Don't ask the New York Times. Political reporter Michael Shear wrote in Monday's paper that "Tea Party Hopes to Gain Larger Stage in Election With Romney's Pick." The text box: "A movement already energized by a string of electoral victories." But in May, a Times reporter wrote that the Tea Party "has lost momentum." Here's Shear: For two years, Tea…