NYT Puzzler: Gov. Christie Not Really Bipartisan Because...A Dem Calle

September 29th, 2011 1:34 PM
Does the New York Times fear a Chris Christie presidential run? On Thursday reporters Michael Shear (pictured above) and Richard Perez-Pena issued the New Jersey governor a pre-emptive reality check in response to his speech at the Reagan Presidential Library: “Not All Buy Christie’s Assertions of Bipartisanship – New Jersey Governor’s Critics Say Acrimonious Dealings Accompany…

Michael Shear the Latest at NYT to Hear Nonexistent 'Let Him Die' Chan

September 23rd, 2011 1:58 PM
In a Thursday morning post setting the table for last night’s Republican presidential debate in Orlando, New York Times chief “Caucus” blog reporter Michael Shear became the latest Timesman to falsely finger the Tea Party audience at a CNN debate last week as cheering on the prospect of letting a hypothetical man die for lack of health insurance. Shear listed six things to watch for in…

NY Times's Michael Shear Defends Social Security, ObamaCare Against Pe

September 7th, 2011 12:23 PM
New York Times online political reporter Michael Shear made Saturday’s front page with his close reading of the oeuvre of Texas Gov. Rick Perry and was predictably disturbed by what he found. “Perry’s Blunt Views in Books Get New Scrutiny as He Joins Race” amounts to a handy bit of opposition research before Perry’s debate debut on Wednesday (contingent on the wildfires in his home state of…

NYT's Shear Laments Jon Huntsman's 'Missed Opportunity' To Call for In

August 20th, 2011 9:57 AM
A brief item by Michael Shear in Friday’s New York Times, “Huntsman Makes Bid To Step Out From Crowd,” faulted moderate Republican candidate Jon Huntsman for not sufficiently “standing apart from the pack” of conservative presidential candidates by calling for higher taxes – or in Shear’s words, “revenue increases.” Shear called it a “missed opportunity,” as if Huntsman should have argued the…

Mr. Hard News: NY Times's Michael Shear, Bitter About Talking Weiner

June 13th, 2011 3:59 PM
Michael Shear, chief writer for the New York Times’s “Caucus” blog, sounded sarcastic and bitter, almost angry, at the opening of the paper’s last “Caucus” podcast on Thursday about having to talk about the Anthony Weiner sex scandal. Host Sam Roberts: “But you pointed out that this is a particularly inopportune time for this latest sex scandal to break in Washington. Why is that?” Michael…

NYT's Michael Shear Sour Over Sarah Palin's Lack of Respect for Mainst

May 31st, 2011 1:25 PM
New York Times chief political blogger Michael Shear is a bit annoyed that Sarah Palin is successfully attracting media attention while ignoring reporter’s inquiries and playing hide-and-seek with the press on her "One Nation" bus tour. (Photo by the Times's David Winter.) Shear, who has filed multiple blog posts on the Palin family's historical trail through the Northeast, made Tuesday’s print…

NY Times Flubs Timeline of 'Birther' Myth: First Spread by Hillary Cli

April 28th, 2011 2:22 PM
President Obama authorized the state of Hawaii to release a copy of his long-form birth certificate, resulting in massive media attention and a front-page splash by New York Times reporter Michael Shear on Thursday, “Citing ‘Silliness,’ Obama Shows Birth Certificate.” But a Times media reporter wrongly suggested the “Birther” theories only erupted after Obama became president, among…

NY Times: Obama Will 'Spare,' 'Reduce the Growth' of Medicare, But GOP

April 14th, 2011 1:21 PM
Thursday’s New York Times led with Obama’s partisan budget speech, “Taking On G.O.P., Obama Unveils Debt Relief Plan – Calls for Spending Cuts and Tax Increases but Spares Medicare and Medicaid,” and once again did a double-standard dance around the politically inflammatory issue of changes in Medicare spending when proposed by a Democratic president. While previous attempts at reform of…

NYT's Michael Shear Finds Tons of Conservatives, Almost No Liberals in

April 11th, 2011 11:38 AM
In New York Times-land, only Republicans can be ideologically motivated politicians. Michael Shear, chief writer for the paper’s political blog “The Caucus,” showed stark labeling disparity in two separate stories on the budget compromise averting a government shutdown, one focused on Democrats, the other on Republicans. His Saturday morning post focused on Democratic disappointment about…

NYT's Michael Shear Pins Medals on Obama, a 'Foreign Policy President

March 30th, 2011 3:15 PM
Barack Obama, war president? The Times’s chief online political reporter Michael Shear gave the president, who ran on an anti-war platform, some militant reelection advice in his Wednesday morning “Caucus” post, “The Case for Obama Campaigning as a Foreign Policy President.” In the past several weeks, events outside the United States have commanded as much of Mr. Obama’s attention as the…

NYT's Shear Covers GOP's 'Assault' on First Anniversary of 'Historic M

March 23rd, 2011 2:20 PM
New York Times political blogger Michael Shear used loaded language to describe the Republican Party’s “assault” on Obama-care on the one-year anniversary of that “historic measure," in his Wednesday morning post “Boehner, McConnell Push Assault on Health Care Law” A year after President Obama signed his health care law into effect, the two leading Republicans in Congress are making it clear…

New York Times on Top of the Big Stories: 'Mr. Obama Knows His Hoops

March 21st, 2011 2:03 PM
Chief  New York Times “Caucus” blog contributor Michael Shear celebrated Bracket Obama in a Saturday morning post on the president's college basketball tournament pool picks --“Obama’s N.C.A.A. Bracket Is One of the Best.” The wins just keep piling up for the president, at least on the court, in Shear’s telling. Being president is an ego trip. So you would have thought President Obama wouldn’…

NYT's Michael Shear: GOP Fight to Cut NPR a Mere 'Distraction' Over 'T

March 18th, 2011 1:03 PM
On Thursday the House voted 228-192 to end direct federal funding of NPR, but “Caucus” correspondent Michael Shear on Friday morning dismissed the move as a “distraction” in “NPR Vote One of Many Distractions to Come.” The vote by House Republicans Thursday to strip National Public Radio of much of its federal funding is an early example of the ways in which narrow issues are likely to…

NY Times: Left-Wing Defeat Rally in Wisconsin Full of High Hopes and

March 14th, 2011 3:27 PM
The New York Times over the weekend was still insisting the defeat of public-sector unions in Wisconsin actually heralds the revival of the Democratic Party. Saturday’s “Political Memo” teamed tea-party beat reporter Kate Zernike (pictured below) with Monica Davey for "Democrats See Wisconsin Loss As Galvanizing." It came on the heels of Friday’s pro-union coverage, including "In Wisconsin…