
CNN Host, Reporter Agree Impeaching Trump Over Sex Is Dem Hypocrisy

December 9th, 2018 12:58 PM
Michael Isikoff, Chief Investigative Correpondent of Yahoo News, is unable to find any real proof of Trump-Russia collusion based on the latest court filings by Special Counsel Robert Mueller when he appeared on CNN's December 8 Smerconish show. But first, Isikoff agreed with Smerconish on the appearance of Democratic hypocrisy on impeaching over sex. Rep. Jerrold Nadler "eloquently" argued…

CNN's Smerconish Changes Mind on Video Trump Gave to Kim Jong-un

June 19th, 2018 4:03 PM
Remember how many members of the mainstream media derided the video that President Donald Trump gave to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un? They wrote it off as something like a mere elevator pitch video for selling timeshares. Well, that was the first impression of CNN host Michael Smerconish...until he watched it a second time and came to realize that it could be a very effective video.

NY Times and CNN Take Their Anti-Trump Psychobabble to the Dogs

January 14th, 2018 8:09 PM
In a January 8 New York Times column, novelist and self-proclaimed dog lover Jennifer Weiner (rhymes with "diner") showed that she has problems with the Trump family not owning a dog. In the process, she lied like one about Trump's attitude towards the family pets of Vice President Mike Pence, and repeated the lie on Saturday when she appeared on Michael Smerconish's CNN show.

Smerconish Is ‘Not Convinced’ Franken Groped Tweeden, Cites 'Shadows'

December 7th, 2017 3:53 PM
So-called independent talk radio host and CNN host Michael Smerconish made a fool of himself on Thursday afternoon’s CNN Newsroom, arguing that he’s “not convinced” Democratic Senator Al Franken (Minn.) actually groped KABC Radio host Leeann Tweeden because “[t]here are shadows behind his fingers.”

CNN’s Borger Whines, Trump Paid No ‘Tribute to Hillary’

January 20th, 2017 2:16 PM
Minutes after President Donald Trump took the oath of office Friday afternoon, criticism poured in from CNN. Chief political analyst Gloria Border demonstrated why the outlet has the moniker “Clinton News Network” when she ridiculously whined that, “I was also surprised that in some way he did not pay some tribute to Hillary Clinton… He did not do it.” According to Borger, it would have been seen…

Reince Priebus Nails Chuck Todd on Whether RNC Hacked by Russia

December 11th, 2016 2:59 PM
One of the big changes of the new Trump era is that when the mainstream media attempts to promote fake news, there will be consequences. And one of the consequences is that the purveyors of such fake news will be humiliated on national television as happened on both Saturday and Sunday over whether Russia hacked the Republican National Committee as was claimed in a Friday New York Times fake news…

Isikoff: Hillary 'Very Much Part of' Discrediting Bill's Accusers

October 16th, 2016 9:37 PM
Appearing as a guest on Saturday's Smerconish show on CNN, Yahoo News correspondent Michael Isikoff -- formerly of both NBC and Newsweek -- recounted that, both in the 1992 presidential campaign and through the 1990s, Hillary Clinton "was very much a part of the damage control" around her husband Bill Clinton's past relationships with women as she "was focused on discrediting accusations of…

Ex-ABC's Simpson Frets Holt Won't Press Trump, 'Heard Enough' on Email

September 26th, 2016 12:47 PM
Appearing as a guest on Saturday's Smerconish show on CNN, former ABC News anchor Carole Simpson -- who was a presidential debate moderator in 1992 -- fretted that NBC's Lester Holt will not be aggressive enough in pressing GOP candidate Donald Trump, and will perhaps devote too much time to Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton's mishandling of classified email as Secretary of State.

Smerconish: Lie to Pollsters to Help Libertarian Ticket

September 11th, 2016 6:02 PM
Michael Smerconish wants to help the Libertarian presidential ticket of Gary Johnson and William Weld participate in the presidential (and vice-presidential) debates. The big problem is that the Libertarians must show they have reached a level of 15% support in an average of five national polls and they aren't there yet. Therefore Michael Smerconish has an idea for his viewers: lie like hell. I…

Russia Scholar Slaps Down Smerconish With Unwanted Answers

July 31st, 2016 9:27 PM
No, no, no! Those aren't the answers I wanted!  If you are a Russia scholar on CNN  you are supposed to validate the "fact" that Russia was probably behind the DNC email hack and that Donald Trump is a foreign policy simpleton. When you don't stick to this script it can cause great consternation as happened to Michael Smerconish yesterday when his guest, NYU professor Stephen Cohen, did not give…

CNN Reminisces About America's God Daughter, 'Awkward Little' Chelsea

July 28th, 2016 8:14 PM
CNN earned their moniker as the Clinton News Network on Thursday as they awaited the highly anticipated speech to be delivered by Chelsea Clinton at the Democratic National. The America’s Choice 2016 panel gushed as they reminisced about Chelsea and were awe struck by her transformation from an “awkward little girl” to “a remarkable young woman.” “I sort of feel like all of us are kind of god…

CNN Panel Touts Bloomberg's 'Take Down' of 'Quack Doctor' Trump

July 27th, 2016 11:27 PM
CNN’s America’s Choice 2016 panel was in awe of the lineup of speakers at the Democratic National Convention Wednesday evening. But most of them fawned over one in particular former New York City Mayor, and billionaire, Michael Bloomberg. “There are very few people other than Michael Bloomberg who could have given this kind of message to independents not in this hall,” gushed Host Anderson Cooper…

CNN Applauds Michelle’s Dem Convention Speech, Van Jones ‘Crying’

July 26th, 2016 12:47 AM
Following the highly anticipated DNC speech by First Lady Michelle Obama on Monday, CNN’s Anderson Cooper called out Political Commentator Van Jones for crying during the speech. “Well I mean, first of all, if you weren't moved by that, go see the doctor,” he responded. Jones continued by speaking glowingly about the speech, “She gave a clinic on how to connect to the American people,” and “It…

Quote of the Day: Smerconish Claims Christie Crucified Hillary Christ?

July 21st, 2016 10:32 AM
One of the liberal media’s greatest hypocrisies is its opposition to  rhetorical excess. Journalists claim to favor a civil discourse where everyone acknowledges the decency and humanity of their opponents. But in reality, they think conservatives are the forces of inhumanity, and liberal heroes are “iconic,” even comparable to divinity. CNN weekend host Michael Smerconish became the poster boy…