Mickey Kaus

NPR Represents 'Undocumented' Romney Heckler As Typical 'Alienated' La
May 28th, 2012 7:33 AM
Mickey Kaus at the Daily Caller flagged an example of NPR “laundering” an amnesty activist named “Lucy” as just a typical Latina who represents how Romney might have difficulty with the Latino vote. It’s the same “Lucy” that heckled Mitt Romney until supporters applauded over her yelling. It’s not even the first time “Lucy” has harassed Romney.
On the May 23 All Things Considered, NPR’s…
NYT's Calmes Weaves Pro-Dem Cocoon in Story on G.O.P. 'Defensive' Over
August 16th, 2011 3:42 PM
New York Times White House correspondent Jackie Calmes’s 1,300-word story for the Saturday Business section, with the online headline “G.O.P. on Defensive as Analysts Question Party’s Fiscal Policy,” was so blatantly biased it caught the attention of neo-liberal Mickey Kaus, who posted a withering, entertaining analysis at The Daily Caller, revisiting his old theme of liberal cocooning among…
Zero Hedge, Kaus Note GM 'Channel Stuffing' Ahead of and After IPO; Pr
December 7th, 2010 1:30 PM
A few weeks ago, just before GM's initial public offering went to the market (at the Washington Examiner; at BizzyBlog), I noted that Multi-Government/General Motors had spent the past several months shipping more cars than its dealers were selling, to the point where dealer stocks represented an unusually high number of days of dealers' sales.
GM's December 1 press release made that trend…
Time's Klein Attacks Lefty Blogger Who Snarked About 70 Percent Tax-lo
September 29th, 2010 4:20 PM
On this the 24th and final day of his Election Road Trip, Time's Joe Klein availed himself of the opportunity to attack center-left blogger Mickey Kaus and conservative writer Jonah Goldberg for "distort[ing] a striking point" made by a liberal Democrat vineyard owner from California that Klein quoted in a September 27 Swampland blog post. Klein vented most of his spleen at Kaus, a blogger for…
NY Times Turnaround? Concerns Over 'Death Panels' Suddenly Not So Biza
August 24th, 2009 3:27 PM
A turnaround on Obama-Care at the New York Times? Not quite, but health reporter Robert Pear's corrective story Friday, "A Basis Is Seen for Some Health Plan Fears Among the Elderly," did make some surprising concessions to conservative concerns about rationing of health care for the elderly under an Obama plan. Might those horror stories about "death panels," declared "false" by the Times just a…
Pinkerton On UAW: Not Just Wages—Work Rules
December 13th, 2008 8:10 PM
To the extent the MSM has been willing to report on the disadvantage under which the Big Three automakers operate compared to their non-union competitors, the focus has been on the huge wage differential. On this evening's Fox News Watch, conservative columnist Jim Pinkerton highlighted another issue which has gone largely unreported in the liberal media: the onerous union work rules that add…