Mike Gallagher

AP’s Expanded Connection With Chinese State Media Concerns Congress
December 27th, 2018 10:49 PM
One of the foundations in America is the need for a free press that is not unduly influenced by outside interests, which can range from influential people to corporations or governments. However, several members of Congress fear that concept is in danger of being greatly diminished due to an expanded “relationship” between the Associated Press and Xinhua, China’s largest state-run news agency.
Vanity Fair Paints FNC’s Kelly as Standing Up to ‘Blowhards’ on Right
January 4th, 2016 6:06 PM
For the cover story of its February issue, Vanity Fair profiled FNC’s Kelly File host Megyn Kelly and while they charted her admirable rise to primetime, work ethic, devotion to her family, and fair interviewing skills, the liberal magazine heavily touted examples of her holding the feet of conservatives to the fire and praise from liberal journalists like Chris Matthews and Katie Couric. It made…
Fox News Compares Media Coverage of Tea Parties and Immigration Protes
April 27th, 2010 9:28 PM
Fox News's Megyn Kelly Tuesday featured a marvelous comparison of how the media cover Tea Parties versus immigration protests.As NewsBusters' Scott Whitlock reported Monday, ABC News logged dramatically different reports about the ObamaCare protests on Capitol Hill in March and the virtual riots that happened in Arizona after that state's governor signed a strict anti-illegal immigration law last…