Mike Lupica

Lupica: NFL Players Protesting Anthem Like It’s ‘Ice Bucket Challenge'
September 15th, 2016 4:30 PM
Appearing on Thrusday’s NBC Today, sports columnist Mike Lupica actually criticized the ongoing protests in the NFL against the National Anthem inspired by 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick. Despite most of the media cheering the disrespectful display, Lupica downplayed the impact: “I don't think it's become a wave, a thing that's sweeping the country. But it’s also not the Freedom Marches, okay…

Matthews: Trump Is 'Totaling the Clintons' Like Old Cars with Scandals
May 24th, 2016 9:42 PM
MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews provided a laundry list of quotable utterances on Tuesday night that began right from the start when he likened the Clintons to “used cars” being “total[ed]” by Donald Trump by bringing up the Clinton’s checkered pasts and later when he compared Trump and Bernie Sanders to politicians in Third World countries.

Lupica: How Can Obama Make 'Noble' Obamacare a 'Triumph?'
February 19th, 2015 9:18 AM
New York Daily News columnist Mike Lupica ought to stick to sports. When he wanders into politics he says silly stuff, as on today's Morning Joe.
With HHS Secretary Sylvia Burwell being interviewed about Obamacare, Lupica unctuously wondered out loud: "how did something that was this noble an idea become something over time that the other party uses against this president constantly? And is…

NBC Brings On Liberal Columnist to Hail Gay NBA Player, Demand Supreme
April 30th, 2013 2:37 PM
Amid the celebration on Tuesday's NBC Today over the "groundbreaking" "game changer" announcement by NBA player Jason Collins that he is gay, co-host Matt Lauer brought on liberal New York Daily News columnist Mike Lupica, who ranted: "I hope that the league of old men and women on the Supreme Court are paying attention to this....Because same-sex marriage and the constitutionality is now going…

New York Sportswriter Attacked Black NFL Star as Brainless for Opposin
June 26th, 2011 7:30 PM
How far would a New York sportswriter get in his career if he mocked a black liberal football player for sounding like he was playing without a helmet (brain-damaged)? New York Daily News columnist Mike Lupica certainly feels safe trashing former NFL wide receiver David Tyree for opposing gay marriage:
On the sports pages we get the ex-Giant, David Tyree, who once made the greatest catch in…
New York Sportswriter Attacks Tea Partiers and Sarah Palin
March 29th, 2010 12:50 PM
New York sportswriter Mike Lupica Monday went on a full-frontal assault of Tea Party members, Sarah Palin, and every American currently voicing dissent about the direction of the nation.For those unfamiliar with the name, Lupica has been a highly-regarded sportswriter for decades, and regularly shows his brash, New York outspokenness on ESPN's weekly program "The Sports Reporters."Of late, he has…