
Only NBC Notes Supreme Court Could Send ObamaCare Into 'Death Spiral'

March 2nd, 2015 3:03 PM
On Monday, only NBC's Today mentioned the "important news" that the Supreme Court was set to hear a case that could potentially dismantle ObamaCare. In a news brief in the 7 a.m. ET hour, anchor Natalie Morales reported: "...the Supreme Court is gonna hear this week a challenge to President Obama's signature health care policy that could deal it a crippling blow."

NBC & CBS Tout Obama Blasting GOP for 'Killing Reform' on Immigration

February 26th, 2015 12:40 PM
On Thursday, both NBC's Today and CBS This Morning were eager to promote MSNBC's town hall infomercial that allowed President Obama to push his executive overreach on illegal immigration and slam his opponents. On Today, news anchor Natalie Morales proclaimed: "The President is urging millions of undocumented immigrants to keep planning for eventual relief....he pledged to do everything in his…

CBS, NBC Tout Hillary’s Call for Pay Equity, Ignore Her Hypocrisy

February 25th, 2015 11:01 AM
On Wednesday, both CBS This Morning and NBC’s Today did their best to promote a recent speech by Hillary Clinton in Silicon Valley in which the former First Lady stressed the importance of gender pay equity in the workforce. The two networks conveniently ignored the fact that under the media’s and her own definition of pay inequality, she paid her female Senate staffers 72 cents for each dollar…

Obamacare Created or Hiked 13 Taxes, Nets Ignore in 87% of Stories

February 18th, 2015 11:54 AM
Obamacare has increased the tax burden on taxpayers and companies, a fact ignored in recent broadcast news reports. Obamacare created or hiked at least 13 taxes, Forbes reported February 17. Forbes contributor and tax lawyer Robert Wood said that for the average American, “it’s easy to be overwhelmed” by all the new taxes and forms that come with Obamacare.

NBC Finally Acknowledges Atheist Beliefs of Accused Muslim Killer

February 13th, 2015 5:25 PM
NBC News took the step of acknowledging on Friday’s Today show that the man accused of killing three Muslims in North Carolina held atheist beliefs after having ignored that element of this tragic story in both their morning and evening newscasts since the first stories aired on Wednesday night. During the program’s 7:00 a.m. hour, newsreader Natalie Morales referred to Craig Stephens Hicks in a…

NBCers React to Williams: 'Truth and Transparency - It's Our Trade'

February 11th, 2015 5:09 PM
Reacting to the decision by NBC News to suspend NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams for six months following his Iraq war lies, Today 9 a.m. hour co-host Willie Geist acknowledged it was "kind of a difficult and strange morning." Fellow co-host Natalie Morales added: " is a difficult day here and we are certainly sharing our best wishes with Brian. It's a tough time for him and his family…

NBC: Obama's Massive Budget Is 'Aimed at Helping the Poor'

February 3rd, 2015 11:33 AM
ABC's Good Morning America on Tuesday ignored the massive new budget proposed by Barack Obama (and the tax increases contained within). NBC's Today, despite four hours of air time, allowed a scant 23 seconds. But in that brief period, news reader Natalie Morales spun, "President Obama unveiling a record $4 trillion budget on Monday aimed at helping the poor and middle class." 

NBC Boosts Hillary Clinton Trying ‘Her Hand At Comedy’

January 22nd, 2015 11:23 AM
On Thursday, NBC’s Today gave Hillary Clinton some free publicity following a policy speech she gave in Canada on Wednesday. During a news brief in the 7:00 a.m. hour, Natalie Morales gushed how Mrs. Clinton “may try her hand at comedy. During a policy speech in Canada on Wednesday, Clinton described a mock conversation that Vladimir Putin had with himself about becoming Russia’s president again…

Matt Lauer In Boxers Tells ‘Today’ Women To ‘Drink It In, Ladies’

December 30th, 2014 10:49 AM
It appears as though NBC has gone all in by creating yet another musical for the network. Following primetime productions of The Sound of Music and Peter Pan, NBC decided to create a Today musical featuring the cast and crew of the network's morning show. The 30-minute special aired on Monday, December 29 and while it included numerous scenes, one featuring Matt Lauer and his female colleagues…

ABC, NBC Yawn at Crackdown on Hong Kong Democracy Protests

December 11th, 2014 5:30 PM
CBS This Morning was the sole Big Three morning newscast on Thursday to report that the police in Hong Kong cleared out the main camp of pro-democracy protestors in the former British colony. Anchor Charlie Rose gave a 20-second news brief on the government's crackdown on the demonstrators. BBC News reported that "more than activists have been arrested...after police cleared the main pro-…

China Moves Against 'Illegal' Hong Kong Protest; ABC, CBS Yawn

November 19th, 2014 7:07 AM
NBC's Today on Tuesday was the sole Big Three morning or evening newscast to cover the latest development in the pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong. News anchor Natalies Morales devoted 21 seconds to the city government enforcing a court order to clear out part of the demonstrators' encampment. The protesters have spent nearly two months at the site

Nets All But Ignore Wendy Davis 'Wheelchair Ad' Attacking Greg Abbott

October 14th, 2014 5:46 PM
On Friday afternoon, Texas Democratic gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis and her campaign released a new ad that took aim at her Republican opponent Greg Abbott as a “hypocrite” for supposedly not caring about the disabled after becoming a paraplegic in 1984. Since the despicable ad aired, only one story has been offered on the morning or evening newscasts of the major broadcast networks…

NBC: Getting Dem Candidate's Name Wrong Gives Him 'Name Recognition'

October 13th, 2014 12:07 PM
On Monday's NBC Today, 9 a.m. ET hour co-host Willie Geist actually tried to spin top Democratic Party surrogates like Michelle Obama and Bill Clinton mispronouncing the name of Iowa Senate candidate Bruce Braley as a boost to Braley's campaign: "But now he's getting a lot of name recognition. Maybe it was like evil genius move, who knows?" So his biggest supporters not knowing his name helps…

NBC Continues Miniscule Coverage of Gov. Christie Innocence

September 19th, 2014 10:09 AM
On Thursday, the U.S. Department of Justice told NBC News that Governor Chris Christie (R-N.J.) was innocent of any wrong-doing relating to the closure of lanes on the George Washington Bridge. Despite Governor Christie’s reported innocence, ABC and CBS have yet to cover the NBC story, but when the story originally broke in January, all three networks eagerly jumped on it. So far NBC has devoted…