
CNNers Declare Absent Elizabeth Warren Winner of Second Debate Night

July 31st, 2019 11:45 PM
Even though Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren wasn’t on the debate stage Wednesday for night two of CNN’s Democratic primary debates, the network’s journalists still declared her the winner. After the debate finally wrapped up, CNN’s crack team of partisan journalists wasted little time in declaring Warren the stand out candidate.

CNN: Trump’s Census Move Was ‘White Identity’ ‘Nonsense’ to Please Fox

July 11th, 2019 8:16 PM

Seven days after CNN offered a meltdown for the ages following President Trump’s Salute to America, The Situation Room was indignant on Thursday after Trump announced the Commerce Department would find another way to determine who in this country was here legally versus who wasn’t. The panel on-hand blasted it as “nonsense” promoting “white identity” that would go over well at Fox News.


‘States’ Rights’: CNN Smears Federalism as Purely a Tool of Racists

June 28th, 2019 2:13 AM
In addition to all but agreeing with President Trump’s “Sleepy Joe” nickname, CNN’s exclusively liberal panel thought Thursday was a terrible debate night for Vice President Joe Biden because of a heated exchange he had with Senator Kamala Harris (CA) over federal busing in the south during the civil rights movement. According to the panel, the idea that states had the right to make laws for…

CNN: 'Sharp' Kamala 'Commanded' Stage in Her 'Masterful Performance'

June 27th, 2019 11:55 PM
Following Wednesday’s portion of the first 2020 Democratic debate, CNN’s exclusively liberal panel decided that Senator Elizabeth Warren (MA) was the winner, while some thought it belonged to former HUD Secretary Julian Castro. But after the second half of the debate on Thursday, the CNN panel gushed and uniformly agreed that California Senator Kamala Harris won the day.

CNN: 'Professor' Warren Lorded Over 'Grad Students,' the 'Pacesetter'

June 27th, 2019 12:11 AM
And the winner of the first half of the first Democratic Party primary debates was...According to most of CNN’s post-debate analysts and commentators, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren. Shortly after sharing a highlight reel from the NBC News debate, the CNN analysts began to coalesce around Warren’s performance.

CNN: Conservatives Attack AOC Because She's 'Eloquent,' 'Latina'

March 31st, 2019 5:04 PM
On Saturday's CNN Newsroom with Ana Cabrera, CNN's Nia-Malika Henderson claimed that the reason freshman New York Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is so often attacked by conservatives is because she is "incredibly charismatic," "a young Latina," and "incredibly eloquent." The CNN reporter named everything except the actual reason -- her self-identified "socialist" views were so…

CNN Swoons for ‘Fresh’ ‘Energy’ Inside ‘Force of Nature’ Cory Booker

February 1st, 2019 1:48 PM
Along with California Democrat Kamala Harris, it’s becoming evident that, at this early moment in the 2020 presidential campaign, fellow Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) has become a liberal media darling and that was on display on New Day moments after his Friday morning announcement. In a 12-minute stretch, CNNers marveled at the “energy” and “freshness” emanating from such a “force of nature” that “…

Camerota: 'Not to Cast Any Blame' for Border Deaths—But Trump to Blame

December 31st, 2018 11:37 AM
On CNN, after pointing the finger at President Trump for the deaths of immigrant children at the border, Alisyn Camerota tries to cover her tracks, saying: "not to cast any blame." Right.

Boo Hoo: CNN Still Bashing Trump for Iraq Visit, Not Meeting Iraqi PM

December 27th, 2018 4:01 PM

Thursday’s Inside Politics led off with more kvetching about every aspect of President Donald Trump’s surprise visit to U.S. troops in Germany and Iraq, including how he didn’t meet with the Iraqi Prime Minister. Conveniently, they downplayed the positive symbolism of having a president visit troops and footnoted the similarities between Trump and Barack Obama in not meeting face-to-face with…


CNNers Claim Caravan Storming Border Proves U.S. Doesn’t Need a Wall

November 26th, 2018 5:10 PM
In the 7:00 a.m. Eastern half-hour of CNN’s New Day, co-host Alisyn Camerota and chief legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin submitted that the images over the last week with migrants storming the U.S. border with Mexico, seeking to force their way (illegally) into the country illustrated that — wait for it — the U.S. does not need a border wall.

CNN Decries Kavanaugh for Going ‘All Trump Republican’ Against Smears

September 27th, 2018 6:33 PM
During each short break in the Kavanaugh show trial in the Senate Judiciary Committee, the liberal media let loose a flood of condemnation for the conservative nominee. In the middle of a break during the 5:00 p.m. Eastern hour, a gaggle of CNN liberals ripped into Kavanaugh for becoming Trumpian in his forceful defense of himself, his reputation, and family.

CNN Panel Rips into Melania for Wearing an ‘Old’ and Ugly Jacket

June 22nd, 2018 12:06 AM
First Lady Melania Trump caused a stir with the liberal media on Thursday when she wore a questionable jacket with “I really don’t care. Do you?” written on the back. She headed off to visit the children at the border who were separated from their parents. Of course, the gossip-prone media spend a considerable about of time trying to divine the secret meaning of the wardrobe choice and there were…

CNN Goes Nuclear on Sanders; ‘She Has Lost Credibility’ with Americans

May 3rd, 2018 4:33 PM
Conditions reached DEFCON-1 over at CNN on Thursday afternoon following a tense White House press briefing filled with questions about the administration’s credibility. These frenzied inquiries were sparked by Rudy Giuliani's stunning admission that the President reimbursed Michael Cohen for the Stormy Daniels hush payment. 

Embarrassing: Check Out CNN's Latest Narcissistic Apple/Banana Ad

April 23rd, 2018 10:52 AM
Upon perusing CNN late Friday morning, the chest-thumping, sanctimonious news channel aired a new ad in its parody-laden yet irksome “Facts First” campaign featuring a mound of bananas while claiming there was a single, out-of-view apple. The ad served as CNN’s latest (and failed) attempt to convince viewers that it’s pro-truth when it’s actually anti-Trump and pro-Resistance.