NYT Columnists Gone Wild: Dowd Accused of Anti-Semitic Tropes, Kristof

September 17th, 2012 12:19 PM
Has Maureen Dowd's documented hatred of Paul Ryan pushed her over the edge? The New York Times columnist is accused by several pundits of employing anti-Semitic tropes in her latest Sunday Review column, the charmingly titled "Neocons Slither Back," currently the #1 e-mailed Times story as of noon Monday. Meanwhile, Times columnist Nicholas Kristof harshly criticized Mitt Romney and accused…

GOP Convention 'Colossal Hoax,' Party 'Trades in Human Horridness,' Ne

September 3rd, 2012 3:42 PM
Sunday brought an overload of New York Times columnists, including former reporters, calling the previous week's Republican National Convention a celebration of lies and extremism on abortion and gay marriage. Times columnist and former White House correspondent Maureen Dowd was given more room than usual to rant about Paul Ryan and the Republicans in her Sunday column, "Cruel Conservatives…

Ynet News: Hamas Joined Brotherhood 'As Early As Two Months Ago'; NYT

December 11th, 2011 8:43 AM
A pathetic, obsequious act  on the part of an establishment press member was exposed as utterly foolish mere days after its appearance. On Wednesday (for Thursday's print edition), New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof wrote glowingly of "Joining a Dinner in a Muslim Brotherhood Home." He swallowed a lot more than food while he was there, as the following excerpts indicate (bolds are mine…

Great Minds Think Alike...So Do New York Times Columnists

November 29th, 2011 3:28 PM
In Monday's edition of his “Best of the Web” column, under the subhead "Recycling Is Garbage," Opinion Journal’s James Taranto unveiled a humorous pattern of New York Times columnists recycling a satirical headline from The Onion that made an apparently profound point about the unfair burdens accompanying Barack Obama into office: "Black Man Given Nation's Worst Job." (Not as hard as coming up…

NYT's Nicholas Kristof Cringes at Thought of More Harmful Humans Being

November 3rd, 2011 3:33 PM
In his Thursday New York Times column “The Birth Control Solution,” Nicholas Kristof becomes the latest Times person to use news of the world reaching an estimated seven billion to suggest there are too many people on the planet. (Yet no one is volunteering to leave.)

After Arrests, NY Times Takes Seriously 'Occupy Wall Street' Claims of

October 4th, 2011 7:53 AM
Occupy Wall Street, the floating leftist protest in Manhattan that’s camped out in downtown Manhattan in an endless protest against...something, attempted to migrate to Brooklyn this weekend, blocking vehicle traffic on the Brooklyn Bridge and resulting in mass arrests. The New York Times, whose attitude toward Tea Party rallies was invariably hostile, blasted support throughout the weekend…

AP Headline: 'One-child policy a surprising boon for China girls

August 14th, 2011 4:08 PM
Sunday, Alexa Olesen at the Associated Press wrote an item headlined "One-child policy a surprising boon for China girls." My immediate comeback: "43-60 million Chinese girls aborted because they were of the 'wrong' gender or would have violated the one-child policy were not available for comment." While nowhere near as odious as Nick Kristof's "Mao Tse-tung wasn't all that bad; look what he…

Kristof: Republicans 'Biggest Threat To America's National Security

July 24th, 2011 7:02 AM
Latest dispatch from the Department of Dissent Is No Longer Patriotic: because they won't raise taxes, Republican "maniacs" are more dangerous to US national security than al Qaeda. That is the view of Nicholas Kristof, as expressed in his New York Times column of today, "Republicans, Zealots and Our Security." View excerpts after the jump.

Tax Me Please, Says NY Times Columnist Kristof, While Calling for Defe

April 14th, 2011 2:15 PM
New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof joined the “tax me, please,” brigade in his Thursday column that is sure to win him new fans the day before tax day: “Raise America’s Taxes.” President Obama in his speech on Wednesday confronted a topic that is harder to address seriously in public than sex or flatulence: America needs higher taxes. That ugly truth looms over today’s budget…

Liberal Commander Kristof in the NY Times: Send SWAT Team to Seize Col

April 6th, 2011 9:47 AM
Nicholas Kristof, New York Times columnist, newly minted war-monger. On March 24 the Iraq war dove claimed the U.S. was being welcomed as liberators in Libya. On Sunday he applauded what the column’s text box admitted was “our inconsistent intervention in Libya,” headlined with a bleeding-heart plea: “Is It Better to Save No One?” He even called for "a SWAT team of Libyans and coalition forces…

Dovish New York Times Columnist Kristof: We're Being Greeted as Libera

March 24th, 2011 4:48 PM
Liberal columnists who were reliably opposed to Republican presidents warring against Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein (see Bush I and II) often do an about-face and strike up a martial tune when it's a Democratic president dropping bombs. Ask former New York Times columnist and good liberal Anthony Lewis, who pushed the Clinton administration to intervene in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The reliably…

NPR Compares Palin, Gingrich to Historic Anti-Semites, Sympathizes wit

September 6th, 2010 8:34 PM
National Public Radio is strongly urging America to get over its apparently rabid case of Islamophobia. On Sunday night's All Things Considered newscast, anchor Guy Raz played audio clips of Newt Gingrich and Sarah Palin opposing the Ground Zero Mosque, and then launched into how much this resembles historic anti-Semitism: In his column today, New York Times writer Nicholas Kristof points out…

NYT's Kristof Characterizes 'Provocateur' Ayaan Hirsi Ali as Bomb-Thro

June 1st, 2010 4:15 PM
New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof has a bad habit of inappropriate flippancy, and it's on display in his review of Ayaan Hirsi Ali's new memoir "Nomad," introduced with the headline "The Gadfly," that efficiently captures Kristof's condescending tone.Hirsi Ali is a feminist intellectual born Muslim in Somalia, raised in Saudi Arabia, escaped an arranged marriage, fled to the Netherlands…

CNN Offers Two Liberal Journalists Who Hate the Idea of Transparent Ob

January 11th, 2010 2:16 PM
CNN made no accommodation for balance during a panel discussion segment on ObamaCare on Monday’s American Morning, bringing on two leftists- New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof and Time magazine’s Karen Tumulty- who both dismissed the Democrats’ lack of transparency in the congressional negotiations over the health care “reform” bills, and both shilled for the legislation.Anchor Kiran…