Talk Radio Thriving as Rush Signs New Contract That Shows Dominance

December 24th, 2016 8:32 PM

Back there in the mists of time -- that would be last month -- I wrote about The Attacks on Conservative Talk Radio.  Not for the first time, what has become an institution of American life was under attack. This time, however, the attackers (Oliver Darcy and Pamela Engel writing in Business Insider) were citing - approvingly - President Obama’s blame of talk radio for the rise of Donald Trump…

The Attacks on Conservative Talk Radio

November 6th, 2016 3:37 PM

Here we go again. Over at Business Insider, one-time Glenn Beck guy Oliver Darcy (he formerly of Beck’s The Blaze) and BI’s Pamela Engel have headlined "[t]he GOP must do something about the conservative media industrial complex if it wants to survive" in which they write that (brace yourselves) President Obama has correctly diagnosed the problem with the GOP. 

CNN Fail: Now-Fired Brazile Shared More Questions with Clinton Camp

October 31st, 2016 1:12 PM

On Monday, WikiLeaks released its latest batch of hacked e-mails from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta and provided another case of collusion between the campaign and the news media as now-interim DNC chair and recently-axed CNN political commentator Donna Brazile shared additional town hall questions in advance with the Clinton campaign while Clinton was running against socialist Bernie…

NYT, AP Ignore Socialists and Far-Leftists in NYC Climate March

September 21st, 2014 11:46 PM

At Tea Party and conservative events, the press routinely seeks out any shred of evidence of far-right extremism, racism or even uncivil behavior exhibited by attendees. If found, it then tries to portray even one or a few such people out of thousands as somehow typical. Rallies in support of liberals' pet causes get a completely different treatment. The press almost invariably ignores rampant…