Poisonous Lies: NYT Blames Fox News for Man’s Death from Coronavirus

April 20th, 2020 6:11 PM

In the repugnant, never-ending liberal media crusade to not only annihilate but mortally wound Fox News (thus putting thousands out of work), New York Times columnist Ginia Bellafante took the not only false but grotesque plunge in her April 18 column blaming FNC for the April 9 death of 74-year0old Brooklyn bar owner Joe Joyce from the coronavirus.

CNN Bashes FNC as Irresponsible on Virus, But Still Held Public Event

April 6th, 2020 5:16 PM

As the coronavirus pandemic has worsened, CNN has emphasized bleak outcomes, Trump hatefests, and venomous, tiresome Fox News-bashing the cornerstones of their coverage instead of first informing viewers and providing hope. However, one thing that these charlatans have shied away from is their own culpability, including their downplaying of the virus, barely covering it (in favor of…

Brainwashing Future Reporters: Journalism Professors Lash Out at Fox

April 3rd, 2020 10:14 AM

Despite many calls for people across the country to work together in reversing the coronavirus outbreak, several journalism professors have decided to go “against the flow” and criticize the most popular network on cable television. An open letter sent to the heads of the Fox News Channel was signed by 74 teachers and released by Oliver Darcy, a senior media reporter for the liberal CNN…

Stelter's HBO Straw Man: Toxic 'Right-Wing' Liars vs. Heroic Old Media

March 20th, 2020 5:27 PM

Anyone who heard Brian Stelter was producing a documentary on "fake news" for HBO titled After Truth can imagine what they would receive. Anyone watching it finds nothing in it that’s very surprising. Stelter’s employers (current and past) at CNN and The New York Times are the Verifiers of Fact, fighting against a shameless “right-wing” army of misinformation profiteers.

CNN Issued One Sanitized Report About Gillum's Wild Hotel Incident

March 19th, 2020 9:15 PM

CNN political commentator and former Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum saw his political and media career quickly evaporate after being found by police in a Miami Beach hotel room last week with a gay male escort, an apparent overdose, crystal meth, vomiting, incoherence, and much more. Gillum announced he was entering rehab and retiring from public life for a while. CNN issued…

Brian Stelter, Other Reporters Caught Partying With Katie Hill

March 2nd, 2020 10:06 AM

CNN host Brian Stelter and his network go after Fox News, just about every week, claiming their hosts and analysts are cronies working for President Trump. But Stelter has been caught in his own conflict of interest dilemma. The Reliable Sources host, along with two of his reporter colleagues, was seen socializing with disgraced Democrat congresswoman, Katie Hill in New York over the weekend,…


CNN Freaks Over Fox's ‘Appalling’ Claim, Media Making Virus Political

February 28th, 2020 4:28 PM

Just like their cable news peers at MSNBC did this morning, CNN went after certain Fox News personalities on Friday for daring to call out their politicized reporting on the coronavirus. CNN Newsroom host Brooke Baldwin and media reporter Oliver Darcy raged at Fox, claiming they were putting the public in danger by sowing skepticism over their anti-Trump reporting on the coronavirus.

Column: Woe to the Weaponizers of Avenatti

February 19th, 2020 6:43 AM

This ends-justifies-the-means approach to journalism can lead to embarrassing results. The Valentine’s Day conviction of anti-Trump activist and lawyer Michael Avenatti on three charges of extorting Nike seems like a direct result of the media’s feverish desire to force their “first draft” on the country.


CNN: Fox Audience ‘Inoculated’ From Democrat Impeachment Arguments

January 27th, 2020 10:16 AM

CNN is grasping at straws to explain away Americans waning interest in the impeachment trial. On Reliable Sources Sunday, host Brian Stelter and his CNN colleagues Oliver Darcy and John Avlon blamed it on the “Fox firewall” which apparently keeps the right ignorant of Democrat arguments. Besides dismissing conservatives as indoctrinated, the liberal panel also attacked the Trump administration…


SUPERCUT: CNN Rages for Hours About 'Indecent' Slam of Manu Raju

January 17th, 2020 9:45 AM

CNN's overblown outrage on Thursday over Sen. Martha McSally telling its reporter Manu Raju he was a "liberal hack" went on for hours before and after the Wolf Blitzer sermon that Arizona voters are "smarter" than to reward such misbehavior. The huffing and puffing about the senator being "awful," even "indecent." They complained that McSally was using it for political gain. And CNN wasn't…


HILARIOUS: MSNBC Blames Fox News for Lack of Support for Impeachment

December 10th, 2019 7:01 PM

For the liberal national media, an unofficial part of any job title must include attacking Fox News in an either occasional or permanent capacity for all that ills America. The task fell to MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle and Chris Matthews on Tuesday afternoon as the pair blamed FNC for the lack of overwhelming public support for impeaching and removing President Trump from office.


Reid Warns: Don't Dare Approach Pelosi Unless She 'Calls for You'

December 7th, 2019 5:45 PM

Queen Nancy the First? On her Saturday morning MSNBC show, Joy Reid set out on a loud-and-proud feminist jag as she sought to pump up Nancy Pelosi. But the effort backfired. She claimed that impeachment was designed to prevent President Trump from becoming a "king." But she wound up painting an unflattering portrait of Pelosi as a disdainful member of royalty who misuses her power to abuse her…


On CNN, WashPost's Sullivan Calls Liberal Media 'Reality-Based Press'

November 26th, 2019 10:49 AM

CNN’s Brian Stelter devoted the entire opening segment of Reliable Sources to trashing Fox News and right-wing media. His guests all too happily joined in. The Washington Post’s Margaret Sullivan contrasted the right-wing media with the “reality-based” liberal media while multiple members of the panel accused Fox News and conservative media of pushing a narrative sympathetic to President Trump…

CNN Ignores George Conway’s Ugly Fake News Attack on Elise Stefanik

November 18th, 2019 3:54 PM

On Saturday afternoon, Never Trump attorney and liberal cable news darling George Conway leveled sexist attacks at Congresswoman Elise Stefanik (R-NY) on Twitter for being against impeachment and tussling with fellow media favorite and Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA), calling her “lying trash” and sharing a doctored photo of her flipping off a camera. Of course, CNN did nothing to rebut or even…