Politico Poll Finds More Blame Media for Dividing America than Trump

November 1st, 2018 4:13 PM

Earth to Oliver Darcy, Don Lemon, Jim Rutenberg, Steve Schmidt, and Brian Stelter: Call your offices! Despite attempts by Morning Consult and Politico Thursday morning to put a spin on the findings of their latest poll, their poll found that more Americans blame the news media (by an eight-point margin) for dividing the American people than President Trump.

Twitter Bans More Infowars Accounts, But Leaves Farrakhan Alone

October 23rd, 2018 3:18 PM

Anti-semitism gets a free pass on Twitter, but conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and company do not. https://www.thedailybeast.com/alex-jones-and-infowars-are-still-on-twitter-despite-ban?source=articles&via=rssOn October 22, Twitter suspended 18 accounts that were affiliated with conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and Infowars, in a follow up move to the platform’s ban on Alex Jones’ ban on…

Twitter Bows to CNN and Bans Alex Jones Permanently

September 7th, 2018 11:24 AM

In an unsurprising reversal, Twitter decided to ban conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and InfoWars from its platform as of Sept. 6.  

Team Stelter, Axios Scared by 'Tribal News Delivered Via Tribal Pipes'

September 1st, 2018 2:47 PM

Liberals had a "scary thought" when Donald Trump Jr. said he'd love to see Silicon Valley conservatives "start" a new social media platform. Don Jr. said if that were to happen he'd "help promote the platform and be all over that." Mike Allen of Axios confessed that idea scared him, writing, "Imagine tribal news delivered via tribal pipes. And, as one mischievous Trump adviser told us, imagine…


CNN Politicizes Shooting After Fretting GOP 'Politicizing' Tibbetts

August 26th, 2018 6:16 PM

On Sunday afternoon, after word broke that a mass shooting had occurred at a Jacksonville, Florida, gaming tournament, it didn't long for CNN host Fredricka Whitfield to talk up the alleged need for more gun laws in Florida -- in fact, it took just a little over 50 minutes. And it feels like only yesterday that the same CNN host was fretting over Republicans "politicizing" the murder of Mollie…


CNN Frets GOP Using Mollie Tibbetts Murder as 'Political Propaganda'

August 25th, 2018 2:39 PM

On Saturday morning, the same CNN that is notorious for promoting anti-gun propaganda in the immediate aftermath of mass shootings had hosts who repeatedly worried that President Donald Trump and Republicans are inappropriately using the murder of Mollie Tibbetts by an illegal immigrant as "political propaganda."

Twitter Temporarily Suspends Alex Jones

August 15th, 2018 11:58 AM

A little over a week after Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey diverged from other tech giants by stating that Alex Jones would be held to the same standard as every other account, rather than succumbing Twitter succumbing to outside pressure to ban him, Twitter has given Jones a temporary seven-day suspension.  

Tech Companies Move to Ban InfoWars Across Platforms

August 7th, 2018 9:51 AM

In the running war against freedom of speech, tech companies have started to take down extremist content.

Sen. Cruz Defends Alex Jones Against 30-Day Facebook Suspension

July 30th, 2018 12:58 PM

InfoWars founder Alex Jones is currently in the midst of a 30-day Facebook suspension for allegedly violating the site’s rules against “bullying” and “hate speech.” It has even resulted in surprising support from Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas). Jones has said extreme and untrue things, such as falsely asserting that the shooting of six-year-old kids at Sandy Hook was fake.   

CNN Pushes Facebook to Ban InfoWars

July 13th, 2018 1:09 PM

CNN attempted to test the limits of Facebook’s new campaign against fake news by questioning the presence of InfoWars on its site.


Even CNN Condemns Bee’s ‘Disgusting,’ ‘Vulgar’ Attack

May 31st, 2018 12:48 PM

How bad was Samantha Bee’s hateful attack on Ivanka Trump? Even the journalists at CNN condemned it as “disgusting,” “incredibly offensive” and “vulgar.” On Wednesday night, the TBS talk show host spewed sexist venom at Trump, excoriating the “feckless cunt.” 

CNN Media Unit Tries to Turn Jim Acosta's Gaffe Apple Into a Banana

April 26th, 2018 7:34 AM

Curtis Houck ably locked it down yesterday on how absurd it was for CNN White House reporter Jim Acosta to claim he was taken out of context when he said "people around the country" don't understand Donald Trump calling the media (especially CNN) "Fake News" is an "act." Try not to miss the official CNN Media Unit doubling down with Acosta, claiming Fox is taking Acosta out of context. No, it'…

Trump Skips White House Correspondents' Beating Again, WashPost Crabby

April 7th, 2018 11:12 AM

The Washington Post gossips are unhappy that Trump’s second straight rejection of the White House Correspondents dinner is taking all the “buzz” out of the event.

Hysterical: CNN Puppet-Master Zucker Dubs Fox News ‘State-Run TV’

March 22nd, 2018 11:47 PM

Speaking on Thursday at the Financial Times event dubbed FT Future of News conference, CNN president and puppet-master Jeff Zucker ripped the Fox News Channel (FNC) as “state-run TV” and “pure propaganda machine” that “does an incredible disservice to this country” that’s even worse than TASS from the Soviet Union.