
Back to Business: Doocy Duels Psaki Over Illegal Immigration, Ukraine

January 26th, 2022 12:43 PM

Aside from a question by the White House Correspondents Association president, it was back to business Tuesday in the White House Briefing Room a day after President Biden called Fox’s Peter Doocy “a stupid son of a bitch” and then called him to hash it out. Doocy led the way in shifting focus back to the news, battling Press Secretary Jen Psaki over illegal immigration and the crisis at the…


Univision Shows Flash Of Moral Clarity In Covering Biden's 'SOB' Dig

January 25th, 2022 10:14 PM

For a brief moment Univision, the nation's leading Spanish-language network, showed moral clarity by reporting a story unfavorable to Democrats in an unbiased manner. 


Stelter: Doocy Provoked Biden, Fox Worse for American than 'SOB' Chide

January 25th, 2022 5:41 PM

Of course, the liberal hacks and Democratic Party lackeys at CNN thought Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy had earned President Biden’s insult. And that’s exactly the argument CNN’s anti-Fox hatchetman Brian Stelter made on Tuesday’s CNN Newsroom, suggesting Doocy’s question about inflation and the midterms was a “provocation” as he lamented “Biden took the bait.”


Behar Predicts Doocy to Be 'Fired' By Fox for Acting Like the Adult

January 25th, 2022 1:11 PM

Even with Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy being a class act and asking everyone to “move on” from President Biden calling him a “stupid son of bitch,” the cackling coven on ABC’s The View kicked off Tuesday’s show by suggesting Doocy got what was coming to him because he asks “endless stupid questions,” with unhinged co-host Joy Behar predicting Doocy would be “fired…


Tapper: Doocy’s Fox Would Never Defend Me From POTUS Smear (Not True)

January 25th, 2022 1:02 PM

Appearing on Monday’s Jimmy Kimmel Live!, CNN host Jake Tapper falsely claimed to the eponymous ABC host that Peter Doocy’s employer in Fox News “would never come to my defense” if a president called him “a stupid son of a bitch” as President Biden did hours earlier to the Fox White House correspondent.


Nets Forgive Swearing Joe: ‘Not Easy’ Being Prez! Just 'Frustrated!'

January 25th, 2022 12:17 PM

All three networks on Monday night and Tuesday morning offered sympathy for Joe Biden calling Fox News reporter Peter Doocy a “stupid son of a bitch.” CBS explained, as though this were a new discovery now that Democrats are in charge, “it’s not easy being President.” ABC and NBC both stressed that Biden was simply “frustrated” by other reporters asking off-topic questions. 

Editor’s Pick: Blaze on Stelter Dismissing Biden Insult of Doocy

January 25th, 2022 10:50 AM

On Tuesday, TheBlaze Weekend Editor Chris Enloe reported: “After President Joe Biden caused an uproar by calling Fox News reporter Peter Doocy a ‘stupid son of a bitch,’ CNN host Brian Stelter worked overtime to minimize the insulting incident.” Enloe explained that Stetler “went to great pains to emphasize that he does not believe the incident is worth widespread media coverage” and even “…


Class Act: Doocy Says It’s Time to ‘Move On’ After Biden Phone Call

January 25th, 2022 10:09 AM

Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy continued to show on Monday night a level of class, light-heartedness, and professionalism most of the liberal media lack as he shared that President Biden called him “clear the air” after blasting him as “a stupid son of a bitch” earlier in the day. In fact, Doocy insisted told Sean Hannity that, now Biden said it was “nothing personal, pal,” it…


WHOA! Biden Calls Fox’s Peter Doocy ‘A Stupid Son of a B****’

January 24th, 2022 7:20 PM

Early Monday evening, following remarks at the start of a White House Competition Council meeting, President Biden lashed out at Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy as “a stupid son of a bitch” and mocked inflation as “a great asset” to the economy. After the remarks, Doocy joined FNC's The Five and handled it with plenty of class and humor, which were two things that the…

NEW NewsBusters Podcast: More Doocy Time With Biden, PIease

January 21st, 2022 6:52 PM

Biden's second formal press conference of his one-year presidency underlined why he avoids them. In the latest NewsBusters Podcast, managimg editor Curtis Houck -- who monitors many Psaki briefings -- shares just how Biden's questioners did, starting with Peter Doocy getting razzed and called nonsensical by the president. He only asked one question, where other reporters hogged the microphone…


Joy Behar Blames Biden's 'White Privilege' for Trying to Work With GOP

January 20th, 2022 4:47 PM

It’s always fun to watch the left rhetorically eat their own. And that’s exactly what happened during Thursday’s edition of ABC’s The View when co-host Joy Behar’s usual doting praise for President Biden slipped as she blamed his “white privilege” for making him think he could work with Republican (as if he was).


MUST WATCH: Doocy, Rosen & Co. Battle Biden in WILD Press Conference

January 19th, 2022 7:52 PM

In a press conference Wednesday that ran nearly two hours, President Biden faced over 60 questions from 24 different reporters, but it wasn’t a surprise that the most contentious moments and questions that were most probing came from reporters that usually give Press Secretary Jen Psaki a run for her money in Fox’s Peter Doocy, the New York Post’s Steven Nelson, Real Clear Politics’s…


Hunker Down, Jen! Rosen Joins Briefings as Doocy Keeps Bringing Heat

January 14th, 2022 5:07 PM

Longtime journalist James Rosen made his White House briefing debut on Thursday as White House correspondent for Newsmax, so it was no surprise he got right to work grilling National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan on foreign policy and Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Biden being responsible for inflation and vaccinations. Not to be left out, Fox’s Peter Doocy appeared on Friday’s Psaki Show…


NBC Nightly News Spikes Biden Admin's DISASTROUS COVID Testing Flop

January 10th, 2022 10:05 PM

The entire nation struggles from a lack of available COVID tests because of the Biden administration's failure to secure enough of them back in October. Meanwhile, the evening news broadcasts have been perfectly happy to ignore the fact that Biden's recent insurance mandate announced today to cover tests will only lead to further shortages.