
BOOM: Doocy Battles Psaki Over ‘Green Jobs,’ Not Deporting Illegals

February 8th, 2021 4:27 PM

Making his return to the White House Briefing Room on Monday for the first time since January 26, the Fox News Channel’s Peter Doocy sparred Press Secretary Jen Psaki over concerns about laid off energy workers and then a possible Biden administration directive to bar ICE from deporting illegal immigrants for crimes such as DUI and simple assault.


Daily Doocy: FNC Reporter Questions WH on FEMA, Lefty Violence, Trial

January 26th, 2021 11:22 PM

With former National Security Adviser-turned-Domestic Policy Council head Susan Rice appearing at Tuesday’s White House press briefing, the mood was one of ebullience as the liberal press corps felt at home with key allies as Rice and Press Secretary Jen Psaki talked about creating an America based on “equity” to atone for its life of sin. But amidst all the softballs, Fox News White House…


Doocy Presses Biden, Psaki on COVID Hypocrisy, Left-Wing Violence

January 25th, 2021 11:07 PM

With liberal reporters continuing to act as no more than lapdogs for the Biden administration or attack dogs from the left, Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy has continued to separate himself from the pack (as he did during the campaign) by asking tough but respectful questions of Press Secretary Jen Psaki and President Joe Biden himself. On Monday, Doocy did just that with…


Anthony Fauci, White House Press Take Turns Trashing Team Trump

January 22nd, 2021 1:16 AM

During the same Thursday briefing in which he nuked a CNN story about the Biden administration’s coronavirus vaccine distribution efforts, White House chief medical adviser Dr. Tony Fauci and members of the far-left White House press corps shared a laugh as they commiserated about having scrapped by in 2020 as the Trump administration made their lives miserable.


FNC’s Doocy Strays From WH Press Corps, Grills Psaki on Amazon, Masks

January 21st, 2021 10:50 PM

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki returned for a second briefing late Thursday afternoon and, after Dr. Tony Fauci and the press corps had a friendly, laugh-filled chat about the evils of the Trump administration, she took her turn for yet another relatively pressure-free briefing. However, Psaki faced a few exceptions, led by the Fox Business Network’s Blake Burman on the Keystone XL…


Embarrassing: WH Reporters Make the Leap to Lapdogs for Jen Psaki

January 21st, 2021 12:27 AM

On Wednesday night, the White House press corps made their embarrassing debut before White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, going from raging hyenas under Kayleigh McEnany to snoozing lapdogs for Psaki with a combination of boring, straightforward, and unserious questions with only a select few probing queries.


Day 1: NBC Lies About Psaki’s 'Great Reputation,' Omit Edited Video

January 20th, 2021 8:49 PM

The Biden administration was only a few hours old on Wednesday and NBC Nightly News was already trying to gaslight their viewers. As the liberal media were eagerly awaiting the first White House press briefing, chief Washington correspondent Andrea Mitchell spun a false tale about Press Secretary Jen Psaki’s “great reputation” at the State Department. Of course, what they weren’t…


‘One Horse Pony’; Joe Biden Mocks Doocy for Asking About Hunter

December 22nd, 2020 6:11 PM

President-Elect Joe Biden took more softball questions Tuesday afternoon from a subservient liberal media as well as probes from the left. But when it came to a shouted Hunter Biden question from Fox News’s Peter Doocy as he left the stage, Biden insisted news stories about Hunter are Russian disinformation and mocked Doocy as “a one horse pony.”


Annoyed Biden Growls at Fox: 'You Always Ask a Hostile Question'

September 2nd, 2020 3:47 PM

Joe Biden isn’t asked many tough questions. Partly because he doesn’t campaign in person much and actually talk to reporters. But when he finally submitted to a press conference on Wednesday, the Democratic presidential nominee complained about the presence of a Fox reporter, sneering that “you always ask me a hostile question.”


Biden Lies to Fox News About Opposing Raid on Osama bin Laden in 2011

January 4th, 2020 8:46 PM
The latest test of the "independent fact-checkers" just unfolded in a Joe Biden interview with Peter Doocy of Fox News in Dubuque, Iowa. It's cut, and dried. Biden is on record opposing Obama's decision to take out Osama bin Laden in 2011. But now he's claiming he never did. It's an easy "Pants on Fire" for PolitiFact. It's Four Pinocchios for The Washington Post. 

Fox News Discusses Navy Troops Wanting Gun Rights on Bases

December 15th, 2019 10:08 AM
In the past week, in the aftermath of the shooting attack that killed three U.S. Navy sailors on a military base in Pensacola, Florida, Fox News Channel's Fox & Friends show has given substantial attention to the problem of most troops not being allowed to carry weapons on base. In several segments this week, the show highlighted the views of several Navy troops who are speaking out on the…

Nets Skip Joe Biden Being Denied Communion for Abortion Views

October 30th, 2019 11:11 PM
While trying to receive holy communion at South Carolina’s St. Anthony Catholic Church, former Vice President and 2020 hopeful Joe Biden was denied by the church’s reverend, citing Biden’s support for abortion. The liberal media were once floored by Biden’s support for the Hyde Amendment but welcomed his buckle to political pressure and their radical demands. So, it’s no wonder ABC, CBS, and NBC…

Nets Give a Pass to Warren's LIES About Being Fired for Pregnancy

October 8th, 2019 9:28 PM
Massachusetts Senator and 2020 hopeful Elizabeth Warren was no stranger to spreading tall tales about her life, just look at her false claims of being Native American. On Monday, The Washington Free Beacon caught her in another apparent lie. This time it was about allegedly being fired from a teaching gig for being “visibly pregnant”. The broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) were so obsessed…

Noyes to Doocy: Nets Are ‘Creating...Prejudicial Impression’ of Trump

September 18th, 2018 11:05 PM
Appearing on Tuesday’s Fox & Friends to discuss his latest Trump study co-authored with research analyst Bill D’Agostino, the MRC’s Rich Noyes told co-host Steve Doocy that liberal broadcast network journalists have ditched their ability to use “neutral language that reporters used to use with presidents and getting into subjective commentary” that’s “creating this prejudicial impression of…