Peter Slevin

WashPost Slams 'USA Toady' Right Next to a Sugar Barf on Mrs. Obama
October 13th, 2018 10:35 PM
It was a stark contrast at the top of Friday's Style section of The Washington Post. At the far right was a typically harsh anti-Trump piece by media columnist Margaret Sullivan headlined "For Trump, USA Today acts like USA Toady." Really? Right next to that piece was a toadying puff piece on Michelle Obama by Peter Slevin. The subhead was "Michelle Obama steps into the spotlight to promote…
WaPo Fawns Over Lawyer 'Taking Bites Out of [Catholic Church's] A
April 20th, 2010 10:48 AM
Jeff Anderson, a lawyer that has filed over 1,500 lawsuits against the Catholic Church, got a free 1,400-word advertisement in the Washington Post April 19. The supposedly non-opinion article was titled "Jeff Anderson, jousting with the Vatican from a small law office in St. Paul." The reporter, Peter Slevin, cast the Catholic Church as the big, bad wolf and Jeff Anderson - the "Vatican's chief…
Washington Post Profiles Abortion Doctor Helping 'Meet Need' in South
February 26th, 2010 3:48 PM
The Washington Post’s Peter Slevin lauded abortion doctor Carol Ball on Feb. 26, for bravely traveling to perform elective abortions in South Dakota when no doctors in state will. In his glowing tribute “Minnesota Abortion Provider Helps Meet Need in South Dakota,” Slevin not only turned Ball into a hero, but sympathized with her “difficult” situation. “This is a difficult time for Ball and her…
Washington Post's Slevin Furthers Pro-choice Labeling 'TRAP
June 8th, 2009 11:41 AM
Update: A spokeswoman at the Mississippi Department of Health informed NewsBusters she'd "never ever" heard the term "TRAP" used inside the department to describe the state's laws and regulations governing the practice of abortion in the state. Reporting on how pro-life advocates have been fighting state-by-state legislative and regulatory battles to curb abortion, the Washington Post's Peter…
Obama's Other Inaugural Preacher Supports Gay Clergy, Same-sex Marriag
December 19th, 2008 1:13 PM
While the media are fixated on the ire gay activists are directing at the president-elect for selecting Prop 8 proponent Rick Warren to give the invocation at the Obama inaugural, I've noticed little attention given to the fact that the man selected to give the benediction is pretty much the polar opposite of Warren on some key doctrinal matters related to homosexuality.Rev. Joseph Lowery, a…
Washington Post Does a Fluff Piece on Ayers
November 5th, 2008 10:29 AM
Ah, the land of lollipops and unicorns has descended upon us now that the savior has won the election.Perhaps with the safety of the completed election securely behind, Peter Slevin of the Washington Post did a very cutesy article covering the not-so-cutesy terrorist, Bill Ayers.Ayers was gracious enough to come out of the woodwork to offer his viewpoints on the Republicans demonizing him during…
William Ayers' Blog: Reparations for Iraq, Afghanistan; Pull Out of En
April 18th, 2008 6:51 PM
Weather Underground leader turned-academic William Ayers is now so docile that it never really "bothered anyone in Chicago," that Sen. Barack Obama had any connection to him, wrote Chicago Sun-Times reporter Lynn Sweet in the April 18 paper. Along those same lines the Washington Post's Peter Slevin argued that the '60s radical was now "considered so mainstream" in Chicago "that [Mayor Richard]…