
CNN Turns Epstein Scandal into Just Another Trump Admin Scalp

July 14th, 2019 2:30 PM

On Sunday, CNN’s Brian Stelter and Phil Mattingly warped the recent sentencing of child abuser and Democratic mega-donor Jeffrey Epstein into a story about (who else?) Donald Trump. Following the resignation of Labor Secretary Alex Acosta — who had come under scrutiny for a shockingly favorable plea deal he had previously granted Epstein as a federal prosecutor — both Stelter and Mattingly…


CNN's King Compares President Trump to a 'Toddler Who Got Caught'

June 14th, 2019 3:00 PM

During Inside Politics Thursday, host John King and the panel lost their minds about President Trump’s interview with George Stephanopoulos; where he suggested that if a foreign power came to him or someone on his campaign with information about his Democratic opponent, he would advise them to “listen” to the information they offered and “go maybe to the FBI” if something seemed sinister.…


CNN: Pro-Lifers Are Now ‘On the Defensive’ Like Ralph Northam!

May 21st, 2019 4:07 PM

Tuesday afternoon on CNN, Inside Politics and CNN Right Now compared conservatives and Republicans nationwide seeking to advance pro-life legislation to the scandal-ridden Virginia Governor Ralph Northam (D) after he made his comments endorsing infanticide. Their rationale? Well, in both cases, those two sides found themselves “on the defensive.” Yes, really.


Acosta: Shutdown Deal Is ‘Bright, Shiny Object’ to Distract from Stone

January 25th, 2019 1:49 PM

So after the liberal media berated the Trump administration and blamed them for the shutdown, one of media’s chief instigators suggested that a deal to reopen the government is a distraction from the pre-dawn indictment and arrest of Roger Stone? Well, it turns out that’s the logic spinning inside the mind of CNN chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta, who knocked rumors of a deal during…


Boo Hoo: CNN Still Bashing Trump for Iraq Visit, Not Meeting Iraqi PM

December 27th, 2018 4:01 PM

Thursday’s Inside Politics led off with more kvetching about every aspect of President Donald Trump’s surprise visit to U.S. troops in Germany and Iraq, including how he didn’t meet with the Iraqi Prime Minister. Conveniently, they downplayed the positive symbolism of having a president visit troops and footnoted the similarities between Trump and Barack Obama in not meeting face-to-face with…


Great Display: CNN’s Blatant Double Standard for Lying Politicians

July 29th, 2018 10:24 AM

During Sunday’s edition CNN’s Inside Politics, host John King was frustrated with President Trump’s supporters, both in the media and elsewhere, for what he suggested was their double standard on lying politicians. But in doing so, he exposed CNN’s own shifting standards for what they would and wouldn’t hold Democratic leaders accountable for.


GOP Rep. Calls Out CNN: Media 'Likes to Hit Conservatives'

March 30th, 2017 3:53 PM

On Thursday's At This Hour With Kate Bolduan, Virginia Representative Dave Brat called out CNN and the rest of the media. In an interview about last Friday's failure to repeal and replace ObamaCare in the House, the Republican congressman and House Freedom Caucus (HFC) member ruled that "It's always the mainstream media, et cetera, likes to hit conservatives."


CNN Makes Sure to Remind Viewers of Rick Perry 'Oops Moment' from 2011

December 13th, 2016 11:54 PM

After news broke on Tuesday that former Texas Governor Rick Perry would be President-elect Donald Trump's choice to head the Energy Department, CNN anchors made sure to have fun reminding viewers of the infamous "oops moment" from October 2011 when Perry was unable to name during a debate the third department that he wished to eliminate if he were elected President -- which coincidentally was…


CNNers Deflect Reports Clinton Advisor Pushed Anti-Obama Birtherism

September 17th, 2016 9:34 PM

For much of Friday evening, CNN viewers could witness various on-air personalities of the news network put in the awkward position of trying to repeatedly argue that the Hillary Clinton campaign of 2008 had nothing to do with promoting anti-Obama birther conspiracy theories, even while news was breaking that accused close Clinton confidant and advisor Sidney Blumenthal of personally trying to…


CNN Scoffs at Idea Clinton Foundation Could Be Corrupt

June 1st, 2016 12:13 PM

On Wednesday’s CNN Newsroom, host Carol Costello sided with liberal CNN contributor Sally Kohn in rejecting outright the idea that the Clinton Foundation did not give as much money as it claimed to veterans. Costello and Kohn scoffed at the criticism, while Costello acted as if she had never even heard that the foundation faced ethical controversies.


CNN Reporter 'Felt Bad' for Clinton After Bernie's Health Care Move

January 18th, 2016 4:48 PM

On Monday's New Day, CNN's Phil Mattingly revealed his sympathy for Hillary Clinton's campaign. John Berman pointed out how Clinton's rival, Bernie Sanders, unveiled his Medicare-for-all health care plan mere hours before Sunday's Democratic presidential debate on NBC. Mattingly remarked, "I felt bad for the Clinton staffers who had so many great lines written up about his health care plan and…

Holder's Book-Cooking of Mortgage Fraud Enforcement Stats Not News Out

August 12th, 2013 11:04 PM

On Friday, Eric Holder's Department of Justice gave the memory-hole treatment to wildly inflated statistics released last October about the number of cases and the amount of money involved in DOJ's mortgage fraud enforcement efforts. Bloomberg News reporters who had discovered that the original numbers were suspect had been getting stonewalled for months in their efforts to get answers to…

Bloomberg: Dem Corzine Ordered $200 Million Customer Funds Move; AP, U

March 24th, 2012 5:58 PM

An item filed at the Hill on Friday afternoon by Peter Schroeder tells us that Bloomberg News was the first organization to report the latest development relating to former New Jersey Democratic Governor and Senator Jon Corzine. Bloomberg's report, via Phil Mattingly and Silla Brush, reveals that Corzine, who was CEO at the now-bankrupt MF Global Holdings until November, "gave 'direct…