
Tillerson ‘Empowers’ Dictators By Ignoring Mitchell’s Hectoring

March 31st, 2017 4:59 PM
According to former Obama State Department flack (and former Time magazine editor) Richard Stengel, when Secretary of State Rex Tillerson refuses to answer shouted questions from hostile liberal NBC reporter Andrea Mitchell, America’s top diplomat “empowers” authoritarian regimes around the world.  

Morning Joe Hosts Insist Trump Aide Is a Threat to Democracy

February 14th, 2017 11:04 AM
Monday, on Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski discussed White House senior adviser Stephen Miller’s comments concerning the extent of the President’s power. Scarborough immediately got the ball rolling with a line of questioning for the administration, asking why they’d picked Miller to speak, saying: “Why did they have him say undemocratic things? Why did they have him say things…

Former Journalist Says 'Journalist' Hostage Means Little to Iran Deal

November 2nd, 2015 5:11 PM
Monday’s Morning Joe featured a discussion with Richard Stengel, the Undersecretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs. What proceeded was a discussion of the administration for securing the Iran Deal, without any effort to release Journalist Jason Rezaian, or the other three hostages of the government in Iran. Stengel would try to defend the lack of action, by highlighting that…

Former Time Editor Hits Mandela From the Left: Not 'Very Progressive A

December 6th, 2013 4:48 PM
On Friday's CBS This Morning, former Time magazine managing editor Richard Stengel unexpectedly zeroed in on a part of Nelson Mandela's legacy that apparently wasn't sufficiently left wing. Moments after he lionized Mandela as "the George Washington of South Africa", Stengel asserted that "he [Mandela] had not been very progressive about HIV and AIDS when he was president". Veteran 60…

CNN Has Obama Nominee Connect Mandela to Obama -- Without Disclosing H

December 6th, 2013 3:00 PM
On Friday morning CNN hosted Richard Stengel, an Obama administration nominee, to discuss the President's connections to the late Nelson Mandela without disclosing Stengel's pending State Department position. Stengel is the former managing editor of Time magazine and hailed Obama's "eloquent" words: "I thought the President was very eloquent yesterday, talking about what President Mandela…

Before Joining Obama, Time Boss Richard Stengel Forced Staffers Out Wh

November 25th, 2013 2:28 PM
Richard Stengel left the managing-editor job at Time magazine to work full-time at the State Department for his hero Barack Obama. But not long before he left, he was telling staff to accept a severance package or be laid off. Jim McElhatton of The Washington Times reports that these budget cuts “didn't extend to the more than quarter-million-dollar bonus that Time had doled in 2012 out to…

Daily Beast: 'Journalists Don't Retire, They Just Join the Obama Admin

September 13th, 2013 11:44 AM
"These days, journalists don’t retire, they just join the Obama administration," quipped Ben Jacobs of the Daily Beast in his September 13 post, "From Rick Stengel to David Axelrod, All of the President’s Journalists." But rather than see a problem with the liberal media-Democratic administration revolving door, Jacobs's story was decidedly matter-of-fact. Indeed, he portrayed it more as the…

Revolving Door: Top Time Editor Taking State Department Job With John

September 12th, 2013 5:33 PM
Politico and Capital New York are reporting that Time managing editor Richard Stengel is stepping down from his news magazine job to join the Obama administration at the Department of State. It’s not as powerful a job as held by Time’s Strobe Talbott, who became Bill Clinton’s Deputy Secretary of State. It’s the post of Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, "which…

Time Editor Compares Obama to Nelson Mandela

March 28th, 2013 5:08 PM
Legendary South African leader Nelson Mandela is in the hospital today with a lung infection, and MSNBC could not resist using the occasion to compare President Obama to Mr. Mandela. During a discussion with Time managing editor Richard Stengel on her daily program, Andrea Mitchell showed a picture of then-Senator Obama visiting South Africa’s first black president in 2005. Mitchell cooed, “You…

Some Obama Voters Didn't Care About Politics, But Today Show Won't Que

December 19th, 2012 2:42 PM
Although Time magazine revealed that 15 percent of Obama voters didn't even care about politics, NBC's Today show still wouldn't challenge the President's supposed mandate from the public to raise taxes when Time's Richard Stengel was on Wednesday. "And one of the things they found out is that there's about 15 percent of voters who actually don't care about politics," Stengel referred to…

Denial Isn't Just a River in Egypt: Time Magazine Treats New Egyptian

November 29th, 2012 12:48 PM
As we at NewsBusters have noted, the media's coverage of Mohammed Morsi's self-appointment as virtual dictator in Egypt has been dreadful. Surely TIME magazine would be a little more hard-hitting, right? Wrong. Despite having the benefit of three reporters on the byline -- Richard Stengel, Bobby Ghosh and Karl Vick --  none of those men posed a really hard-hitting question and all of them let…

In Wake of Newsweek's Demise, Time Editor Swears: We Won't Be Next

October 18th, 2012 3:55 PM
In the wake of the announcement on Thursday that Newsweek will cease print publication at the end of the year, Time's managing editor appeared on Morning Joe to swear that his magazine won't be next. Co-host Willie Geist quizzed, "But it's still cost effective for you to print this out every week?"  Richard Stengel first admitted "the most expensive single thing" is to physically produce the…

On 'Morning Joe,' TIME's Richard Stengel Compares Radical Islamists to

September 27th, 2012 12:57 PM
Corrected from earlier | Time magazine managing editor Richard Stengel appeared on the September 27 Morning Joe to give viewers a preview of the latest issue of the magazine, the cover story of which is devoted to Mitt Romney's Mormon faith. At the tail end of the segment, teasing other articles in the issue, Stengel plugged Bobby Ghosh's interview with Mohammed Abdel Rahman, the son of Omar…

NewsBusters Mentioned on CNN; Time's Stengel Gives Lame Response to Cr

December 19th, 2011 2:15 PM
Time magazine's editor-in-chief Richard Stengel was asked on Sunday's Reliable Sources to respond to NewsBusters criticizing the inclusion of the Occupy Wall Street movement into Time magazine's "Person of the Year" award, given to "The Protester." In contrast, the Tea Party which helped the Republicans win a landslide election victory in 2010 earned only runner-up status in Time that year.…