CNN's Sanchez Fairly Moderates Debate Over Climate Change

December 3rd, 2009 8:20 PM
[Update, 9:15 pm: Video added below the fold.]CNN anchor Rick Sanchez fairly moderated a debate between glacier photographer James Balog and Marc Morano of on Thursday’s Newsroom about the issue of climate change. Sanchez did not side with either one of the debaters in his questions during the segment, and asked both reasonable questions [audio clip from the segment available…

CNN's Sanchez Retracts His Claim of a 400 Percent Increase in Presiden

December 3rd, 2009 6:53 PM
On August 28, CNN Newsroom anchor Rick Sanchez shared disturbing information with his viewers:A CNN source with very close to the U.S. Secret Service confirmed to me today that threats on the life of the president of the United States have now risen by as much as 400 percent since his inauguration, 400 percent death threats against Barack Obama -- quote -- "in this environment" go far beyond…

CNN's Sanchez Misrepresents Dem Stupak's Amend. as a 'Conservative Rep

November 23rd, 2009 5:47 PM
CNN’s Rick Sanchez misrepresented the pro-life Stupak Amendment to the House Democrats’ health care plan on Monday’s Newsroom. Sanchez labeled the amendment a “conservative Republican challenge of health care reform.” The anchor also gave a false impression of an answer given by RNC Chairman Michael Steele in an earlier interview on American Morning.Sanchez used the misleading label out of the…

CNN Holds Focus Group on Palin...With No Palin Supporters

November 17th, 2009 7:33 PM
CNN's Rick Sanchez hosted a forum of 'average joes' yesterday in a sort of focus group on Sarah Palin. CNN did not feel, however, that it needed to invite any Palin supporters. Despite claims that the group accurately represented American opinion, its responses demonstrated a total disconnect from actual public sentiment.Sanchez, shown right in a file photo, asked the group to inform viewers of…

CNN's Sanchez Cites Liberal Org to Bash Republican, Omits It's Liberal

November 3rd, 2009 8:07 PM
CNN’s Rick Sanchez omitted the left-wing ideology of an organization he cited as he lambasted North Carolina Representative Virginia Foxx on Tuesday’s Newsroom for her recent hyperbolic remarks against ObamaCare. Sanchez referenced a figure from the National Priorities Project, a think tank labeled “progressive” by CNN itself in 2007. He also left out some of the context of Rep. Foxx’s full…

CNN's Brown Points Out Fox and MSNBC's Bias; Ignores Network's Own

October 29th, 2009 12:38 PM
CNN’s Campbell Brown was quick to point out the apparent biases of competitors MSNBC and Fox News during her program on Wednesday, but ignored that of her own network as she tried to portray it as unbiased: “Some of us, like my colleagues here at CNN, are still trying to do journalism....I’m not critical of what my friends at Fox News and MSNBC do, but it is apples and oranges when compared to…

CNN's Sanchez: Public Option 'Could Make Health Insurance More Competi

October 26th, 2009 8:30 PM
CNN's Rick Sanchez often describes his Newsroom segment as a "national conversation."  Increasingly, however, his program primarily consists of Sanchez mouthing current liberal talking points.So it was today, as he excitedly asked viewers:Do you want the public option that could make health insurance more competitive and cheaper, because it's looking like we may get it in some form at this point…

CNN's Sanchez Dissents From Colleagues' PC Treatment of Hotel Owner

October 26th, 2009 6:10 PM
CNN’s Rick Sanchez shocked his colleague Kyra Phillips on Monday’s Newsroom, after agreeing with a New Mexico hotel owner who had asked his Latino employee to use an unaccented version of his name: “My real name is Ricardo Leon Sanchez de Reinaldo. I don’t use it because I want to be respectful of this wonderful country that allowed us as Hispanics to come here, and I think it’s easier if someone…

CNN's Sanchez Blasts America First, Asks Questions Later in Chevron/Ec

October 23rd, 2009 5:12 PM
If MSNBC is the "place for liberal politics," CNN is the place for latent America bashing, especially its corporations. On his Oct. 22 CNN program, Rick Sanchez wore his American guilt like a badge of honor and said he wasn't going to stand for America to look bad because of what a corporation had been accused of doing, in this case Chevron (NYSE:CVX), whether they did it or not. "We do a lot…

Roland Martin Hits Obama From the Left on Executive Pay: 'It's About T

October 21st, 2009 6:06 PM
CNN political analyst Roland Martin ripped President Obama from the left on Wednesday’s Newsroom, after the White House announced that they were going to cut the pay of top executives at corporations which took taxpayer money from the federal government for bailouts: “It’s about damn time. The White House, frankly, has been slow in actually making this happen.”Near the end of the 3 pm Eastern…

Bozell Column: The Censorious Sound on the Left

October 20th, 2009 2:56 PM

Video: CNN's Sanchez Also Hinted Arpaio Was Using Nazi Tactics

October 20th, 2009 10:57 AM
As Mike Bates documented on Monday night, CNN’s Rick Sanchez likened Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio to the segregationist “Bull” Connor during an interview on Monday’s Newsroom: “Like Bull Connor in 1960s, you’re going to sit there and tell the feds, you don’t care what they say, you’re going to do it your way and you're going to do it when you want to do it?” However, earlier in the…

CNN's Sanchez Likens Arpaio to Bull Connor

October 19th, 2009 9:36 PM
On his segment of today's CNN Newsroom, anchor Rick Sanchez went for the hat trick, likening Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio to the infamous Theophilus “Bull” Connor, Birmingham, Alabama’s late segregationist police commissioner who ruthlessly used police attack dogs and fire hoses to thwart 1963 civil rights demonstrators, no fewer than three times.[SEE also Matt Balan's related post, with…

Media Hyped ‘War Crime’ Accusations Against Israel, But Ignored Re

October 17th, 2009 9:31 AM
After months of investigation, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) released a report addressing accusations from some humanitarian groups that its use of white phosphorus (WP) munitions in the Gaza War was a violation of international law, as the report distinguishes between the use of WP as a weapon and the more common non-weapon purposes such as providing smoke screens to conceal troop movements.…