WashPost Reveals It Passed On Alito-Upside Down Flag Story In 2021

May 25th, 2024 2:00 PM

The conservative reaction to the freakout over Justice Samuel Alito’s flags has been to argue that this is a phony scandal ginned up by liberals and journalists (but we repeat ourselves) to delegitimize the Supreme Court. A Saturday report from the Washington Post appears to confirm those beliefs, as Justin Jouvenal and Ann Marimow reported that the Post passed on the story…

Lame! WashPost Feigns Scandal on Gorsuch Speech at Trump Hotel

September 28th, 2017 10:27 PM
In one of the lamest government-ethics stories ever to grace the front page of The Washington Post, Supreme Court reporter Robert Barnes offered an article/attack on new Justice Neil Gorsuch speaking at the University of Louisville alongside Mitch McConnell. The headline was “’Victory Lap’? Gorsuch’s critics cry foul over speeches.” They also forwarded complaints Gorsuch would speak and at the…

Papers Mourn SCOTUS Removing Obama 'Shield for Millions' of Illegals

June 24th, 2016 9:51 PM

Washington Post reporter Robert Barnes reported Friday that a deadlocked Supreme Court handed Obama a huge defeat: “President Obama suffered the biggest legal defeat of his administration Thursday when a deadlocked Supreme Court failed to revive his stalled plan to shield millions of undocumented immigrants from deportation and give them the right to work legally in the United States.” But…

Wash Post Headline: ‘Supreme Court Conservative Dismayed Liberals’

February 14th, 2016 12:57 PM

What was the most important thing for readers of Washington Post to see on the front-page of the paper Sunday morning? A headline focusing directly on the death of Antonin Scalia? No. In bold, large font, the Post declared, “Supreme Court Conservative Dismayed Liberals.” 

WashPost Puts Thumb on Scale for Liberals in Ohio Early Voting Story

September 30th, 2014 5:46 PM
Washington Post Supreme Court correspondent Robert Barnes gave readers of today's Washington Post an imbalanced, biased story regarding the Supreme Court's intervening to permit Ohio to reduce its early voting plan by one week.

WashPost Promotes Gay Marriage in Virginia With 'Aggressively Normal

May 12th, 2014 2:18 PM
The Washington Post is quite explicit: It’s a publicity organ for the gay lobby. They put the fight for gay marriage in Virginia on the front page Monday – and on the front page of the Style section. In about 3,000 words of reporting, there’s not a single social conservative named and quoted in it. There's no debate, only the inevitable and "historic" winners. The Style article was just the…

WashPost Takes McCutcheon Ruling Hard, Whines Heavily on Front Page Ab

April 3rd, 2014 1:35 PM
Matea Gold and Robert Barnes utterly failed this morning as ostensibly objective journalists. In their front-page stories covering yesterday's Supreme Court ruling in McCutcheon v. FEC, the Washington Post staffers front-loaded their stories with melodramatic political language suitable for a left-wing "campaign finance reform" group's press release rather than objective news copy. "An elite…

Supremes Let Little Sisters Have Their Way During Appeal; AP Ridiculou

January 24th, 2014 11:49 PM
On Friday, the Supreme Court issued a one-paragraph order in Little Sisters of the Poor et al v. Sebeluis et al. It told the Sisters that for the case to continue with no enforcement of the Affordable Care Act's contraception mandate, they need only to inform the government in writing "that they are non-profit organizations that hold themselves out as religious and have religious objections to…

Virginia's New Dem Atty. General Does 180 on Same-sex Marriage; WashPo

January 23rd, 2014 4:50 PM
Democrat Mark Herring pulled out a squeaker of a win last fall, narrowly besting Republican Mark Obenshain to become Virginia's attorney general. In October, the Washington Post endorsed Herring, then a state senator, insisting that Herring "would hew to the former Virginia tradition of offering restrained and responsible advice" to the governor and state agencies and by refusing to "[turn] the…

Two-Thirds of Americans Want ObamaCare Gutted by Court; WashPost Hype

April 11th, 2012 11:25 AM
A recent Washington Post/ABC News poll shows that 2/3rds of Americans want at least a part of the ObamaCare overhaul tossed by the Supreme Court when it decides HHS v. Florida in June. Thirty-eight percent of respondents in the poll want the entire law thrown out while 29 percent say just a part of it being thrown out would suffice. Yet rather than lead with these numbers in their story today…

Biased WashPost Headline: 'Justices Throw Out Texas Electoral Maps Fav

January 20th, 2012 3:01 PM
In an unsigned per curiam opinion issued today, the U.S. Supreme Court tossed out a federal judge's revision of Texas's congressional redistricting map, finding that the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas had "substituted its own concept of 'the collective public good' for the Texas Legislature’s determination of which policies serve 'the interests of the citizens of Texas…

WaPo Hails Elena Kagan's 'Bold Rookie Term' -- Bold, As In Liberal

September 26th, 2011 11:20 PM
The Washington Post puffed up the rookie performance of liberal Supreme Court justice Elena Kagan on the front page Monday. The headline was “Kagan made her mark in a bold rookie term.” But inside the paper was the more obvious conclusion, in the headline: “Kagan soothed liberal fears by shoring up the court’s left flank.” Reporter Robert Barnes is one of many liberal reporters who like…

WaPo Presents Perry As Execution-Happy

August 24th, 2011 12:30 PM
"On executions, Perry easily holds the record," blares the top headline on page A3 of today's Washington Post. "Issue likely to be debated in 2012 race," a subheadline to the story notes although nowhere in his 37-paragraph article does reporter Robert Barnes cite polling data that suggest capital punishment is an issue of primary or even secondary concern to likely 2012 presidential voters.

WaPo Court Reporter Hypes Former Reagan Solicitor General Who Thinks O

February 14th, 2011 3:05 PM
ObamaCare's individual mandate is perfectly constitutional, arguments to the contrary are nonsensical "tea party stuff," and Chief Justice John Roberts shouldn't be counted as a solid vote against the health care purchase mandate when the case comes before the Supreme Court. That's the perspective of former Reagan solicitor general Charles Fried. In a February 14 story, Washington Post…